d/x /1//Y/IPl'N'+ 11V EXODUS XXXIV. 22 23 24 2.5 26 27 28 dus 20.9. For this in Exod. 23. I 2. is written, fixe daies thou !halt doe thy workes. ' Verf. 22. obferve to thee] Hebr. doe to thee : mea- ning obferze, ormakholy, celebrate. According to this phrafe,is, to doe the Sabbath day, Ékod. 31.16. Dent. 5. t 5. to doe the Pafover, Dent.' 6. I . Matth. 26. 18. to doetbefeaff fBaothes,Deuter.16.13. and the like. The Greeke tranflateth, ?hou fhalt doe (that is, obferve) to me. of weekes] or, Ovens: a feat (even weekes after the Paffeover,called Pen - tecofi, Lev. 23. 1 5,16. Alts 2. I. it was alfo called harvefl , Exod. 23. 16. revolution] or, dream - volution, circuit ; that is , the return ; as the revolu- tion of the yeere, 2 Ch[on. 24.23. is explained to be the return of it, r King. 2o. 26. when the old yeere endeth, and the new beginneth. This was in the feventh moneth, which we call September: fee the notes on Exod. 23.16. Verf 23. every male of thee] or, all thy male -hind: fee Exod.23.17. Dem. 16.16. Verf. 24. no man] to wit, of thy neighbours or enemies round about thee, fhall have the heart to fee upon thy coats, when all the men are gathe- red before me. Verf.25. not flay)for facrifice, as in Exodus 23. s 8. fee the notes there. facrifice] in Greek,fa- crifìees: meaning of the Pafover, as after is ex- plained. Hence the Hebrews gather their rite of purging Leven out of their houfes, before the Paffeover : theÿ expound it thus : Thou fhalt not flay the Paffeover, whiles Leven yet remaineth. Now the !tiling fthe Pafover, is the fourteenth (of Abib) after midday. Maimony, treat. of Levened andVale- vend bread, chap. 2. tea. I. See more in the notes on Exod.12. verf r5. and verf Io. Verf. 26. firfl] or, begieming of the fruits : fee Exo.23.19. a kid] in Greeke, a lambe in Chal- dee, thou fhalt not Bate flefb with milke : and the Je- rufalemie Thargum addeth, not to boyle nor to eat Alb and milk mixed together. See Exod.2 ;.19. Verf.27. tmaur] Hebrew, the mouth of theft words: which the Chaldee expounds, the fpeecb fthefe words. bane ffricken] or doe firete, that is make: for there precepts were both given before, and now repeated. Verf. 28. be] that is, God wrote, verf. r. ten words] that is ,ten Commandements, which there- fore wee call of the Greeke name , the Decalogue. Ten, is often ufed for many; as, ten times, meant many times , Gen. 31.7. Job 19.3. ten men, Zach. 8.23. and ten women, Lev. 26.26. and ten thoufaude, Heb. I2.22. that is, many : and as other numbers are made of ten, by reduplication; fo all other writings of the Law and Prophets , depend upon there ten words: fo by this number ten, God gave a perfe& and compleat Law. And Words, are ufed for whole fentences, or Commandements: as Paul faith alto , one word, Gal. 5. 14. when het re- hearfeth a Commandement; and that is called the Word ofGod, in Mark 7.13. whichanother cal- leth the Commandement of God, Mat.15.6. Thefe ten words, were according to the pi writing and to the words which were fpoken before, In the day of the Affenebly, Dent. I o. 4. XP,'"" amer,., , e, II /I 144 Verf 29. thane] which the Greeke tranflateth, war glorioùr, and fo the Apokle alleageth it, in 2 Cor. 3. where, by glorie, is meant, Pining bright- nef , as in I Cor. t 5.41. there it one glorie of the Sun, and another glory (that is , brightnefe) of the Mjone, &e.and the Ifraelitescould not behold the face of Mofs, fer the glorie (that is, the brightneffe) f hie countenance , 2 Cor. 3. 7. and the earth was 6ghtned with the glorie of the Angel, Rev. s 8. s. TheChal- dee alfo tranflateth , Mofes knéw not that thebeight- nef of theglorie of bit face was multiplied. The La- tine verfron faith, Mofesface was horned; miftaking the word : for of the Hebrew Karan,which is to _pine, or cart forth glorious beames, the name Ke- ren or Horne is derived : in which fenfe the Latine tranflateth here, and gave occafion unto the ig- norant , to paint Hofer face with two homes like an Oxe,wherby this glorious mykerie bath been obfcured, and turned to a fable. For theglorie of Mofes face, fignified the glorie of the Law which he preached, 2 Cor. 3.7. &c. Verf.30. feared] for Me les his minikration was death and condemnation, I Cor. 3. 7, 9. (becaufe the Law giveth knowledge of fin, and caufeth wrath, Rom. 3.20. and 4. 15.) and therefore the more bright and glorious that it is,the more terrour it ftriketh in all mens hearts there being a weak - neffe and impoffibility in all men, to do the fame, Rom.8.3. For Aaron himfelfe, and all the Rulers were afraid ofMofes, as well as the other people: even as at the firk giving of the Law, Mofes him - felfe, with all the people, were affrighted , and trembled, Exodus 19. Verf. 33. and he put] or, and bee had pits a veille : but the Greeke tranflateth, And when be bad cea'ed (peaking unto them, be put a vede, d' e. that is, after this fink communing with them : when he knew the calife of their feare, he put on a veil (or cove- ring:) w hich fignified the obfcuritie of the Law; whole firk, true, and 'propermeaning and end, could riot eafily be difcerned : alto the darkneffe that is in all mens hearts naturally, till God take away the veil and hardnelfe that is upon them. For Co the Apoftle fpeaketh of a double veil, one outward in the Law, another inward in the heart, 2 Cor.3.r 3,14. &c. And as without a veil the people could not heare Mofees; fo except the Law be veiled, and kath as it were a new face up- on it, the natural] man cannot indure the glorie of it : fo terrible it is to the confcience of fir ners. R. Menachem her obferveth how the for- mer Ancients of Ifroeel,at the reading of the book of the Law, covered their faces,and fail; he that hearetb from the mouth of the Reader , it sr he that bearetb from the mouth ofMofes. Verf34.rooke off the zed] whereof there was no ufe in the fight of God; whodoth not only know himfelfe the ufe and end of his Law; but fheweth the fame alfo to others; which was likewife here figured ; for when men (hall be turned to the Lord, the veille fleall le taken away, 2 Cor. 3. r 6. Ver1:35. put the veil againeon] hereby fignifying the continuali glorie of his minikery, & infirmi tie of the people,till both of them be done away. Which 29 30 33 34 35