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The Sabbath. EXODLIS XXX V, Offrings for the Sarrc...i-5 3 3 4 6 7 8 9 IO II Ia 13 Which is accomplilhed by the.Gofpel , the mini - firationof the Spirit, and of righteouf to ee, which ex- ceeds in glory , Co that MOP miuilterie hath no glory. in this refill: for Chrifl taketh away the veil, Co that wee may both itedfaitly looke to the end of the Law,which is abolifhed; and ail of us with unveiled face, beholding as in a glaflè the glory of the Lord , are changed into the fame image from glory to glory, even as by theSpirit of the Lord, zCor. 3. 8,-18. Oe, P 0 0 tiá . nv,.a re.e+!.? era 3`nß .. cJfi'fFÑL YfÁL c ac > line CHAP. XXXV. r Mons commanded, the people , from the .Lord, to kgepe the Sabbath; q., to bring willing fihings of gold, filter, brafe and otherfuffe fir the Tabesnaele andfnrniture thereof zo, The people goe, and bring vvoluntarie gifts. 22, Men and women bring their le- n'eh ant/ ornaments, and other feee, filch at they had. 25, The wife women fßin the fluff. 27,Tbe Rulers bring precioue fovea, and f(iees. 30, Sezeleel and Abaliab, are floored to be the men whom God bad f lled with hit Spirit and Wifidome to doe the worke of the Saniluarie. ANd Mofes gathered- together, all the Congregation of the fonnes of If- rael, and faid unto them : There 'are the words, which Jehovah hath comman- ded, to doe them. Sixe daies, lhall worke be done; but on the feventh day, there Mall be to you holineffe;a Sabbath offabbarifine to Jehovah : whofoever doch any worke therin, (hall be put-to-death. Ye fhall kindle no fire, in any of your habitations upon the Sabbath day. And Mofes faid, unto all the Congrega- tion of the fonnes of Ifrael, faying : This is the thing, which Jehovah hath commanded, faying : Take yee fromamongft you an of. fring, unto Jehovah ; whofoever is willing in his heart, let him bring it,theoffring ofJe- hovah: gold,and filver,&braffe. And blew, and purple, and fcarlet, and fine linnen, and Goats haire. And Rams skins dyed-red,and Tachafh skins,and Shittim wood. And oile, for the Light : and fpices, for the anointing oile,and for the incenfe offweet- fpices.And Beryl foones,& filling flones,forthe Ephod, and for the Brefiplate.And everywife hear- ted among you,fhall come and make ail that Jehovah bath commanded.The Tabernacle, the tent thereof, and the covering thereof: the taches thereof, and the boards thereof; the bars thereof, the pillars thereof, and the fockets thereof. The arke,and the bars ther= of, the Covering-mercie-feat; and the veile of the covering. The Table, and the barres thereof: and all the veffels thereof: and the fhew- bread. And the Candlefticke for the , s 1. Light,and the veffelsthereof,anci the lamps thereof: and the oile forthe Light. And the Altar of incenfe, and the barstherof,and the anointing oile , and the incenfe of fweet fpi_ ces : and the hanging.veile of the doore,for the doore of the Tabernacle. The Altar of 16 Burnt - offring, and the.grate ofbraffe which is for it; the bars thereof, and all the veffèls thereof : the Laver , and the foot thereof. The. Tapeffry hangings of the Court, the 17 pillars thereof, and the Pockets thereof: and the hanging-veile, of the gate ofthe Court. The pinnes of the Tabernrcle, and the pins 18 of the Court and their coards. The gar- 19 ments of minifterie, to minifter in the holy - place : the garments ofholineffe, for Aaron the Prieft, and the garments of his fonnes, to minifter -in- the -Prieras-office. And all 20 the Congregation of the fonnes of Ifrael departed , from the pretence of Mares. And they came,. every man whole heart 21 furred him up , and every one whole fpirit made him willing ; they brought the offring Of Jehovah , for the worke of the Tent of the Congregation and for all the fervice thereof, and for the garments of poli - nulle: And they came; the men with the women, every -one that was willing hearted , they brought Bracelets , and Eare- rings, and Rings, and Tablets, all Jewels of gold; and every man thkt offered, offredanoffringof gold unto Jehovah. And everyman with whom was found blew, and purple, and fcarlet, and fine - linnen, and Goats haire: and Rammes skinnes dyed red, and Ta- chafh skinnes, brought them, Every one that offred an offring of filver and of braffe; they brought the offring ofjehovah and every one with whom was found Shittim wood, fol. any worke of the fervice brought it. And every woman that was wife hear- ted, did fpinne with her hands: and they brought the fpun- worke, the blew, and the purple , and the leaflet, and the fine -lin- nen. And all the women evhofe heart (fir- red them up, in wifdome, fpinne Goats haire. And the Rulers brought Beryll (tones, and filling {tones, for the Ephod, and for the Bre{tplate. And fpice, and oile, for the Light, and for the anointing ode, and for the incenfe Of fweer- fpices. E- very man, and woman whole heart mide them willing ; ro bring for all the worke, which Jehovah had commanded, to make, N n by 15 22 23 24 25- z6 27 a8 t9