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19-$ The Workmen. EXODUS XXXV. 3b 31 32 33 34 35 by the hand of Mofes: the fonnes of Ifrael brought, a willing.ofring, unto Jehovah. A nd Mofes faid,unto the Cones of Ifrael, See, Jehovah bath called by name,Bezaleel, the fonne of Vri, the fonne of Hur, of the tribe of Judah. And he hath filled him,with the Spirit of God ; in wifdome, in under - flanding , and in knowledge , and in all workmanfhip. And to devife cunning - worke to worke in gold and in frlver, and in braffe. And in ingraving of (tone, to fill; and in carving of wood : to worke in all cunning workes. And hee bath given into his heart , for to teach : he and Aholiab the bonne of Ahifamach, of the Tribe of Dan. He hath filled themwith wifdome of heart; to make all -worke of the ingraver, and of the cltnning.workman, and of the embroi- derer, in blew, and in purple; in fcárlet, andin fine.linnen , and o f the weaver : even of them that doe any worke ; and that de- vife cunning workes. Annotations. HEre beginneth the 22. SeEtion of theLaw. See Gen.6.9. and 28.1o. 2 Verf.2. holinet] that is, a day ofholinet: or, an holy day, and figne of holineffe from the Lord. See Exod.31. 13,14. &c. offabbathifine] that is,of riff : fee Exod. 16. 23. and 31.15. any worke] to wit, of his owne works, waies,prwords, Exo. 20.9. Efay 58.13. to except the works comman- ded of God, as circumcifion, offring of facrifice, and the like, Joh.7.22, 23. Mat. 12.5. and works of neceffttie, and of mercie towards man or bealt, Mat. 12.7,11, 12. See the Annotations on Exo- dus 20. 8. &c. Verf. 3. kindle no fire] either for to doe worke 3 with ; or, to dreffe meat (for that was unlawfull on the Sabbath, though lawful' on other full daies, Exo.12.16.) or, or to punifh malefabtors : as the Hebrew DoEtors fay, Punifhments may not be infiilled on the Sabbath :. though it be commanded to punifh malefablors, yet may it not be done on the Sab- bath. As when one is condemned by the Indges, to firipes, or unto death, he may not be beaten or pus to death on the Sabbath : for it it written ,T ee _pall kindle no fire, &e. that ie a warning to Judges, that they burnt not on the Sabbatb,bim that is eondemned to be burnt; and the like is for ether punifhmcros. Maimony , treat, of the Sabbath, chap. 24. feit.7. The like order they take againft 'aging of caufes of the Sabbath, Ibidem, chap.23. fett.14. Verf. 5. in offring] or, an heave- string: in Greek, , and Chaldee , a fepgation; a gift feparatedunto God, from their other goods. See thenotes on Exod. 25: 2. 6 Verf..6. blew] in Greek,Hyaritnb: fee Exo. 25.4 Verf. 7. Shittim] in Greeke, inrorrtrptible wood: fee Exod. 25.5. Verf.8. oile] of the olive : fee Exod. 27.2o. anointing] or oile ofuntlion : whereof fee Exod. 30. 23. &c. iucenfe of fweet Fitts] in Greeke, compo- fition efincenfe : fee Exod.3o.34. &c. Verf 9. filling] to be let in golden ouches; Heh. fienes offillings : fee Exod.2 5.7. & 28.17,20. Veri a1.Tabernacle]or, Habitacle : whereof fee Exod. 26. barres]cr barre ; meaning all and e- very one. See the notes on Exod. 32.19. So in Exod. 339.33. Vert.' z. Arke] or Coffer, wherein theTables of the Law were put : fee Exod.25. i o. In Greek,tbe .Ake of the Teflimonie. of the Covering] the veile that hid the nroft holyplace; whereof fee Exod. 26.3 t. &c. So after in Exod. 39.34. The Greeke tranflateth it onely, the veile. VerC s 3. Table] defcribed inExod. 25.23. &C. Shew bread] in the Greeke, bread ofpropof:tion. See Exod. 25.30. Verf. 14. for the Light] or , Candleflicke of Light : that is ;the fhining Candleftick,whofe lamps gave light alwaies. So, flarres oft ght, Pfal. t48.3. that is, lhining ftarres. Verf.15. Altar] the golden Altar: whereof fee Exo. 3o. 1. &c. banging- veil]feeExod.26,36. Verf. r 6. Afar] the brazenAltar : whereof fee Exod.27.1. &e. tbefoot] or, thesafe : feeEsto. dus 3o. 18: Verf 17. Tapeiry- heings] fee Exo.27.9. &c. Verf. 19. ofmimficric]orof fervice: fee Exodus 31. lo. far Aaron] defcribed in Exod. 28. This was the fumme of Mofes Sermon to the peo- ple at this alfembly: wherin he taught them both what gifts to bring, and What holy things were to be made for the fervice of God; as he had been before commanded, Exod. 25. &c. Verf.21.1iirreca or lifted him up,to doe it cheer- fully ; and 'Co made him willing, as the Chaldee tranflateth it. Vcrf. 22. bracelets] or, rhaises, or hooker; the Greek tranlateth, feaki.Compare this with their fail before,in Exo. 32. where they gave their Je- wels to make an Idoll. ored]Hebrew, waved, becaufe they were heaved up and waved, when they were given to the Lord; and is ther£ore cal- led a wave oiling, Exod.38.24. Verf. 24. warfovnd]If there bebrfiawilling mind,it is accepted according to that a man bath & not according to that he hath not, 2 Cor.8.t2: Verf. z5. did_pin] of the vertuous woman it is _aid, She layeth ber hand to the ftindle,and her bands bold the diflaffe, Prov.3s. 19. So for the building of Gods tpirituall Tabernacle , there were women that laboured in the Gof)el, Phil. 4.3. that laboured much in the Lord, Rom. I 6.3,6,12. Contrary were they that wove hangings for theGrove, 2 Kin.23.7. V.29. willing sff ring] or, zoluntaryg. So ought all things that wee give unto God, or for his fake be freely given, as every man purpofetb in bio heart; nos sfgriefe, or of nereff:tic; for GA lozeth a chearfullgiver,2 Cor.9.7. Cc.mpareherewith, the offrings of David , and the Princes and people of Ifrael, 7 8 9 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 II 22 24 25 29