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The worke begun. EXODUS X Ifrael , towards the building of Gods Temple, which can fed great joy in men, and thankes unto God, 1 Chron.; Io.8u. 30 Verf30. Bezaleel] of whom fee Exod 31.2. &c. He was for Mofes Tabernacle,as Hiram fer Solo nions Temple, t King.7. t 3.1 4. as Paul and the o- ther Apoltles for the Temple of Chrifs Church, I Cor.3. t o. But the Tabernacle of Chrilts natu- rall body,wasgre.ster and more per/èhl ;not made with hands, that is, not of thisbuilding, Heb.9.1 I.& 1 0.20. the Workentalter thereof, was the holy Ghoft felfe, L10443465. 31 Verf I. Spirit of God] inGreeke, a divine Spirit of wifedome. See EXOd.31.3. 34 Verf.34. Alsoliab] in Greek; Eliab. See Exod. 31.6. VerC35. tooting work-man] who wrought both fides alike: whereas the embroiderer wrought cu- rioufly but the one fide : lee the notes on Exod. 26.1. of theweaver] which the Chaldeeex- poundeth weaving underttanding by the weaver, the weavers worke : as elfewhere the Scripture ufeth Spirits for the gifts of the Spirit, t Cor. 14. 12.32. that devife] in Chaldee, that teach tun- reing (or arti ctall)reor kes.By thefe were figured the varieties of graces, which were abundantly to be feene in the firlt building of ChriEs Church,after that men had received the Spirit of God, by the preaching of the Gofpell from the mouches of the matter worke men,the Apoftles, r Cor. 1.5.7. and 0.11. Ga1.3.2,g. Affs 19.4.6. 35 I 2 3 4 CRAP. XXXVI. r, The offiing: are delivered to the workmen. f , The people bringing more then enough for the work, arerefirained, 8, The making of the embroidered cur- taines with Cherubim:; 14, The curtaines of goats' Lyre. 19 , The covering: of Ramsakìnner andTa- ehafb skinner. a o The board:, with theirfoeket:. 31, The barres. 3,'T he Vrik. 37, T he hanging for the doore. THen did Bezaleel, and Aholiab, and every wife hearted man; they to whom Iehovah gavewifcdome and underftanding,to know to doe,all the worke for the fervice of the SanEtuary: according to all, that Iehovah hadcommanded. And Mofes called Bezaleel, and Aholiab; and every wife hearted man, in whole heart Ie- hovah had given wifedome : even everyone whofe heart ftirred him up; to come -neere unto theworke, to doe it. And they Cooke from before Mofes,all the offringwhich the Tonne; of Ifrael had brought, for the worke of the fervice of the Sanctuary, to maki it : and they , brought yet unto him, a willing - offring every morning. And all the wife XXVI. Trie curtauìes. men that made all the worke of the SanEtua- ary, came;every man from his worke which they made. And they Paid unto Moles, fay - ing; The people bring much ; more then e- nough for the fervice of the worke , which Iehovah commanded to make. And Mofes commanded ; and they caufed a voice to paffe throughout the campe , laying; Let neither man nor woman , make any -more worke, for the offring of the SanEtuary: and the people were reftrained , from bringing. And the worke was enough for them, for all the work to make the fame:& to be overplus Then made they,even every wife hearted among them that did theworke; the Taber- nacle, of ten curaines: of fine- linnentwi- ned, and blew, and purple,and fcarlet ; with Cherubims , the worke of a cunning work- man, made he thetrt. The length of one cur- raine, roar eight and twenty cubits ; and the bredth , foure cubits, of one curtaine : one meafure was for all the curtaines. And bee coupled - together five curtaines, one to ano- ther:and five curtaines he coupled - together, one to another. And hee made loops of blew; upon the edge of the one curtaine, from the felvedge, in the coupling: likewife hemade in the umoft edge of the curtaine, in the fecond coupling. Fifty loopes, made hee, in the one curtaine; and fifty loopes, made hee , in the felvedge of the curraine, which was lathe fecondcoupling, the loops being one right over again ft another. And he made fifty taches of gold : and coupled - to- gether the curtaines, one to anóther,with the caches ; and it was one Tabernacle. And bee made curtaines of Goatshayre, for a Tent , over the Tabernacle : eleven curtaines, he made them. The length of one canine, was thitty cubits ; and fourecubits the bredth of one curtaine: one meafure;. was for theeleven curtaines. And hee chu pled- together five curtaines bythemfelves : and fixecurtaines, by themfelves. And hee made fifty loopes, on the edge of the (one) curtaine , the outmoft in the coupling : and fifty loopes, made bee, on the edge of the curtaine, of the fecond coupling. And bee made, fifty taches ofbraffe : to couple-toge- ther the Tent, for to be one. And he made a covering, for the Tent; of Rammes skins dyed -red: and a covering of Tachafh skins above. And hemade boards for the Taber- nacle : of Shittim wood, ftanding-up. 'Ten cubits was the length of a board : and a cubit and halfe a cubit, the bredth of one board. N n a Two 147 5 6 7 8 9 Io II I2 13 14 15 16 17 r8 19 20 2I