AV' /l/%/OdfIIJ;H_l',IV1itlfRI/ 148 The Veilee EXODUS XXXVI. 22 Two Tenons , for one board ; let in order, one againft another : fo did he make for all 23 the boards of the Tabernacle. And he made the boards for the Tabernacle : twenty 24 boards for the South fide, fourhward. And forty fockets of filver, hee made, under the twenty boards : two fockets under one board,for his two tenons; & two fockets un- z5 der another board, for his two tenons. And for the fecond fide of the Tabernacle, on 26 the North-fide:he made twenty boards.And theft forty fockets of filver : two fockets under one board; and two focketsunder a- 27 nother board. And for the fides of the Ta- bernacle, feaward: hee made fixe boards. a'8 Andtwo boards made he,for the corners of 29 the Tabernacle : in the two fides. And they wereequally joyned beneath ; and like wile they were perfeEtly-joyned , atthe head of ir, unto one ring : fo did bee for them both ; 3o for the two corners. And they were eight boards; and-theirfockets of filver;fixreene fockets :two fockets two fockets, under one 31 board. And he made bars of Shittim wood : five, for the boards of the one fide of the Tabernacle. And five bars for the boards of the fecond fide of the Tabernacle : and five bars , for the boards of the Tabernacle, 33 for the two fides Seaward. And hee made the middlebar; to reach, in the midft of the 34 boards, from end to end. And he overlaied the boards with gold, &made their rings, of gold , places for the bars : and overlaid the 35 bars with gold. And hee made a veile ; of blew, and purple, & fearler, and fine - linnen twined: the worke of a cunning-workman, 36 made he it, with Cherubims. Andhe made thereunto,foure pillars of Shittim, &.over- laidthem with gold;their hooks mere of gold: and -he calf for them, foure fockets of hiver. 37 And he made an hanging.veile, for the door of the Tent of blew, and purpla,and fear- let, and fine- linnen;wined : the worke of 38 the embroiderer. And the five pillars it, and their hookes; and bee overlayd their chapiters, and their fillets with gold : and their five fockets were of braffe. 32 I t AnaotetiSfS. Pr Hen did]or,T benmade Bezaleel,t3°c. that is,be- gan to doe, or to worke. Some referee this to the end of the former Chapter, and tranflate, And Bezalcel fhaLl doe,& e.which interpretation the Hebrew well beareth. But the Greeke tranflateth, And Befeleel did. Verf: 2. And Myer] or, For Mofer law I calk d. As they had gifts ofwifèdome fromGod,fo were they alfo to have a calling unto the worke: as Aa- ron had unto the priefthood, Lev.8. Heb.5.4. Verf: 3. they tooke from before Mafia] fo the Chal- dee allotranflates it : the Greeke , they received of Mops. every morning] Hche. in the morning in the morning. So in v. 4. man man that is, everyman. This noteth their zeale and diligence : for fo the morning often fighifieth,Pfal.5.4. and t 01.8. Era. 50,4. Ier.21.12. Verf.4. wife] that is, algid/ men. in this fente Paul uleth the word wife, in i. Cor.3 1o. from hie worke] or, as the Greeketranflateth, according to hit worke for fo the Hebrew phrafc fometime hg- nifieth, as in Ezek.7.27. Verf.6. a yoke] that is, aproclamation: theChal- dee faith, a crier ; and the Greeke, be eryedror pro- claimed.) make any more worke] that is , make ready any more fluffeto worke with. So in the verte following. Verf7. the workte]that is, the jinffe for the work: as verl6. to be overpltu] er, to remain over : that is , too much. Thus thepeople (hewed their ready obedience unto the part of that Law, which con- fined in outward ordinances of fervice and for the making of a worldly Santheary, (as the Apoftle cafleth ir, Heb.9 t.) wheteas in the former Law, which God had himfelfe fpoken front heaven, they had !lowed their headfirong difobedience. Exodus 32. Verf.8. the 7'ahernaele Joe Habitaa4: fee the notes on Exod.z6.t. &e. This is frit made (though in the commanding of thefe things, theArke, Ta- ble, and Candleftick were firft mentioned, Exod. 25.) becaufe it was to receive and containe thofe holy things,whichmight not nandwithout their Tent or Habitatidn,s.Chro. t 5.1. and r 6.1. Verf. 9. cubits] or or by the cubit, which is a foot and an halte; fee Exod.26.2. Verf, t 0. to another] Hebr, to one, meaning to the fellow of it, called the filler, in Exod.26.3. Verf. t r . edge] Hebr. lip, fo Exod. z 6.4. Verf.I 2. being oneright -over] or receiving one te ano- ther : the Greeke hath, oppefrte one to another i fee Exod.26.5. Verf 57. one certaine] the word one (fupplyed alto in the Greeke) is expreffed in Exod.26.1c. Verf. S.for to be] or,that it might be : the Greeke faith, and it was one. See Exod.26.1r. Verf.20. boards] inGreeke, the pillars of the T a- bernacle. See Exod.26.15. &c. Verf.27. Seaward] the Greeke interpreteth, tie part toward the Sea, that is, as the Chaldee tranfla- teth, the Weff: foExod.26.z2. Verf. 29. equally joyned] or, joined - at -two - twins: Ice Exod.26.24. Verf. 30. under one] or under every board; which the Greeke explaineth thus, two fockets for one pillar, and moo fockets for another pillar; and fo theHebrew was, in Exod.26.z5. Verf.3 z. of the Tabernac.'e] in Exod.z6.27. it is of the fide cf the Tabernacle ; and fo the Greeke bete faith, of the kacitefzde of the Tabernacle. Verf. 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 ao II I2 17 1s 20 27 29 3° 32