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The Arke macle. É x onus XX>(V í I. The Table, 149 which were on the fouie feet thereof. Over- 14 35 Vert 35. dinning workrhan] in Greeke , woverr worke. It meaneth woven both (ides alike, fee Ex- od.26.3 r. 37 Vert. 37. embroiderer] or, weaver with 6,11'd-work , Sec Exod.26.36. 3S Verf.3 8, their rhapite ,..r]Hab. their heads,ortops. In Exod.26.37, it was commanded to orerlay them, having fpoken of the pillars. fillets] or, loops, fee Exod.27. r o. .;ver *.,c.6*; r ^,,.r31ca3ae ns:i7da'S COLS. C HAP. XXXVII. r, The making of the Arke, 6 ., and the Covering - mercie -fat with Cherubims. ro, 7heT able, with the vefiels thereof. 17, The Candlefl irbo, with the lamps and infirmants thereof. 25, The Altar ofincenfe. 29, The asointing orle, and fweet incenf e. AN D Bezaleel made the. Arke of Shittim wood, two cubits, and a halfe was the length thereof,ánd a cubit and a halfe,thebredth thereof; and a cubit and 2 a halfe, the height thereof. And he overlaid it with pure gold, within and without: and made for it acrowne of gold round about. 3 And hee cart for it, foure rings of gold , in the foute corners. thereof; and two rings, were in the one fide of it; and two rings, 4 in the fecond fide of it. And hemade bars of Shittim wood : & overlaid them with gold. 5 And hee put the bars into the rings,. by the 6 fides of the Arke,to bear the Arke. And he made the Covering-mercy-feat of. pure gold : two cubits and a halfe wac the length thereof; and a cubit and a halfe the bredth 7 thereof. And hee made two Cherubims of gold;of beaten- worke,madc he them,at the 8 two ends of the Covering-mercy- feat.One Cherub on the end on this ¡de; one Che - rub on the end on thatfde,ofthe Covering - mercy-feat, made hee thetwo Cherubims, 9 on the two ends thereof. And the Cheru- bims, firetched-forth the wings on high;co- vering with their wings,overthe Covering mercy.feat; and their faces were one to ano- ther : towards the Covering-mercy -feat were the faces of the Cherubims. Io And he made the Table of Shittim wood: two cubits was the length ehereof,and a Cu- bit the bredth thereof; & a cubit and a halfe I I the height thereof. And he overlaid it with pure gold, and made thereunto a crowne of I2 gold round about. And he made unt itabor- der of an hand- bredeh round about: and made a crown of gold, to the border therof r 3 round about. And he ca(} for it foure rings of gold : and put the rings in the fourecorners, agamll the border, were the rings : the pa- ces for the barres to beare the Table. And 15 he made the barres of Shittim wood, and o- verlaid them with gold; to beare the Table. And he made the ve:fels,which were for the Tableithe dif les thereof and the cups there- of, and the bowies thereof, and the covers which were to cover withal!, of pure gold. And hee made the Candled ickeof pure gold,ofbeaten.worke made he the Candle - íticke,hislhaftand hisbranch,his bowler, his knops,and his flowers,wcre of the fame. And fix branches comrnfngout of the fides of it: three branches of the Candle(fíck our of the one fide of it; and three branches of the Candlefticke, out of the feco -id of it. Three bowles made-hkc- almonds, in one branch,aknopand a fio,vre; three bowies made -like- almonds, in the other branch, a knop and a flowre : fo in the fix branches, thatcame -out of the candleftick. A nd in the Candleftick were foure bowies : made-like- almonds, his knot's and his flowers. And a knop under two branches of the Tam:; and a knopunder two branches ofthe fame, and a knop under two branches of the fame,to the fixe branches that came -out of it. Their 22 knops,and their branches,were of the fame: all of it, was one beaten work,of pure gold. And he made thefeven lamps thereof;& the tongs thereof,and the fnuff di(hes ehereo f,of puregold. of atalent of puregoid,+nade he it : and all the veffels thereof. And he made the Altar o f incen fe,of S tim wood :.a Cubit was the length thereof, and a cubit the bredeh thereo f foure fidare: and two cubits the height therof; the bornes thereof were ofthe fame. And he over.laid 26 it with pure gold; the roofethereof, and the wals thereof roundabout, and the homes thereof: & he made unto it,acrown of gold, round about. And two rings of gold made hee to it, under the crowne thereof, by the two ribs thereof, upon the two fides-of it, for places for the bars, ro withall. And hee made thé bars of Shittim wood :and 28 overlaid them,with gold: And he made the I z9 oyle of holy anointing; and the pure in centre of fweet- fpices: the worke of the Apothe- cary. 16 I7 18 19 20 2I 23 25 27 vlirnotatiáns. A RKF.] or, Cofferi whereof fee Exodus 25: ro. &c. N n 3 Verf. t s