5o But nt,offring Altar, EXODUS XXXV1hI. Laver and Court. 6 Verf6.Cozering- mere -foot] or, Propiliauorie.See 1 the wsmexaffembling-by-troopes,whichaf- lembled-by- troops,ar the doore ofthe Tent of the congregation. And hemade the Court,for the Southfide 9 fouth -ward ; the tapeftrie-hangings of the court,wereoffine- linen ttvined;an hundred, cubits.Their pillars twentie; & their fockets ro twentie, of braffe : the hookes of the pillars and their fillets of filver. And for the North II frde,an hundred cubits; their pillars twenty, and their fockets twenty of braffe: the hooks of the pillars,and their fillets,of filver. And 12 on the Sea fide, tapeftrie hangings, of fiftie cubits;their pillars ten,and their fockets ten: the hooks of thepillars,and their fillets.pffil- ver. And on the Eaff fide eaflward,fiftie cu- 13 bits.The tapefirie hangings offifteen cubits, 14 for the fide: their pillars three,and their foc- kets three. And for the fecond fide, on this 15 handand on that, for the gate of the Court: tapefirie-hangings, of filteene cubits; their pillars three,and their fockets three. All the 16 tapeftry hangings of the court round - about, were of fine linnen twined. And the fockets 17 for the pillars, were of braffe, the hooks of the pillars,and their fillets offilver,& the o- verlaying of their chapiters of film :8e they were Rated with filver,allthe pillars of the Court.And the hanging- veilefor the gate of 18 the Court, wad the worke of the Embroide- rer,of blew, and purple,and fcarlet, and fine linnen twined : and twentie cubits win the length; and the height in the bredxh,five cu- bits, anfwerable to the tapeftrie- hangings of the Court. And their pillars were foure, and 19 their fockets foure, of braire : their hooks of f Iver, and the overlaying oftheir chapiters, and their fillets offilver. And all the pins of 20 the Tabernacle, and of the Court round- about, were of braffr. to po Thefe are the counted- things of the Ta- 21 bernacle, of the Tabernacle of teftimony,as it was counted by the mouth of Mofes, for the fervice of the Levites, by the hand of I- thamar,'fon of Aaron the Prieft. And Reza. -22 led, the fonne of Vri, the fon of Idur, of the tribe of Judah, madeall that Jehovahcom- manded Moles. And with him,Aholiab fon 23 ofAhifamach,of the tribe ofDan, an engra- ver & a cunning - workman: and an Embroi- derer,in blew and-in purple,& infcarlet,and in fine.linnen. Al thegold that was occupied 24 for the work,in all thework of theSan 2isa- rie: even thegold of the offring,war nineand twenty talents , and fevers hundred &thirty fhekels,_ Exod. 2 5. I 7. &c. S Verf. 8. en the end] or, out of the end So after. 9 Verf. 9. firetched3 Hebrew, were flretching, (or fpreading.) So Exod. 25.20. 16 Verf. 16. difhes] or, chargers : fee the notes on Exod. 25. 29. 17 Verf. 17. beaten worlc] out of one whole peeve. See Exod. 25. 31. &c. 21 VerG 21. that came out °fit] namely, of the Can- dleflicke, as Exod.25.35. a5 Vcrfe 25. of incenf] or, of perfume. See the notes on Exod. 30. t. &C. 26 Verle 26. roofe] or, top, Exod. 30.3. 29 Verf. 29. holy anointing] Hebrew, mullion ofholi- neffe. See Exod. 3o.25. inernfe]inGreeke,the compofetion : fee Exod. 30.34. &c. The recording of thefe particulars by Moles, as in an Inventorie; is to íhew both the care which they had to make all things according to the pattern and precepts given on the mount,Ex.25.r o,-4o.and howGod efteemed the obedience of his fervants, in that he caufeth their works to be particularly written in his Regifter. But chiefly to let forth the beautie of Gods San&uarie, and furniture thereof,which is worthy all ferious conlideration, not fo much for the outward work, as for the heavenly mylte- ries of the fame, Pfal. 84, Heb.9. St GnAa. XXXVIII. 1, The making of the Altar ofBurnt- offring, 3, with the tell& thereof 8 , The Laver ofBraff , and the foot thereof 9, The Court and hangings thereofround-about. 29, The pima the Tabernacle and Court, 21, The femme of that the people oed, °fgeld, of filver, and of brafè, and the things that were made of them. 1 A N D hee made the Altar of Burnt- offring, of Shittim wood: five cubits the lengththereof, and five cubits the bredth therof ,fourfquare; and three cubits s the height thereof. Andhe made the homes Qf it, upon the foure corners thereof; the homes of it were of the fame: & he overlaid 3 it with braf]. And he made, all the vefièlsof the Al*, the pans, and the fhovels, and the barons, the flefh.hookes, and the fire -pans : 4 all the velfelstherof made he of braffe. And he made for the Altar,a grate,of net.vrorke, of braffe: under the compafstherof,beneath, S unto the midst ofit.And hecaft foure rings, M the foure utmoft parts for the grate of 6 braffe: soheplacesfor the bars.Andhemade the bars of Shittim wood:and overlaid them 7 with braffe. And he put in the bars into the rings, on the fides. of the Altar, to beare it withal!: hollow, with boards made he ir. 8 And he-made the Laver of braffe,aad the foot of it of braffe : of the looking- glaffes of