The fume of Ex O D u S X XXIX. the things oifred. 151 5 (hekels,by the Ihekel of the Sanc'uarie.And the filver,ofthem that were numbred of the congregation, mat an hundred Talents: and 'a thoufand and f ven hundred and feventie and five (hekels, by the nickel ofthe Sünéhu- 26 arie. A Bekah fora poll , halfe a flicker by the (Eckel of the SanEtuarte : for every one that paned unto them that were numbred from tsvcntie yeeres old and upward ; for fixe hundred thoufand , and three thoulànd, 27 and five hundred, and fiftie. And the him- died talents of Myer, was to calf the lockets of the Sandtuarie & the lockets of the veil : an hundred fockets,ofthe hundred talents,a 28 talent for a locket. And ofthe thoufand and leven hundred and feventie and five fhekels: he made hooks for thé pillars : and overlaid 29 their Chapiters, and filletted them. And the braffe of the offring,mas feventie talents,and two thoufand and foure hundred fliekels. 3o And therewith he made the fockets for the doore of the Tent of the congregation, and the altar of braffe, and the grate of braffe, which ryas for it: and all the veflidf of the al- 35 tar. And the rockets of the Court, round- about, and the lockets of the gate of the Court : and all the pins of the Tabernacle, and all the pins of the Court,round- about. Annotations. * Lta,'] whereof Ice Exod. 27. I. &c. roue= [] fquare] the Greek cxplaineth it,tbe Altar will fourefquare. So Exod.27.I. Ezek.43.16. 8 Vcrf.8. Laver] fee the notes on Exo.3o. i8. &c. ambling -by- trooper] or warring , to wit, the Lords 1piritual warfare and fervice: as the Chal- dee traríflateth, which came to pray; & the Gr. which failed: and Thargttm Jeruiclemie, which were hum- bled. The fame wórd is ufed againe in 1 Sam.2.22. of women that afembled --by- troops at the dew ofthe Ta- bernacle : that is, carne to pray, as the Chaldee there alto faith. So Anna in theTemple fdrved God with failings and prayers night and day, Luke 2. 37. and Paul fpeiketh of the defolate widow, that truf etb it God , and contimreth in fxpplications and prayers night ant day, iTim.5.5.Accordingly Moles fpeaketh of theLevites that mired into war the warfare; (that is, to performethe fervice) and to doe the werke üí the Tabernacle,Nnm.4..23. And Paul faith toTimet- tbie, That thoirby them mightef warre a good warfare; 1 Tim.'.18. fo that this phrafc is ufuall,to figni- fie the fervice of God. No* of the brazen- looking- glafes of their religious women, was the' Laver made. who gave the inflrítments whereby they' dreft their bodies; to make the infirlmetit when' - by through faith they mightfanitiie their fouls. See before, on Exod.3o.18,19. 9 Verl9. Court] whereof! fee Excd. 27.9. I2 Veritz. fa] that is,tbe well: as the Chaldee ex- poundeth it, fee Gen.12.8. Vert. t 4. the fide] that is,the one fide; to wit;ofthe Courtgate,as after the text fhe:veth. See Ex.27.14, Vers 17. Chapitres] or head)rapt: fo after,in ver. 17 19.28. filletted] or, hooped. Vert.t8. hsngirog- verte] of it, fee Exod. 27.16, Ver1.2 o. pins] or nailer, flakes : fee Exod. 27.1 9 Here beginneth thee 23. $¢`_lion of the La'.' fee Gen. 6.9. and 28. lo. Verf. 2I. counted things] that is, the Gemme and 21 particulars of the things about the making of the Tabernacle; which the Greeke tranflateth.thecon- fiitation, (or confrullion) f the Tabernacle. the mouth] that is,the wordas the Chaldee expoundeth it or commandement. Idirmsr] under his hand, the Levites of Merari, had charge of the boards, bars, pillars, fockets, pins, coards, &c. about the Tabernacle and Court thereof, Num.4. z 9,3 3. Verf..z4. occupied] Hebr.mad',in Grcek,nronght. ff'ing]Heb. :rave -ping; as the offring of it,is alto called waving,Exo.3 5.22.Ií was likcwilc cal- led an heavoofriug,Exo.2 5.2. what there two mo- tions meant, fee the notes on Exod.29.24,27. talemr] every talent was t lo. pound weight; for a talent weighed three thoufand fhekels, and every Ihekel 3 2 o.grains of Barley;fee the notes on Gen. zo. 16. & Exo. 25.39. This is confirmed by the fumme here following in v. 25, 26. for 603550. men , paying every one halte a lhcltel , it amoun- ted to loo, talents, and 1775. fhekels. Verf. 26, &kil] this, in thenext tvords,is ex- a 6 pounded to be halfe aJ4elhl; fee the notes On Gen. 24.22. The Greeke tranllatcth it, a drachme (or dram) as a fhekel is fotnetimc turned in Creche, di- drachme, a double dram, fee Cenel.20. 16. a poll] t Hebrew, a skirl, which the Greek tranflateth head, ufed for the perron or whole man. So in Ex.16.16. old] Hebrew ,fin of 2o. yeeres; fee the notes on Genlis 5. 32. 14 18 20 24 daMAIIMAAMMAAAAAMA CH A P. XXXIX. 1, The inakiitg of the garments ifminifl crié, and holy germent:for the Friel' s. 2, The Epbod. 8, The Pref. plate. 10, The fitting o f the twelve preciow fanes, in force rom. es, upon it. 15, The chantes, ore¢/ s, and rings of it. 22,The Robe of the Epbod, with the Pomgranats, and Bells, on the skirts thereof 27, The Coats, Miter, ¡ honets, arid Girdle of fhe- firmen. 3o 71ìe plate of the holy Corri c, tied to the Miter. 3 2, All the worke is fini! flied, 33, and brought unto Mofes by the particulars. 43, Mofes vieweth all the wirl;e,and fi'eing it to be done ai the Lord had commanded,be bleffeth them. AN D of the blew and purple, and I fcarlet, they made the garments of minifîerie, to minlfler in the Holy- /dace': and made the garments of holineffe, Whichwere for Aaron, as JchoVah comman- ded Moles. And-he tinkle the Ephodof old,ofblety, 2 and purple; and fcarlet; a'ndfine- linnen twi d