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-siidlrai1,nr;i 15, d'he :pliod, brettptate, Ex o 3! ned. And they did beat -thin, the plates of gold: and heecut wiers, to worke it in the blew, & in the'purple,and in the fcarlet, and in the fine - linnen : with the worke of a curl- 4 nine workman.They made !boulder peeces for ir , joyning together, at the two edges 5 thereof;it was joyned together. And the çu- rious- girdle of his Ephod, which wáe upon it, was of the farne , according to the wo, ke thereof; of gold,ofblew,and purple & fear- let, and fine - linnen twined,as lehovah com- mandedMofes. 6 And they wrought Beryl floues inclofed, in ouches of gold: engrav en,like the engra- vings of a fignet;with the names ofthe foss 7 of Ifrael. And he put them on the (Boulders of the Ephod , ffouesof memoriall,forthe Ions of Ifrad:as Iehovahcommitted Mófes. 8 And he made the Breftplate,theworke of a cunning- workman , like the worke of the Ephod:ofgold,of blew,& purple,and fcarler, 9 and fine. linnen was Loure fquare; doubled did they make the breit-plate;a fpan the length thereof, and a fpan the bredth Io thereof, doubled. And they emboffed in it, fouie rowes of floues , a row, a Sardius , a r 1 Topaz, and aSmaraád ; the firft row. And the fecond row , a Chalcedonic, a Saphir; /2 and a Sardonyx. And the third row: an Hy- acinth, aChryfoprafe, and an Amethyft. 13 And the fourth row , a Chiyfolite,a Beryll and a lafper : inclofed in ouches of gold, in 14 their emboffinents. And the floues were with the names ofthe fons of Ifrael:twelve, according to their names:like the engravings of a frgnet,every-man with his name, ncrer- 15 ding to the twelve tribes. And they made upon the Breft.plate , chaises at the end of 16 wreathen worke , of pure gold. Andthey made two ouches of gold; and tWcY rings of gold , and put the two rings upon the two 17 ends of the Breftplate.Andthey put the two wreathings of gold in the two rings, on the 18 ends of the Breflplate.And the two ends of the twowreathings, they faftened. on the two ouches : ,and put them on the !boulders 19 of theEphod,beforc it.And they madetwo rings of gold,& put them upon the two ends of the Brett plate , : upon the border thereof, which was in the fide of the Ephod,inward. 20 And they made two(other)rings pfgold,and put them on the two fhoúlders oftheEphod under neath towards th,e forepart thereof, o- ver againft the coupling thereof, aboye the 21 curious - girdle of the Ephod. And they did bind the Breftplate,by therings therof,unto DUS cXX X. anciKobe. the hugs of the Ephod, with a lace of blew, to be above the curious girdle of the Ephod, and that the lirefipiate might not be loofed, from the Ephod:as Iehovah commanded Mofes. And he made the Robe of the Ephod, of 22 woven worke:all of blew. And there ;vas a 23 hole of the Robe in the midff thereof,as the hole of-an habergeon : with a binding for the hole thereof, round about, that it 'bout(' not be rent. And they made uponthe skirts of the Robe,porngranats, of blew, and pur - ple,and fcarlet: twifled. And they made bels of pure gold : and put the bels betweene the pomgranats, upon the skirts of the Robe, round - about, betweenet he pomgranats. A bell & a pomgranat, a bell & a pomgranat; upon the skirts of the Robe,round- about,to minuter in : as Iehovah commanded Moles. And they made Coats of fine - linnen, of woven worke,for Aaron,and for his (Dunes: And 'a Miter of fine - linnen, & goodly -orna- 28 ments, Bonnets of fine - linnen: and linnen breeches of due- linnentwined.Andagirdle 29 of fine - linneh twined, and of bléw,and pur - ple,and fcarlet,the worke ofthe Embroide- rer.: as Iehovah commanded Motes. And they made the Plate of the crown of 3o holinefle,of pure. gold: and wrote upon ita writing, like the ingravings of a fignegH o- LINESS,8 TO IEHOVAH. And they put up- on it a lace of bléw,toput it upon the Miter, on high : as Jehovah commanded Mofes. And all the work of the Tabernacle of the Tent of the Congregation,was finifhed:and the fops of Ifrael did;according to al that le- hovahcommanded Mofes, fo did they. And they brought the Tabernacle unto Mofes, the Tent & all the iuft ruments therof:the ta- chestherof,the boards thèrof,the bars ther- of;& the pillars thereof,& the fo.ckets ther- of.And the covering ofranis skins,died -red; & the covering of Tachafh skins: & the veil of the covering. The Arke of theTeftimo -. 35 ny,and the bars thereof; and the Covering - mercy-feat. The Table, and all the veffels 36 thereof and the Shew bread.The pure Can -, 37 dleftick,with the lamps thereof,the lamps to be fet -in- order,& al the veflels therog& the, pile for the light. And the altar of gold;& the oile of anointing,& the intente of fweet -fpi- ces:& the Banging -veil, for the doore of the Tent.The altar ofbrafs;& the grate ofbrafs, which mas for it;the bars thereof,and all the veflets thereof: the I-aver,and the foot ther- of' The tapefiry- hangingsof the Court,the 4° pillars 24 25 26 27 31 32 33 34 38 39