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The Tabernacle. EXODUS. X L: pillars thereof, and the rockers thereof ; acid the hanging veile for the gare of thecourt, the cords thereof, and the pins thereof: and all the veffels of the fervice of the Taberna- 41 cle, for the Tent of the Congregation.The garments of miniaery ,'to minifter in the Holy-place : the garments of holineffe for Aaron the Prieft ; and the garments of his 42 fons, to- mini flex -in- the- prieflsoffice. Ac- cording to all that Iehovah commanded Mofes ; fo the fonnes of Ifrael, made all the 43 worke. And Mofes law all the worke ; and behold they had done it; as lehovah had commanded, fo had they done: and Mofes blefled them. 2 3 6 8 Io 22 24 27 28 30 32 33 37 38 42 tilnnotarims. Fminilery] whereof fie of boline e] that is, the holy garments, fpecified in Exodus 213. t Verf.2. Epbod]defcribedinExod.28.6. &c. Verf. 3. beat-thirme] or, f read abroad. wiers] or tbreds, of thofe plates inthe blew] or, in the midfl of (which the Greeke tranflateth with) the blew,&c. For the gold thred,was twitted with the blew, and with every of the other colors, as is noted on Exodus 28.6. Verf 6. Beryl] fee Exodus 28.9. V.8. Breflpla,e] whereof fee Exodus 28. t 5. &c. V.1 o. Smaragd. or, Emerald : fee Exod, z S. r7. V.22. woven- worke] Hebrew, worke of the weaver: fee Exod.28.3 r. &c. V.24.twirled] or twined: the Greeke addeth, andbyffè (that is, fine linnen) twined. See the notes on Exod.z8.33 Verf27. coats] whereof fee Exod.28.4o. Verf..28, goodly ornaments this word is fometime ufed for the Bonnets themfelves,as in Ezek.44. 18. Verf.3 o. crowne of belinef] that is, holy crowne,or feparation; "as both rho Hebrew and Greeke ftgnifi- eth: feeExod.29,6, and 28,36. Verf. 3 2, fo did they ] this hath'refpe& unto the charge before given, Exod. 25.40. and for this caufe,the particulars have beene repeated by Mo- fes, that all might fee the care which bee and the workenten had, to make all things both for mat- ter & forme, according to the patterne and cons - mandement given of'God.Such faithfulneffe alto was in Chrift,Heb.3.2. & ought to be in all Chri- roans, concerningGods heavenly ordinances in his Church, whereof thefe things were a pattern and fbadw,Heb.8.5. r. Tim.6.13.14. and 5.2 I. Verf33. bars] or, barre; as jn Exod.35.1 r. Verf. 3 7, to be fit in order] Hebr. lamps of ordering, or, of dofpoftion, which the Prieft were to trim eve- ry day : lèe the notes on Exod,27.2 s. the Greeke tranflateth, lamps of burning. Verf,38. of Tweet fpices]in Greeke, ofcompefetion, that is, the compounded inçenf Ver.42.alCbe worke] or, all the ferviee; which the Greeke calleth Preparation, or Furniture. Is3 V.43. fam] or, viewed, as hee that was charged 43 with the overfight of this whole worke, Exo.25. 40. the worke] in Gr. works. blefJèd them], that is, as Gods publike minuter, pronounced a a bleffing from the Lord upon thefe workmen;fee Gen.14.19. Herein Mofes was a figure of Chrilt, whowill bleffe theni that faithfully obfervethé Commandements of God , 2. Tins. 4. 7.8. for, who fo is a doer of she worke , ibis man fball be bled in his deed,Iam. 1.2 5.Hereu on the Heb. fay ,Work it agreat thing for Shecinab (that is che Divine pre - fence or Majeflie of God in Chritt) dwell.dnot in Ifrael, untill they had done tie worke ; at it is wrinen(in Exod. 39.43.) AND MOSES Saw ALL THE WORRE, &C. AND MOSES BLESSED THEM. And bow did hee ble them? He faidunto tbrm,Tbe Lord vouchfrfe that the Divine pretence (Sheèinab) maÿ dwell in the wor e your hands. And f it came to paffe : 41 it re f id(itt Exod.4o.34.) And the chid coveredthe Tent, 6`c. and tbeglory of the Lordfilled the Tabernecle. R. Elias, in Refhith chocmth, fol. 42o.a. e.% A e.`y., A -v - aelkAZ's e' i3 2ne' .it %ic CHAP. XL. a, The Lord commandeth the Tabernacle to be rea.. red. 4, and thing to be fet in order therein. 8, and the Court to be jet about it. 9, T be Tabernacle and all the velar thereof, the Altar andLaver, to be anointed with oyk. I2 Aaron and hit faunes te be wafhed clothed, anointed, fantlifted. 16, Mofesehyeth, and rearethup the Tabernacle. 2I, carieth in the Arlie, 22; ploeetb thé Table, 24, and the Candleficke, 26, andthe golden Altar. 29, and the brazen Altar. 30, and the La- ver, 33, and reateth up the Court. 34, A cloud cave. redo the Tabernacle , and Gods glory filleth io. 38. The endow oh the Tabernacle by day , andfire by night con- tinually. ANd Iehovah fpake unto Mofes, ray- ing t In the day of the firft moneth, in the firft of the moneth : thou Hiatt reare -up the Tabernacle ,.the Tent of the Congregation. And thou (halt put there, the Arkeef.rhe Teftimony : and coverthe Arke with the voile. And thou (halt bring in the Table,& fet-in -order the order thereof: and thou (halt bring -in the Candleftick; and taule to afcend,the lamps thereof. And thot (halt fer, the Altar of gold,for theineenfe; before the Arke of the teftittiony : and put the hinging vede ofethe door, to the Taber- nacle. And thou (halt fet the altar of the, 6 burnt- offring, before the door of the Taber - nacíe of the Tent ofthe Congregation.And thou (halt let the Laver , between the Tent of the Congregation, and the altar t & (halt put water there.Atsd thou (halt let the courr6 8 round about : and pur the hanging voile , at the gate of the Court. And thou (halt take the ode of Anointing, and Anoint the 'Taber- nacle; Z 3 4 5 7