5 4 The Tabernacle. EXODUS. X L. The Tent.r nade, and all that is therein: and (halt fan&ti- the burnt - offring, he put at the doore of the Tabernacle of the Tent of the Congrega- tion: and offred upon it, theburnt- offring, and the meat - offring ; as Iehovah comman- dedMofes. And he let the Laver, betweene the tent of the Congregation,and the altar : and put water there, to waft. And Mofes, and Aa- ron, and his fonnes, walked thereat, their hands and their feet. When they went into the Tent of the Congregation, and when they came ricer unto thealtar,they wafted : as Iehovah commanded Mofes. And tee reared up the Court; round- about the Tabernacle, and the altar, and let up the hanging veil,ar the gate of the Court; and Moles finifhed the worke. And the cloud covered the Tent of the Congregation , and the glory of Iehovah, filled the Tabernacle. And Mofes was not able to enter into the Tent ofthe congregai tion : becaufe the cloud dwelt upon it : and theglory of Iehovah, filled the Tabernacle. And when the cloud was taken-up, from o- ver the Tabernacle ; the Tonnes of Ifrael journeyed in all their journeyes. Butif the cloud were not taken-up : then they jour- neyed not, till the day that it was taken-up. For the cloud of Iehovah :war upon the Tabernacle by day; and fire was on it by night : in the eyes of all thehou£e of Ifrael, in all their journeyes. fie ir, and all the veffels thereof,and it that be Io holy. And thou (halt anoint the Altar of the burnt offring,and all the veffels thereof: and (halt ftnâtifie the Altar , and the Altar II !hall bee Holy of holies. And thou (halt anoint the Laver, and the foot thereof: and 12 fandtifie it. And thou (halt bring -neere Aa- ron and his Fons, unto the doore of the Tent of the copgreggarion:& wafh them,with wa- r3 ter. And thou (halt cloth Aaron with the gar- ments of holine(fe: and (halt anoint him,and fanctiáe him, and hce (hall minifter-in-the- Ig priefts office unto me. And thou (halt bring neer, hisfonnes ; & clothe thetn,with coats. a s And thou (halt anoint them, as thou didft a- noint their father; and they (hail miniler -in the- priefts -office untome : and their anoin- ting (hall be, to be unto them,for aneternall priefthood , throughout their generations. it 6 And Mofes did , according to all that Ieho- vahcommanded him, fo did he. 17 And it was in the firft moneth , in the fe- condyeere,in the firft (day) of the moneth: 18 theTabernacle was reared up. And Mofes reared.up the Tabernacle; and fet the foc- kets thereof, and let -up the boardsthereof, and put -in the bars thereof : and reared-up 19 the pillars thereof. And hee fpread abroad the Tent,over the Tabernacle ; and bee put the covering of the Tent upon it, above: as Iehovah commanded Mofes. 20 And he tooke, and put the Te(timotay in- to the Arke , and fet the bars on the Arke : and put the Covering -mercy -feat, above, 2I upon the Arke.And he brought the Arke in- to the Tabernacle: and let up the veile of the covering; and covered the arke of the Teftimony: as Iehovah commanded Mofes. 22 And he put the Table in the Tent of the Congregation ; upon the fide of the Taber - nade, Northward : without'the veile. And he fet-in -order upon it , the order of bread, before Iehovah :. as Iehovah commanded Mofes. 24 And he put the Catdlefticke in the Tent ofthe congregation;overagainft the Table: on the fide of the Tabernacle, Southward. 5 And bee caufed the lamps to afcend before Iehovah : as Iehovah commanded Moles. 26 And he put the altar of gold, in the Tent 7 of thecongregation: before the veile. And he burned thereon, incenfe of fweet-fpices : 28 as Iehovah commanded Mofes. And bee let -np the hanging-veile of the 29 doore of the Tabernacle. And the altarof 4nnotctions. IN the dry] to wit,tbe fir/! day: fo the Greeke ex- plaines it , In the fiefl day of the fief! moneth, in the new Marine. Among the Iewes, the monethsof`the yen, were the matte, hi of the Monte : as their yeeres wore the yeares of the Sienne : Maimony in treat. of fa,ti1 ing the new Moan, chap. I. And all new Mooncs (or firfi dayes of the Mcneths) were fo- lemne feats unto Ifrael, Numb. 28.s 1.14. Pfalm. 81.3. This (which was the fief/ Moneth of the fecondyeare,after their conning out of /Egypt) was folemnized the firft day, by the rearing up of the Tabernacle, here defcribed; which being done, the Princerof Ifrael, brought offrings of wa- gon: and oxen for the fervice of the Tabernacle; & other offrings for the dedicating of the Altar, which folemnity dared twelve dayes,Num.7. On the fourteenth day of this month the Ifraelites kept the feat/ of the Paffeover in the wiláerneffe,Num. The new Monne following,which was on the fief} day of the feetnd moneth the Ifraelites were numbred,and their Tents fet in order four- fquare, round about the Tabernacle, Numb.i.1. 2. &c. and 2.2.3. &c. and all uncleane perlons, were put out of theCampe, Numb. On the twentieth day of that moneth, the Cloud re- moving, 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 31