EXODUS XL. 155 the Tabernacle now reared up , was then taken downe again, and the Ifraelites took their jour- ' pies out of the wilderneffeofSinai, Num.1 o. r 1. In the meane (pace, God by voice out of the molt holy of the Tabernacle,taught A'fofes and Ifradall thole laws, for facrificing,cleanfrng,and other re- ligious duties, wch are written in the whole book of Leviticus, and the nine firft Chapters of Num- bers,Lev.i.1. &c. Num.'. 1. &c. of theCongrega- tion]or, f the meeting: where God met with his people,Ex.z 5.22.& 30.36. Elfewhere it is named the Tent of the Tefimony (or Taberaade of witnef) Num. 9.15. & 17. 7, 8.1ò in the New Teftannent, A&.7.44. Rev.t 5.5. becatlfe theTables of Tefti- mony were kept in the Arke therein, Exo. 25.26. and fo the Greeke tranflateth it in this place. Verf. 3: cover the drke] that is, hide it from the des of men, by hanging the veil before it: which parted the molt holy place from the holy. Here- upon it is called the covering veik, Nuns. 4.5. The myltery of this veile is noted on Exo.26.33. Ver.4. the order] or the diioftion thereof,that is, 4 the Shewbread ; which was weekly to be let in two rowes upon it : fee Exod.25.30. The Gr. tranfla- teth,Chant propafi thepropoJitio*, meaning the bread efpropofition or lhewbread; fo called in Mat.' 2. 4. carafe toafeend ] that is, to burne ;orfbak fight : fee Exod.25.37. and 27.20. V.5. fet]Heb. fhaùgive, which is ufed for fetting, placing,difpofng,efic. often in this chapter, and else- where : lee Ges,.1.17. hanging -veil] or covering - veil: which hindred the people from entring or feeing into the holy place; fee Exod.26.36. 6 V. 6. Tabernaeleof the T an] fo called becaufethe Tabernacle was overfpread,and covered with the Tent,as verf s 9.8e Ex.z6.7,and fo it was an over - fpred and covered Tabernacle, fignify ing Gods Church, by his providence covered and prute &- ed. A like phrafe is in Rev. 15.5.The Temple ofthe Tent of the Tefimanie in heaven was opened. For Mop. Tabernacle is alto called a Temple (or Palace ) as I Sam. 1.9. and 3.3. Pfal.27 4. and 138.2. 7 Verl:7. there] that is,:herein, as the tar tranfla- teth, in it ; fo v.30. See Exod.3o.18. V.8, banging -veil] or covering: feeExod.27.16. 9 V.9. cele]whereoffee Exo. 30.23. &c. Levit.8, Io. Nuns. 7. r. holy] Hebr.bolinefè. I o V. o. bolt' ofbólies] Hebrew, bolinefè of holinef eo, that is, rhof holy; as that which hallowed the fa- crifices : fee Exod. 29.37. 15 Verf.., 5. eternalpriefhood]fo that their children after them fhould not need to be anointed, but adminifter by rearm of this firfi un &ion of their fathers : only the high Priefts were anointed in the generations following,Lev.4.3. See the notes on Exod. 3o. 33. 17 V. 17. feeendye ere]to wit ,afer they were come out ofEgypt; as the Gr.verfion here addeth for expla- nation : and as !Lofts fpeaketh in Num. 9. 1. frfl efthe monethlthat is,the fsrfl day °fit : as the ¢rlë ofthefeal,Mat.26.,7, is.expounded,thelrll day of the feall,Mark. 14. t 2. The Greek faith, inthe Now Moore: lee theAnnotations on v. 2. 18 V.18. the Tabernacle] a vifible ligne of Gods pre- fence,dwellingwith, & governing his Church in 3 8 Chrilt, Levit.26. r 1. Ezek.3. 27,28. as it is laid, I beard agreat voice out of heaven, faying: Behold the Ta- beenac!e of God it with men, and he will dwell with them, and thy pall be bit people, and God himfelfe will be with them, hc. Rev.2 0.3. fit] or faflened: Heb. gave; which is ulhd for a firme fetting or ftablilhing, as is noted on Gen.,.17. This letting of the fockets, with the boards, bars, and pillar', fignified the ftabi- lity of the Church, and members thereof,groun- ded and ltablifhed.by faith m Chrift, Efay 33.2o. and 14.32.1 Tim. 3.15. V.19. the T eni] in Gr.the curtains: which were of two forts,fome of white,blew,purple and fcarlet, cunningly wrought with Cherubims, & coupled together : others, of Goats haire, Exo.z6.1,7. theeovering]both that of rams skins,and the other of Tachafh skins,Ex.z6.14.This tent & covering, thadowed the heavenly graces wherewith Chrilt and his Church in himare adorned,theiruniting together by the Spirit,through faith & love; and their Cafe proceetion : though theft things veiled and obfcure. See the notes on Exod.26. V.20. the TeJlimony]the two tables ofGods law, 20 Ex.25.16. covering= mercie- Jeat]a figure ofChrilt; inwhofe heart was Gods law; by wish' our tranf- grelfions of the law are covered, and the word of grace from Godcomneth unto us: fee Ex.25.17. V.21. covered the Arke] hid it with the veile han -, 2I ged before it. A figure ofChrifts fielh, veiling the divine things in him, till hee entred through it into the holy heavens , and opened a way for his Church thereinto, Heb. r o. 19i2o. Rev. 11.19. V.23.the orderofbread]that is,the bread let in or- 23 der,called in Gr.the breadof propoftion,& fo in Mat. I2.4.but Paul nameth it,the propofetion efbread,tleb. 9.2.whichwe call Shew- bread: twelve cakes repre- fenting the twelve tribes,that is,all beleevers pre - fented pure untoGod in Chrilt: fee Ex.2 5.30. Vern: 24. the Candlelit%] a figure of the Law, 24 which giveth light to his people handing before Godin his San&uary,Pfa. r 19.105. See thenotes on Exod. 25.31. Verf..25. to afcend] that is,to burne and lhine,as 25 verC 4. reprefenting the levels Spirits of Chrilt,' whereby(throhe oile of his grace) his word Ihineth unterhls Church, Rev.4.5. Verf. 26. Altar ofgold] figuring Chrifts media. 'don for his Church,whcrby they and their prai- ers are prefented as Tweet odours unto God. See the notes on Exo.30, Thele all being in the molt holy , and holy places, hidden with stiles from the ties of the people, fignified the obi-curiae of the heavenly nnyfteries of the Gofpel, before the veile of Chrilts flefh was rent, and the treafures of his grace more fully opened, Heb. r o.1. Rom. 16. s 5,26. EpheC3.3. Verf.29. the Altar of Earns -of ring] the brazen Al- 129 tar, handing in the open Court, Cdr all to lee: whereupon the daily facrifices f figdring Chrifts death and fitfferings) wire burned : to leade the Church unto the expef}ation of his body to be offred for us, and our bodies by him unto God, Heb. so. 5,6,7. lion) .12. i. Ver.3o. The Lac er]a figure of the fanRificatiou of 19 26 30