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vitni.r ttemiaeantrior 1156 EXODUS XL. of the Church, waffled from their finnes by the 8. ro,i2. Butwhen Gods ,prefence was withdi, plcafure for the fins of the people, it was fignified by a fmoake filling the Temple, Efa.6.4. Rev. 15.8. for fmoake was a ligne of anger,Pfa.18.9. Efay 14. 31. glorie] a figne of Gods glorious pretence, who now came to dwell there, as he had promi- fed, Exod. 25.8. So in 2 Chron. 5. 14. and Ezek. 43.4,5where it is opened by God himfelfe thus; Sonne of man , the place of my throne, and the place of the filet of my feet, where I will dwell in the midi of the fns of Ifrael fer ever, &e. Ezek.43.7. So the holy Jeru- falem, hath the glory of God, Rev.z r.11. V.3 5. dwelt] that is,abode or continued and as the Gr. tranflateth, over- fhadowed it. And in that Mo- fes could not now go into the tent,nor the priefts into the Temple,2 Chron.5. r 4.& 7.2. it fheweth the weakneffe and unworthineffe of all flefh, to come into the prefence of God : who therefore gave a Law, that the highPrielt himfelfe Should not at all times come into the holy place within the veil, &c.that he died not; becaufe God would appeare in the cloudupon the Mercie -fat, Lev. x6.2. Verf.36. journeyed in all their journeyer] and in the place where the cloudabode there the Ions of If= rael pitched their Tents. All the daies that the cloud drvelled upon the Tabernacle, (whether it were a day or daies,or a moneth or a yeere) they relied in the Tents, and journeyed not; when the cloud was taken up,whether it were by day or by night, then theyjourneyed. At the mouth of the Lord they pitched their Tents,and at the mouth ofthe Lord they journeyed; they kept the charge (or watch) ofthe Lord, Num.9. 1 7.23. This to- ken of Gods guidance and prote &ion of his peo- ple, continued with Ifraelwhilesthey travelled in the wilderneffe :.which grace, the generations followingg,,remembred to the praife ofGod,Neh. 9.19. pat. 78.14. &105.39. Verf. 38. the cloud of Jehovah] which in Thargum lerufalemieis called; the cloud of the glory of Shecittah (the Divineprefeuee)of the Lord. and fire] At eve - ning , there was upon the 7abernade ar it were the appea- rance of fire untill the morning: fi it was alway; the cloud covered it (by day) and the appearance offire by night, Num.9.15, i6. Hereby was figured the gui- dance and proteftion of the Church by Chrift under theGofpel; whereofit is written, The Lord will create upon everydwelling place of mount Sion , and upon ber afemblies, a Cloud and fmoake by day, and the pining of aflaming fire b night : fer upon all the glory fhall be a defence, Efay 4.5 blood of Chrift; that they may conic nerd unto God,Heb. r o. 2 2. Rev. r.5,6. Tit. 3:5. 33 Verf. 33. the Court] an holy inclofitre, for the Church to be kept in pure ; when they came to appease before God. And here was the finifhing of thework of the San&uarie: about which thus ere&ed,firlt the Tribe ofLeti,Num.1.50. and be- hind them,the other tribes of Ifrael pitched their Tents in holy order appointed ofGod,in a foure fquare forme(Nutp.z.)fuch as is the forme of heavenly Jerufalem, Revel. 21.16. which Tents were allo holy, & might have no uncleane perfon within them,Num.5.2.(as nothing that defileth, may be in the new Jerufalem , the Church of Chrift, Revel.2 r, 27.) and unto which Tents or campe, the earthly Jerufalem, (the holy citie, Neh. 11.1 .)was anfwerable. For forme open uncleane, mightnot be in the camp or citie: others though in the campe, might not come into the Lords Court, & of thofe in his Court, none entred into the Sanftuarie but the Priefts : and of them, none into the molt holy of the San &nary, but the high Prieft,once in the yeere,Heb.9.6,7.becauCe holinef beoommeth the Meiji of the Lord ,for ever, Pfa.93.5. & the neerer they come unto him, the morethey ought for to be fan&ified, Lev. i o. 2,3. & r 6.2,3. &c. So after that Ifrael carne into Canaan,and had there a temple; they had degrees of holy places: both of them are defcribed by the:Heb.thus:7hree camps were in the wilderne jj; the campe ofIfrael which seat infoure eampr,[Nuna.2.] the camp of Levi,[Num. is 5o.] and the campe of the Divine Majefile; which war from thedoore of the Court f the Tabernacleof the Congregation, andforward. And anfwerable unto them, in the age s followin , from the getter of Jerufalem, unto the mountaines of sise Temple,w eat at the campe of Ifrael: and from the gseetäfthemotrasaine fthefemple, unto the doore of the Court, (which war the gate ofNicanor) war at the campe f Levi : and from the doore of the Court and forward, war the eampe of Gods Majeflie. Maim. in Beth habehirah, chap. 7. felt. i r. Other like diffe- rences of holineffe of places they alto obferve : which are to be mentioned otherwhere. 34 V.34.the cloud) teftimony of Gods prefence and approbation,who thus took(as it were)poffefon of the Tabernacle , to dwell therein amongft his people;but with an hiding of his glory & power. So when Solomon had builded the Temple, the cloud filled the boufe; then fpake Solomon ; The LORD Paid, that be would dwell in the tbiekedarkref, r King. The number of the Sellions (or Leftures) in Exodus, are eleven : the verles 1209. The middefl is at Exodus 22.28. 3I 36 38 Remember the Law of Mofees my fervant, which Icommanded him inHoreb, for all Ifrad; with the Statutes, and Iudgements, Malach. 4.4. By the Law, it the lgowledge of Sinne, Romanes 3.20. The Raw worketh wrath ; fir where no Law is ,there is notranfgrefot,Rom.4.15. By the worker of the Lawfhall no fief. be juliified, Gal. 2. 16. The Law war Our Schoolmaffer (to bring us) unto Cbrif,Gal. 3.24. Chrifi it the end f the Law, for righteoufnef to every one that belevetb, Rom. t o. 4. ANNOTA-