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ANNOTATIONS VPON THE THIRD BOOK OF MOSES, CALLED LEVITICUS: WHEREIN, BY CONFERRING THE HOLY SCRIPTVRES, By comparing the Greeke and Chaldee Verrons, and Monuments of the Hebrevves : the Sacrifices and other legall Ordinances heretofore commanded of God, to the Church of ISRAEL, are explained. Br HENAY. e/I INS 1yo `R I"H. HEa.7.59. The Law made nothing perfeli`, but the bringing in of a better hope, by which wee draw nigh unto God. H E E. IO. 14. By one offring (C H R I s r) bath perfeHed for ever, them that are fanl7tjed. HEE. r;. I. By him therefore , let ue offer the façrifree of praife to God continually : that is , the fruit of our lips , confeßing to hie name. LONDON, Printed by en/. ParTns for lohn Bellamie, and are to be fold at his Shop necre the ROYALL EXCHANGE. i639. A a a