LEV ITICll's I. Annatations LEviticus] this nanscthe booke hath froni the Greeke tranfation ; becanfe it chiefly treateth of the fervice and facrifices,which the Levites ufed in the Tabernacle. The Hebrew name is of the fitti word of the, booke Yaks, that is , And he called. See the like noted upon Genefis and Exodus. 1 Verf. I. And he] namely the Lord(whofc glorie had filled theTabernacle, Exo.40.35.)called un- to Moft. So the Greeke altoexplaineth it : and Tbargainì Ìerufalemie thus, And she word of tun Lotd called :ono Mores. This booke is by the word And, joyned to the former, as a continuance of the hi- ftorie. And herebeginneth the 24. SeEtion , or LeEture of the Law,wherof fee Gen.6.9. called] The lait letter of this word,in Hebrew is written extraordinarily fmall ; wherein the HebrewDo- Etors (itp ore Ionic mytterie to be implyed. The planer ofcalling,was bya voice from the Mercy - feat upon the Arke,Nnm.7,89. Exod.25.22. that being a figure Of Chrift, fignified how God by hint would teach Ifrae!, how they thould ferve him in fpirit and truth, Jolt. t .17. Heb. i .I. And GodSpake not with a lowd thundering voice, as he did on Mount Siini,but with -a loft low voice: which the (mall letter fcemeth to imitate. The phrsle be called, and Jehovahs name being mentio- ned after, is like that in Exod. 24. I. be Paid, carne up unto Irhrvab. Tent] or as theChardee tranfla- teth it Tabernacle, where God and his people met at appointed times as he promifed,Exod.25.22. and 30.36. In Greet it is, the Tent, (or Tabernacle) of Tefiimonie: by which name, Mofes afro calleth it, in Numb. 1.53. and Stephen, in AEts 7.44, As the Tabernacle principally figured Chrift Hebr. 9.11. J011.2.19.21. fo God fpeaking now from it, who before had fpoken on Mount Sinai, fignified how in the lad dales he would fpeake unto us in she Same , who by himfelfe thould purgeour fins, .Hebr. 1.1, 2, 3. 2 VerC 2. ofer-se oblation] or, an offring, or bring 'were agif: called in Hebrew Korban, ofeommirg It ere unto God thereby:the Greek ufually tranila- tech It damn, a gift ;and fo doth the holy Ghoft in Mark.7.11. Mat.5.23. and 8.4. and 23.18. Hebr. 5:1. Andito bring -here, to weer, unto God, is to offer unto him : for one of theft, is nlèd for ano- ther ; as in i Chron. 16. 1. they brortgbt neere-Burn,- r ffi lus : for which, in 2 Sans. 6. 17. it is written, D.izitI offred furnt-o.finga.Thefeoffrings under the Law, were figures. of Chrilisoffring,who gave himfelfe for us , Heb. 1 o. and by whom we an pretènt our bodies a living focrifce, holy; acceptable unto God,. Rom. 12.1. and doe draw nigh unto God, Heb. 7. 19. and offer by him the facriiee of praife unto God contimsally, Heb. 9. 11,12,5 4. and 13. 15. For the legali facrifices, could not male him that did the fervice, petf/il, at pertaining to sheconf//ence, Heb. 9. 9. And Co the wit& among the Hebrewes doe acknowledge their ignorance concerning the truth of there myfteries, nntill the fpirit foss above be pówrerl out upon-them : yet fuppofing that they fig- nified the offrings which Michael offretb of she fides of the jug ; as faith R. Menachem on Levit. 1. But unto us the Apoftles have opened there parables, and (hewed their full accomplilhment by Mi- chael, that is , Ch;ifi, Heb. 7. and 8. and 9: and 1 o. Rev. I 2. 7. the herd] or,the Brew ,or Bulls ,as the Chaldee expounds them. There cattell of the herd & flock, were the principall facrifices, both among (ewes and Gentiles : as the lawhere, and Salaams hiltorie,Numb.23.i.14.29. and heathen Writers mended. Homer , Iliad. r. ffbcke]the word comprehendeth fheepe andgoats,as is explai- ned in verfe i o. No beads might be hecrificed to God, but thefe three forts, beezes, fbeepe or goats: nor any focales, but turtle -doves and pigeons, veri 14. Thee five Uncles ofliving creatures, (which only might be offred to God) are of the molt tame and meek, profitable and ferviceable,harm- leii ,fociable1 &c. and fo were fitted to lignifie the like things , in Chrift and his people. God appointed not that men thould be killed for fa- crifices, ('although the heathens and idolatrous Ifraelites fometimes killed fuch, Pfalm. i o6. 37, 38.) becaufe as it was not poffible that the blood of Buis and of Goats, fhould takeaway fins , Hebr> 1 o. 4. fo neither could the blood of men : but God(that is , Chrift ) was to purchafe with hie owne blood, Aft. 20.28. Verf.3. Burnt -offring] called in Hebrew, Ghetto. lab that is , anAfatfran; inGreeke, Holocautoma (Hebrews to. '6.) that is , an who'e- burnt - offring: this was the fist} and principali artifice, where- with God was ferved every day by the Church of Ifrael, Num. 28.3. The reafon of the name is (hewed onGenefis 8.2o. whereallo it appeareth that this kinde of rectifies was not now fins} in- Iiituted, but oblerved Irons the beginning: and kept among the Gentiles , Numbers 23. 1, 2, 3. 2 Kings 3. 27. and 5. 17. The fignification was of Chrift, that through the eternall fpirit, offred himfelfe, unto God, Hebrews 9. 14. and so. 8. t o. and of Chriftians, that prefint their bodies a lr zing faorifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is their reafmakle fervice, Romanes 12. 1. There were five forts of facrifices ordinary, inítituted of elod : Burnt - offrings (commanded here) Meat - offings (in Leviticus 2.)Peaee- offrings, (in Levi- ticus 3.) Sirme-ofring., (in Leviticus 4.) and Trefpafè-offrings,. (in Leviticus 5. 15. &c.) a male] fo mutt all Burnt - offrings of beans be, verfe io. but the like is not laid of the lrs, verfe 4. And by the Jewilh canons, the fowles might be male or fennde; Maimony, in Mif. tons. 3. in Maafh halgrbanetb, (or treat. of 'ping the Sacrificer,) chapter t. fe&ion 8.' ptfEíCnot having any deformitie, want or fuperfluitie of parts, without or within; nor other corruption. The Greeke tranflateth it, without blem : fee the notes on Exod. 12.5. and Leviticus 22.21. Thus are wee to underftand the Prophet, when bee faith , Curfed be the deceiver , which bath in hi, flock a male, [that is, a perfe& male] and zooetu , and fecriliceth unto the Lord a corrupt thing , Malec. 1.14. It 3