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4 LEVITICLIS 1. It figured Chrilts perfeE.tión in h imfelfe,and ours in him, Heb.9,t 3,14. Ephef..5.27. and teacheth us to honour God with our belt things and to f rve bim with perfe(( heart, I Chron.28.9. at the dgore]within the c nu't,where the Altar was, ver1.5. fee this law explained in Leviticus 1 7.3.4 &e. As it was the way of honour unto God, for the Offerer to bring his facrifice himfelfunto the San&uary,'& not to fend thePrieft to take a beaft out of his house and offer it for him : fo the doore might alto lead then unto Chrift(who faith,Iam the doore of the fheepe, Iohn 10.7.) by whom we enter into the holy place, H6.10.19.20. His bo- dy was the true Tabernacle and Temple, called a greater and more perfeél tabernacle, which the Lord pitched and not man,Heb.9.I I.and 8.2.I0h.z,19, z I. The Church was fecondarily figured by theTem- pie and Tabernacle,Ephefians 2.21,22. fir his favourable acceptation] or for acceptation of him; that hee and his offering may be favou- rably accepted of God. This fente, both the Greeke and Chaldee verfions yeeld, a11ò the old Latine: and the promife iri verle 4.confirmeth it; and the like phrafe in Leviticus 23. I I . is fo in- terpreted of all : the contrary whereof, is in Ie- remy 6.20. T our Burntwffring are not to favourable- acceptation : that is, they are not acceptable. And the Apokle exhórteth, prefnt your bodies a living forzfice, holy, acceptable unto God, R.ontans 12.1. Some take the wohds of this Law hereto meane, according to the goodwill of him that offe- reth; that he flrould not facrifice to God by com- pulfion, but of his owne voluntary will, for God lovetb a cbearfull giver, 2 Corinth. 9.7. In the former fenfe, it taught men to offer in the faith ofChrift,without which it is.unpofftble to plcale God. Hebrewes I1.6. and by faith, Abel offered unto Gad, a more excellent facrifice then Gain, Hebr. 11.4. Vert 4. flall lay bit hand] or, impofe hie Land; and by hand leemeth to bè meant bio bands, as ellè- whereis expreffed, Leviticus 16.21. The man that brought the offring, was to lay or impofe hands hintlèlfe upon it while it was alive ; thereby disburtheniug himfelfe of finne and laying it upon the facrifice, Leviticus 16.21, and teftifying his faith in Chrift the true facri- fite to be flame for him. The Hebrew Do&ors lay, All oblations cf beajls, which a particular per - fin offetb either of debt or voluntarily, he layeth bands ron them whiles they are alive; except it be the fsrfl-borne, and the titbe, and the Pak' All doe impale hands, excepting the deal¢, the foole, and a childe, and a fervant, and a woman, and the blinde, and the firanger. Neither may a mefenger impofe hands, for there is no irnpofition but by the ownners; as it N written, A N D H ®E SHALL L Ay HIS HAND; not his wives hand nor his fi'vants, nor bo meffngers. Five that bring ene facrifice, all doe lay hands upon it , one after another, not all together. Who fo dyeth , and leaveth oblati- ons, burnt- ofring, o- peace-; his hire is to briny; the fame and lay bands uprm it &c. There' is no impofsticn of bands on the facrifices of the Congre- gation, fave two; on the fcape Goat , Leviticus 16. 2 I . and the Sinne- offring Leviticus 4.15. They lay on no hands but in the court : if they doe it without the court, they muff lay on hands again within. And in the place whe, e they impofe hands they kill ir. And the lulling it immediately after the inepofitien. And bee that impofith muff doe it 'with all his might , with bath his hands upon the head of the beafl. not upon the neck¢ or fides: and nothing may be be- tween his hands and the bull. He layeth his hands between the two bornes , and cortfekth upon the fm- offrntg, the iniquity of finne . and upon the trefpaf- offring , the iniquity f trefpaffé : and upon the burnt-of- f ing he ronfefleth the iniquity of doing that he fhould nor, and not doing that be ought, &c. Maimony, in treat. of ffrvtg facrifiées, Chap.3. Setlion 6.8,9. &c. But as for facrifices offowles (vent 4.) there was no charge to impofe hands on them: Maimony, ibidem, Sel1.7. make-atonement] or expiate, make - reconciliation, which is ufually meant in re- gard of mans finne,and Gods wrath for the Lime, Leviticus 4.zo. &c. The Hebrew Copper figni- fieth cosering; not as with a garment (which may eafilybe taken off, ) but as with plait/et that cleat- veth, Genefis 6.14. and is applyed to the cove- ring , that is , the appeafing of an angry counte- nance , Genefis32.2o. and fo for the anger of God , which is appealed by the burnt -offring of Chrifis body, for he is the Atonement (or, Feconci- liarion) for our finnes : Dan.9.24. 1 Iohn 2. 2, Hebr. Thus the Burnt - offring was for atonement and remiflioncf finnes, lob 42.8. to weet , generall finnes , and fuch as often are un - knowne to men, (as Iob offred burnt- offring, lay- ing, it may be that my fnnes have finned, Iob t.5.) Whereas for fpeciall finnes, there was a fpeciall facrifice and finne- offring,Leviticus 4. And both the Burnt - offring, and Sinne-offring are joyned in Chrifts offring up of his owne body for us, Pf. 4o.,6. &c. Allo Burnt- offrings were given in ligne of thaukfulneffe to God,and fo be- tokened a new creature and holy life, Pfam.51.. 19,20,21. and 66.13,14,15. Omen's 8.20. For this caufe the Burnt - offring is firft taught as be- ing the principali and moltcommon,offrcd daily for the Churclt:andwhen other forts of facrifices were brought, this burnt - offring was alwayes one; See Levit.9.8.12.i5,16. and 52.6. and 14. 19,2o. and 16.15.24. Numb.6.1o,1 r. and 7.15, 16.and 29.2.Iudg.2o.z6. Verl5. be (ball kill] in Greeke, they (hall bill meaning the Priefts or Levites. For whereas it followeth , the fines of Aaron the Priefis [hall aF fer the blood; this killing is not reftraincd to them as the offring of the blood, butmight be perfor- ated alto by the Levites, that were given to help¢ thePriefts in their km vice, Nut/1.8.19. So though the Prz fns kilted, in 2 Chron.29.24. yet the like is faidallòof the Levites, that they killed, and the Priefls frink'ed the blood from their hands, and the Levites flayed, 2Chron.35.1o,tr.Alfoill 2 Chro. o.I The Levites had the charge of the killing of the Paeaters. This killing therefore, and the flay- ing a ter mentioned in ver.6.was not ftri&ly tied Aaa 3 to 5