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LEVITICUS I. to the Priefts office, as forte other things were, in Numb.3.t o. So in the HebrewCanons they fay, The 1 filing oof the body things may be done by (}rangers, [ fetch as are not of Aarons feed, ] even of the moll holy things; whether they be the holy things ofa particular perfon,or of the congregation : Mai- wry in Biath hamikdafb, Chap.9.Seti. 6. The place of killing was on the North fide of the Altar,v.ii. And the Iewes have a tradition,that the morning facrifice was killed at the Werthwefl, and the even- ing facrifice at the Nurtbeafi, that it might be over againfi the Smote : Maimony in Tamidin (or, treat. of the Dailyfacrifices,) chap. 1. See. t i. The flaying of. the facrifices, figured the death of .Chriff, of whom it is prophefied, Meffabfball be cut o (or flaine)Daniel 9.26.for, withoutfbedding of blood, there is no reniiffton. Heb.9.22. It figured fecondly, the mortifying of Gods people, by his Word,Spirit,and participation of Chriffs af- fliftions ; as, Mortifie (or kill) thereforeyour mem- bers which are upon the earth, Colollians 3.5. and If yt through the fpirit doe mortifie the deeds of the be- die ,ye falll live, Roman.8.13. whereby is meant a ceding from ftnne, i Peter 4.1,2. And , For tly fall, we are billed all the day; we are accounted as fheepe offlaughter, Rom.8.36. yonglittg of the herd] that is, theyoug bull , or calfe, as the Greeke tranflateth it : Hebrew, fmne of the herd: fee Ge- nets 18.7. In Mich.6.6. fuch facrifices are called formes ofayeere, that is, young bulls, or bullockes of the firlt yecre,not older: fee thenotes on Exo- dus i2.5. and 29.1. before Iebovab] in the court of the Sanbtuary, where all, facrifices muff be flaine,Leva 7.3,4.and unto God onely, not to creatures : for he that facrificed to any,fave unto Iehovahonely, was utterly to be deftroyed, Exo- dus 22.20. bring neerc]unto the altar : oraf- fer it. And this immediately;and out of the court it might by no meanesbe ca tied. The blood ofthe holy things , that goeth out of the court , becomes unal- lowable for facrifice; and though they bring it in again, andfprinkleit enthe altar, it is not acceptable: faith M.rimoos, in treat. of holy things polluted, ehapt.i. Seú.3 5. fprinkle] or,as the Greeke tranflateth, paure-en; for the original( word fignifieth a pou- ring-on with fprinkling ., and this was in large mcafitre that the ccrrecs of the Altar were filled with blood, Zach.9.15. Therefore the lewith canons fay, that the facrificerswere to indeavour to receive all the blood; and the facrifices of which le blood was received then fufficed for the Iprin/«ling, the blood ,was not fanllified. When the Prieff tooke the blood in the bow,',, he Iprinkled thereoftwo fprinkings, upon the two corners rf the Altar overtbweertly, on the nortbeaff born and on the futhweff borne. And this mutt beef° thicke, that by the twice fprinkling, the blood may be fund on the foure fides of the Altar, as it, is written (Leviticus s.) RouN0 ABOLIT. And the refiof the blood, it poured at the bottome of the Altar on the finch fide. Maimocy treat. of of- fling the facrifices, Se17.8. and Chapter 5. Sell. 6. This fprinkling had a forefhadowing o the (prink irtg of the blood of Tefu Cbrift, s Peter 1,2. Etay 52.15. And unto this lite of powring the blood at the bottome of the Altai, (commanded in Leviticus 4.7.) that myffery hath reference, of the pule/ of them that wereElaine for the wordof God, feene under the Altar, Rev.6.9. Verf.6.he(ball] theGreeke tranflateth, they !hall flay; it is meat of the Priefts and Levitieswhich were to affili thePriefts in offring all burnt facri- fices, 1 Chron. 23.31. as before they helped to kill, verfe 5. and as appeareth , by 2 Chronic.29. 34.where the Priefis were too few, and not able to ÍI% all the burnt- offerings ; therefore their brethren the Le- vites helped them. The Prielt allo had the skinne of the burnt -offring which he offred , Leviticus 7. 8. They flayed not until( the blood was fprinkded: faith MLlaimony,treat.of offringthe facrihces,ca.5. felt:18. This flaying figni -fled alto the affliftious ofChrill and his people, Mic.3.3. Matth.27.28. and the opening and making bare of the mytfcry cif Chrift by the Gofpel , Galat.3.I. tbe pie- ces thereof] the natural' pieces , or membri (as the Greeke tranflateth it, ) as head, brat, legges,&c. it might not bee a confuted or difordered mange .ling. The manner of it,Maimony fheweth particu- larly,in his Paid treat.ofoffring facrifices,chap.6. where he mentioneth the cutting off of the bead firlt, then of the legges or thighes,of the fore feet, and of the hinder feet, ache breff, of the fides,ot the necke ; of the Cane (or chanell bone) of the fhoulder,of the Chine(or backe boue,)and of the Rumpe. The Liver was left hanging on the right fide; the heart and the lunges , on the channel( bone; the milt,on the left fide; .and the kidneyes on the rump. And to this queffión, why the grea- ter members werenot cut into (mall pieces ? he anfwe- reth, becauféitiswritten, he _pall cut it into the pieces thereof, and not , (ball em it into pieces. The Chaldce alto here tranflateth , bee Ihall divide it by the mem- bers thereof. From this cultome of dividing the facrifices,it feemeth the Greeke interpreters thus tranflated and expounded the words of God to Kain; If thou offer aright, and divtdefi not aright, haft thou not finned? Genefis 4.7. It feared the worke of the Miniftery in the Church , rightly di- viding the ward of truth, 2 Tim.2. 15. and fo prea- ching the Gofpell, that before mens eyes Iefus Chrilt may be evidently -fit- forth, and as it were crucified among them, Galat.3.1. Efay 66.21. It allo fignified the effeft of Gods word in us, pier- cing even to the divldmg- afunder of the foule and fpi- rit, of the jrynts and marrow, and a difeerner of the thoughts and intents ofrhe heart.Heb.4.12. Verf.7. put fire]Hebrew, give fire. This may be 7 underltood of making and ordering the fire, which was continually nourifhed upon theAltar; Levit. 6 t2, 13. and which atfirft came downe from heaven, Levit.9.24. But the Hebrew Doc - tors, from thefe words fay, although that fire downfrom heaven , it is here mmmandded to bring com- mon fire. Maimony, treat. of the Daily oblations, Chap.z.Self.i. It figured thecontinual' miniftra- lion of the Spirit, by Chriff and his m°nilters preaching of the Goipell , Matth.3.11. Ga1.3.5 Icr.23.29. and efpecially the preaching of the Croffe and afifiions of Chritf and his people, Gal. 6