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,L E V I T I Ga1.6,12,14. I Pet. 4. í2,13,r4. lay the wood] of this ordering, fee the notes on Levit. 6. 12. rQorcover, the wood (as alfò the fall) for ail facri- tìces, was to be the Corig'regm'ons publike : and no particular perfon, might bring faltarmood fir hie obla- tion, from biaowneho tefe:faith Maimony, in treat. of things forbidden tocome on the Altar, chap. 5. felt. 13. Hereupon publike order was taken in Neheni. t o. 34. and 13.31. for the Woad.affrirtg,(or Korban) to have it brought into the houlè of God, at tines appointed. The Hebrew Doftors fay, that in the moneth Ab (the flit moneth, whiclp¡,ve call July) they hewed woad for the Korban (or aping) Isl;ob ben Ater, in Orach chajim. s VerC 8. the pieces] When they had cut in pieces , the Burnt- offring, they brought all the pieces to the foot - flail (of the Altar) and falred them there (as is cons- manded, Levit. 2. 13. Ezek. 43.24.) Afierware&, the laid all the pieces an the top of the Altar. Then taking awaythe finest, that fhranke,(whereof fee Gen. 32.32.) en the top of the Altar , they threw it upon the apes which were in the midffof the Altar. Tltenfrinl. led (or flrowed) they all the pieces upon the fire, at it is written (in Deut. 12.17.) O F Tie s F t s s H, AND OF THE BLOOD: even m the b/eodwas (prinked, fo all the flefh won (prinked. And after they were fprirtkled, thy laid them in order again upon the fire, at it it written, ( Levit. t. I z.) And the Priefl ¡hall lay them in order. Maimony treat. of offÎing the Sacrifices, ch.6. fe&.4. This dividingand lay- ing by pieces on the Altar, was obferved in all Burnto ffrings ¡fee Exod. 29.1 7,18. z King.18. 23. 33. Levit. $ 20, 21. and 9. 13. the fat] The Hebrew Feder, is tiled onely here, and in ver. I 2. and in Levit. 8. zo. and is thought to be the f t- cau,'e,or midriffe,that parteth the intrailes. The Greeke and Chaldee both tranflate it, fat. 9 Verf. 9. in water] not in wine , nor in any mixture, or other liquor. And the inwards they walked not leffi then three times : faith Maimony, in treat. of offing the facríf. chap. 6. fef}. 6. The waffling of the in- wards, and of the legs (pr the feet , as the Greeke tranflateth) fsgnified our purification by the fpi- rit of Chrift,fprinkled in our hearts from an evil confcience, and wafhed in our bodies with pure water, Ezek.36.25. Heb.l o.2z. He that it wafted, neede: not, face to math hie feet, John 13.Io. the Priefl] Michael, (that is, Chrift, Revel. 12.7.) be it the great Priefl that it an high , and he off eth the footles of the full, like the daily ofrings made by fire: faith It. Menachem on Levit. 6. (hall borne] to wcet, as perfume, as the word implyeth. It bur- ned upon theAltar,all night,nntill the morning, Levit. 6. 9. Howbeit, they ofednaef-higa, but by day; at it is written, (Lech. 7.38.) In the day that he cotnmandrd the fnts of Ifrael to offer, L^c. in the day, and not in the night. Therefore they flay no facrióces, but by day nor fprinkle any blood, but in the day of the killing : but the facrifires whole blood is jkinkled by day, they bum their fat, eve. all the night ; and f the members of the Burnt -ing, they borne them in the night; d-c. Maimony, treat. of'f ingtie facrif. chap. 4. fein. 1, 2. This burning of facrifices, fignified (the confecrating of Chrift through afiftions Cus I. 7 and ftu(ferings; and the like fiery trials which his peoplentuft undergoe: Hebrews 2.Io.and 13. Ii 12. 1 Pet. 4. t. 12. Zachar. 13.9. For every one (hall ée felted with fire , and e; ery facriflre (hall be faked with f lt, Mark. 9. 49. It figured allo the worke of Gods fpirit, Matt h.3.I t. it is] or it (hall be : theft words, it is, are added alto in the Grcekc ver(ìon and rightly from the 13. and 17. verfès following. of ref!] that is, of fweet favour, as the Greeke tranflateth. The Chaldee expoundeth it , which fball be received with favourable acceptation bell re the Lord. See the notes on Genefis 8. 2 r . It figured the tweet fa- vour of thrifts facrifice, (and of ours in him) unto God, Ephefians 5.2. Romans 12. I. I Pet. 2.5. For as a fweet tntell refrefheth and quieteth the fents, fo Chrifts oblation appeafeth Cods fpirit. Therefore the Prieft allo prayed for the offering, (figuring Chrifts mediation) and fo by prayer and oblation pacified Gods wrath, as ap- jearethby Job 42. 8. where God laid ,Goetomy fervant Job, and of ir upfervourfelver a Burnt- ring, and my fervant Job fball pray frir you , fir I will ac- cept bit face : left I deale with you after your filly. So Darius ordained that beasts (hould be given the Jewes , fir the Burnt- fines of the God of hee- ven , that they might offer Sacrificer ofreff, unto the God of heat en, and pray for the life oftbe King, and of hit formes, Ezra 6. 9, 1 o. VerC to. fheepe] or, yong- rammes; which the Greeke here tranilateth, !amber, They were of the fir(t eere, Exod. 29.38. For the Hebrew Chefeb, (calledalfoCbebes, Levit. 4.3s. where upon the Dutch Sc/seep and Eng!Ilh Sheepe , by tranfplacing the letters , is derived;) wherefaever thfe are fpoken of in the Lam, are fbeepe of the fìrfl yecre. And wherefeever Ajil or Slim (Ramones) are mentioned: they are males of the fecund yeere: faith Maimony. treat. of nfring the Sacrifices, ch. 1. f. 14. Thefe alto figured Chrift the lambe ofGod, Ela. 53. 7. John 1.29. or of the goats]. the law expref' feth feverall kinds by themlelves : hereupon- the Hebrewes gather it may not be a bull of divers kinds,part like a fheepe,and part like a goat : nor borne of filch mixture, no nor like another kind; as if a (heepe bring forth her yong like a goat, or a goat like a Iheepe,it is not lawful! to bring fuck a beaft upon the Altar.: Maimony, its Ifurei Mi- beach, chap. 3. felt. 4 5. &c, Verf. t 1. the fide] or, the thigh of the Altar; and fo upon the ground, as the Altar ftandeth' whereupon the Hebrew canons fay That if a Beall be banged u and klled in the gyre f the Court it it polluted, Maimony, treat, of ho) things polluted, chap. 1. fe&. 16. In killing the daily Burnt- ofings of the Church (mentioned in Numbers 28. 3.) they bound the Lambe, and laid hit bead to the South, bit face to the Weft; the (layer flood on the Dail fide, with his fare to the Well. The morning facrifice bee f/i'ed by the North-, weft borne of the Altar ; the evening ftenftce , by the North -eaft borne. Thalia-aid Bab. in Tamiditr, chapter 4. Northward] on the North fide of the Altar; which is alto to be understood of the yon,; IO' II