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11/, 1111111111:, 1lemw!main LEVIT CUS I. yong Bull forementioned, and of other the molt holy facrifices,as of the Sin- offiing,Lev.6.25.and the Trelpaffe-offri ngl Leviticus 7.1,2.Of all facri- ! fì.'es, they receive the blood in a ve fèl of min f ration , by the band of a Prieft : but the place of kiting them and the place r f receiving the blood , is not alike in them all. For the holy ofholies, ¡bey kill not them, nor receive their blood, but on the Northftde of the Altar : but the light holy. things , thou they fill , and receive their blood, in any place of iheCourtyard: faith Maimony, treat. of ofrnng the facrif. ch. 5. fe &. 1, 2. The moll holy things that are killed on the Southfide , or abaft blood is rereized an the Southfide , are polluted; Maimony, treat. of ho- ly things polluted, chap. 1. fe&. 7. The Hebrew Do- ors gather a myfterie here ; that as it is fold in Jet'. t. 14. One of the North , an evil! fhould break! fortb,&c. therefore to reftraine the evils,or judge- ments of God, the Burnt -offrings and Sinne- offrings were flair on the Northfide of the Altar. R. Menachem : and BaalHatturim, on Levit.r. I2 Verf. t 2. the Priefi fhalllay] Chazkuni obfervetl, that of the bullock, which was a great bead it was laid, in, verf. 8. they (the Priefis) fhal lay : but of the fheepe, which was a, finals bealt, it is writ- ten, be (the Priefls) Jhall lay. I3 Ver. 13. offer all] or, briwneere all, andbume it: fee verf -9. The wool] thai woo on the Jkepes head, and the haire on the goats beard , and the bones and the fi- newer, and the Is,, nes and the hoofs: whiles they clea- ved to the members, they burned all: faith Maimony treat. of offing the facrif. chap.6. lè &.2. It lignified all Ghrilt, and wharfoevcr he hails fuffered and done, to be ours-by faith, Gal. .20. and that we allo give our felves wholly unto God by him, 1 Theffalonians, 5. 23. 14 Verf. 14. Turtle dozes] of the Hebrew Tor, the Latine Turtnr, & English Turtle are derived : and the voice of this fowle, agreeth with the name. Hero is no difference put of male or female, of perfeEt or blemished : howbeit , the Hebrew Do- `ttors gather by proportion from the former lawcs, that although lelfer blemifhes dilàble not doves from facrifices, yet the greater doe, as if they want an eye, or a foot, &c. it is not lawfitll to bring them upon the A1tar.Alfo they fay,Yong Turtles are unlawftdl, and old Dozes are unlawfull. Tong Pigeons are allowable , f long as if one plucke the wing, the place whereout he p:urketh, fill up with blood. And Turtles are allowable after that they wexe golden coloured; [as Pfa.68.14.]Mai.tont.3.inIfureiMiz- bearh, ch. 3. f. 1,2. yvngpigeons]Hebr. föutes of the daze. The holy Ghoft in Greeke tranflateth thefe f ìnes, yong ones , Luke 2. 24. from Levit. 1 3. The Turtle dams were to be old , not yong : the Pigeons, yang , not old : faith a11ò R.SoI. Parchi, on Levit. t. These were facrifices for the poorer fort , that were not able to bring a Lambe, Lev.5.7. and 12. E. Therefore the daily Burnt- offring of the Church of Ifrad, was two Lembo, Num. 28.3. and by the Hebrew canons, The Cotgre3atien never ofred fcwle, Maimony, treat. of'ffr'in4 family Ch. I.fe &.4. The Ooze is a creative sociable, innocent, chafte, monrufuil quiet, fearful!, given to meditation : and unto Iftch,Godspeople arc often likened; fee Song 2, I4. and ç.t. Mat. 1 0.16. Efa. 38,14. and 59. and 60.8. Ezekiel 7. 16. Holes 11, u r. Plà1. 74. 19. Verf. 15. bring -it -here] or , offer it at the Altar. 15 eut- wttb- hit -mill] The Hebrew Ma/ak, is found onely here and in Leviticus 5.8. which the Greeke interpreteth Apoknifi, to cut with the nalle of ones finger. By this meanes the blood came out but the head was not thereby parted from the body Leviticus 5. 8. The manner (as the Hebrew Do&ors have recorded) was thins : The prielt went up on the footfiall (of the Altar) and turned in compaf , and came to the Souths-eaff borne, and there he Cooke, the bead frost the necke , and di- vicedthem afunder t [and herein the Burnt -of ring differed from the Sinne- offring, which might not be divided , Leviticus 5. 8. ] and if be di- vided it not , it was unlawful!. Then wrung he out the blood of she bead, and the blood of the body, upon the fide of the Altar , &e. and be took the bead, and returning to that place of the Altar where bee out it with bit Haile bee rubbed it with fall , and fp: inkled it upon the fire - offrings. And bee came to the body, and plukt away with bit hand, the crop and skim that wan upon it , with the meat, and the entrailes that came -out therewith and threw them into the place of ¡be ales. And he clam it with the wings thereof with his hand without a knife; and divided it not afender : then he rubbed it withfalt, and ferinkkd it upon the re- ofrings. He that cut the necke with a knife , or emit) on the fides , it was not Melieah. [the cutting with the naile here com- manded ;] but at if it bad beenftrangled, or bad bled at the not : [which was an unlawfull way of kil- ling.] Maimony, treat. of Ofring facrif. chap. 6. fe &. 20. 21 ' 22, 23. Verb 16, feathersof the fame] or, filth ofthe fame: to weet of the crop, for thereunto (by the gen- der) it luth- reference : midis therefore by Onke !as the Chaldee paraphrait tranflated, the meat of the fame, which was in the crop ; and the Chaldee called Ionathans, expoundeth it,the dung (or, filth) thereof: but the Greeke tranflateth it, fathers, as elfewhere the Hebrew word fignifieth. Eaff- ward] that was neereft the doore, and furtheft from the San&uarie,readyto be carried out,Lev. 6, to,t I. to teach that all uncleanneffe was to be removed out of Gods fight : for holineffe beconl- nteth his honfe, Pl11m. 93.5. And fo it figuttd the holineffe that was in Chrift our facrifice, who without àll lime or uncleanneffe, offered himlelfe unto God for us; by which allo her cleanfed and purified his people, and their fer- vice of God Heb. 9. 4. Verb 17. with the wings] that is, having them on. And the not dividing it afunder,mi ht fore- fhadow the manner of thrifts death, of whom a bone was not broken: John 19.33,36. And how wee fhould give up our felves wholly untoGod by him,' Thef. 5.23. So in Levit. 5.8. frefl] Greeke ,offwect finell: fee veri: 9. God comfor- teth the poore, by promiing the like acceptance of, and delight in his final' facrifice; as in the Bulls, Rammes, Goats of the richer fort : For if there 16 17