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The Meat-Offring. L$ V I T I c il S I I. there be.fin i a trilling monde, it is accepted aecsrdieg to that a man bath, and not according to that he bath not, 2 GA... 8. Ira. There Burnt - offrings pleafed God, and were a fweet favour unto hint, not in them - felce,, but in Chris, in whole faith the godly of- fred them, till the time of reformation. As for the outward facrifices, God teftifieth, I defined mercie, and not facriftce : and the knowledge of God, more then Barns-offiingr, Hof. 6.6. and David laying that the Lord delighted not in facrifice, nor would ac- cept of a Burnt-airing, addeth, The facrifues of God, are a brokmt ¡pint, &c. Pfal.5 1.18,19. And the wi- feftof the Scribes of old, could fay, that to love (God) with all the heart,and with all the underflanding, andwith all the feule,and with all the flrengthiand to-love his neighbour atbimfel: morethen all Burnt-linings andLocrifces.Mark.I 2.33. IMAMAAAMAAAAAAAAAAAA I CHAP. II. 1, The meat-offringof flowre, withaite and incenfe. 4, The Meat-,fringbaked in the aven; Cake!, or Wa- fers. 5, The Meat- offring baked in a plate, 7, or in a frying pan: r 1. all without Leaven. 12. 14. The Meat-of (ring of the find¡ fruits in thecare. 13, The fah Bftbe off rings. AN D a foule,when it will offer an ob- lation of Meat-offring, untoJehovah; his oblation (hall be, of fine - flowre: and he (hall powre oileupon it,and put fran- kincenfe upon it. And he (hall bring it,unto the fonnes of Aaron , the Priefìs : and hee (hall take thereout his handfull,ofthe flowre thereof, and of the oile thereof; with all the frankincenfe thereof: and the Prieft Ihall burne the memorial) thereof, on the Altar; a Fire - offring, of a favour of refl,unto Jeho- 3 vah. And the remnant ofthe Meat- offring, fha/l be Aarons, and his fonnes : it is Holy of holies, of Jehovahs Fire-offrings. 4 And when thou fhalt offer an oblation of a Meat- offring, baked in the oven : itJhall be of fineflowre, unleavened cakes min- gled with oile ; or unleavened cakes anoin- ted with oile. 5 And if thy oblation, be a Meat-offring on a pan : it (bal be of fine- flowre,mingled with 6 ode,unleavened Thou (halt part it in pieces, and powre ode thereon : it is a Meat - offring. 7 And if thy oblation, be a Meat - offring of the frying -pan : it (hall bee made of fine- ' 8 flowre, with oile. And thou (halt bring the Meatoffring, which (ball be made of there things, unto and he thatl offer it un. to the Prier}, and hee (hall bring it unto the Altar. And the Prieft (hall take -up from the 9 Meat-offring,a memorial) thereof, and (hall borne it upon the Altar : a Fyre - offring ea! favour of ref}, unto Jehovah. And the rem - I o nant Of the Mear- offring-, frill be Aarons and his formes : it is Holy of holyes, of Jehovahs Fyre- offringi. No Meat - offring, which ye a ¡hall offer unto Jehovah, (hall be made with leven : for ye (hall not burne any old - leven, nor any honey, in a Fyre - offring unto Jeho- the oblationof the fir[¡- fruits,ÿe (hat 1 z offer them unto Jehovah : but they shall not alcend on the Altar,for a favour of ref¡. And i. every oblation of thy Meat - offring, thou (halt fait with fait : and thou (halt not let ceafe , the fait of thecovenant of thy Grod, from on thy meat - offring, : with every obla- tion of thine,thou (halt offer fait . And if thou (halt offer, a Meat.offring of firft fruits , to Jehovah: thou (halt offerfor the Meat - offring of thy first fruits, greene - eares -of -corn parched in the fire ground- corne out ofthe full -eare. And thou (halt put 15 our upon it; and lay frankincenfe upon it :lt tf aMeat- offring. And the Prieft (hall borne 16 the memorial) of it, of the ground -come thereof; and of the oile thereof, with all the frankincenfe thereof: a Fyre-offring unto Jehovah. 14 t.../ nnotations. AStale] that is, a perfon, or man,as the Chaldeé tranflateth it.Therfore in the next words he faith, hisoblation, and he fhallpoure: as fhewingga man to be meant. See the notes on Gen. 12.5. and 14.21. when it]or,ifhe will olfer,toweet,voltin- tarily. A particular perfon might bring a voluntary meat-offring , though he were the aaoyated Priefi : but the Congregation brought no voluntary Mew-dining faith Chtezkuni, on this place. an oblation of Meat-offring:] Hebr.korban Mincbab i that is, the offring (orgìft,) called Minchab: which was of things without life, as flowre, cakes, wafers, &c. Mmchsb was generally any folemne gift or Pre - fent,unto God or nun, 1 fpeciall a prefent or facrifice unto God, Gen.4.3,4 more fpecially,an offring ofthe fruits ofthe cart h,ofus now called a Meat- offniei : we might call it a Wheat-offing, for it was for the milk part, ofche flowre of wheat: Ezek.45.13.15, i Chr. 2 t.2 3. Exo- 59.2. The Greeke fontetime keepeth the Hebrew name Manaa,'Ezek. &c: in this place and often elfewhere, Mafia a facrifice ;arid in Ha. 40.7. proffibora, an oaring: and this theApo(kle fol- loweth, Hebr. and the fornterThntfia, is approved in Mark.9.49. from Levkt.2.13. and in AR.7.42. trots, Amos 5.25.0; thefe, ¡bye. were_ Meat- offring- of the Congregation , fame ofparticular p:rfonr. I