I/ /Wilt tru n n l ut iraniri io , LEVITIClYS ll. perfiu. 7le wngregatior:s offrings were three; the wa- ved fhe.efe, (Lcvit.23.'to, i.) !hewn°ware- loaves, CLevit.2 3,17.) and the Shew- breadmade eve °. week, (Levit.24.5.) This (Sheen-bread) came not on the Altar , but was all eaten by the "'delis. Theparticular pe; f its Meat -af f ings were nine : and all of them carne to the Altar; 1. 7be Poore mans Meat-offingfar pine, (Levit.5.I t,) z.7hie Iealoufe- firg, (Nutn.5. t 5.) 3.7heM. cat -piing of Initiation, which every Prieft r ff, ed when he fir sri entredinta his frvice, (Leviticus $ 26, 28.) 4. The Meat -ring which the high Priefi eJed every day, ( Levit. 6. 2o.) 5.76a Meat -ring of fine fiowrè; 6.T he Meat -ofring baked on a plate; 7 üt d fying-pan ; 8. in an oven ; 9. or wafers ; (all mentioned in Levit. 2.) and all there five kindes came for corees, or for voluntary- affrings; Maimony, treat. of Offing the Sacrifices, chap.' 2. felt. 1, 3, 4. The' Minchab or Meat- offing was primarily a fi- gure ofChrilt his oblation, wbegave himfelfe fir no, an Oblation and a facetfice to God, for a fnvet- fineling favour, Ephef 5.2. So the Apoftle openeth it, in Heb. r o. front the 4o. Kàlnte; Sacrifice andObla- tim (klmchah) thou weuldeft not , but a body haft thou prepared me, &e. Above when be fail, Sacrifice and Oblation, and Burnt- offrims, and shags for fn, thou wouldeff not, &e. then fold o, Loe I come to doe shy will, 0 Gad, &'c. By the which will, we are faníiif ed; through the ping of the body cf lefts Cbrifl rmce; Hebr. 10.5, 8,9i1o. So that in the Oblation ofChriíls body, this legall fscrificewas accomplifhed and ended: for it fèrved allo to expiate finites; as the Lord fwarc that the iniquitie of Elks houle Should not le purged with Sacrifice or Minchah Idlest- ping) fir ever, 1 Sam. 3. 14. and as Dazidlhcweth, Pay- ing , If the Lord have furred thee up aveitft me, let him finell (that is , favourably accept) a Minchah, or Meat - arise¿) t Sam. 26. 19: Therefore when Christ hiutfelfewas come, this Meat- offring cea- fed, as was foretold in Dan. 9.27. be thaw canf the Sacrifice, and the Minchah to ceafe. Secondly, it figu- red the perlons of Chriftians ,who through hint are clean fed and fanetified, to be pure oblations unto God; as it was prophefied, They fall bring alt your brethren for a Minchah (a Meat - offring) unto the Lord, out of all the Gentiles, &c. as the fumes of IMrael bring a Meat - offring (Mir, drab) in a clean z etch, into the hoof of the LORD,Ela.66.2o. The accomplilh- ment whereof the Apollle fheweth to have beene by his miniltraeionof the Gòdpelof God, unto the Gentiles; that the- Oblanrn (Prof fhora) of she Gen- tiles might be acceptable,leing failifed by sloe holy Gh.ft, Rom.15.16.Thirdly,it figured the fruits of grace, and good Works that Chriftians are to performe both towards God and men. Towards God, by prayer and thankfgiving; as David faith, Let my prayer be dircîled as incenfé before thee ; the !fling up of my hands , as the everting Minchah (or Oblation) PC I.t41.2. So when the Lord told the Jewes,I will not accept a 'Wino/tab (or Meat - aging) at your hand; he äddeth , For font the r fug ofthe Smme, even unto the going down of thefame , my name fhall be great among the Gentiles ; and in every place , ineenfe fha/I be rered unto my name, and a pure Meat- offring, Malach. 1. t o, t r. which is fulfilled , when men pray every where, letting up bolt' bands, as the Apollle teàcheth, t Tim.2. 8. Towards men alto, good workes are as facrifices unto God, as it is written, 7o dee good and to communicate , forget not for withfuck faerifices Gad is wellpleated, Heb. 13. t 6. fo the benevolence rent front the Church of Philippi, to theApolfle, was an odour ofa free¢ finell, a facrifce acceptable, well_ pleaftng unto God,Phi1.4. r 8.N ow becaufè the Meat - offrings here prefcribed , had wile and ffanlfineenfe with them, whereas the Meat- offrings which the poore man brought for his Sin, was to have uei. cher of both,Levitictts 5.11. it feemeth the chief¢ thing here figured,was the new crcature,and ho- ly eftate which we have in Chrill: that as our re- conciliation tinto God inChrilt,was fignified by the Burnt- offring, Lev. 1. fo the fanflification of our perfons and aetions, and'the acceptation of them before God, through his grace in Chrifts was fignified by this Meat- offring. fine -fawre j ofwheat, Exod. 29.2. Ezra 6.9.1 Chron.2,t.23. All the flfeat -ff ings were of mbeaten flowre , except the jealoufre -ring, and the wazedfeafé, (Numb. 5. Lev. 23.) which were of barley. And for the quan- ti tie, All Meat-r ffringr that were brought upon the Al- tar, not any of them was leff then the tenth pan (of an Ephah, as Levit.5.1 t. and 6.zo. that is, an Omer, as Exod. t 6. 36.) 7- be five Meat- offrings(mentio red in this chapter ) that are brought for vow and voluntarie facrifce, he may bring of them fo mach at he pleafe,though loco. tenth parts : but the Meat -pings of rbe f ruealee, and of the firmer and of jealoufre , and of Initiation , and the high Priers Meai- offring, every one of them it but one tenth art,neither lo,pe nor more;t ith Maimony, in treat. ofOffring the Sacrifice ch. 12. fea.2,5. Alto for the qualitie,as all things offred to God, were to be of the bell, and without cor- ruption, fo the Meat-offrings. The flowre might not he inch as wherein wormes bred, or made of worm -eaten wheat; nor mixt with oile that had a rankefinell, or ill tafte, &c. Maimony, in Iffìsrei neiabearñ, c.6 I.e. pure-oile] Sol. Iarcbi noteth, that the ail¢ was poured upon all alit ; the fanitncenfe war put upon part of it, on the one fide. Other of the Hebrews afro fay ;'Every Meat- rffringthat it tired upon the Altar mti bave oile andfan/kineenfe;a Log of oile (that io, hale a pinte of oile, whereof fee Lev. 14;1 o.) for every tenth dealt , and a bandfioll f fan- kineenfe, for every Meat - tiring, whether it be of one tenth deale, er Omit' fir they bring not moe then 60. tenth dealers in one vef ll. Except the leakiefieroffring, and the fin - offring, (Numb. 5. 25. Levit. 5. 11 .) fir they have no oil¢ nor ineenfe ; Maimony treat. of of frssg the faerifee,e.12..f.7. The flowre ofwheat,fg- nified the perfe& and pure eftate of Chr)ft,and of all Chriftians(with their fervice)in him; purged from, the branne of naturall coaruption,Heb.t o. 5.Efa.66.2o.The oile fignified the graces and com- forts of the holy Gholt, whereby wee ferve God with gladnelfe,Pfa1.45.7. Luke 4.18.1 Joh.2.2o. 27.The fianhineenfe,fignred the fiveet odour wher- by they are acceptable to the Lord Song 3.6. Jer.6.2o.Ephef5.aeRomàns ìz. 1. The manner of making the Meat -offring of flowre, is recor- ded to be thus; He that brought a tench - deale of flowre (or