, LEVITICUS 11. Thus the Meat-offrings were in part for the or many tenth deales , or according as be tiztb votred;) and oile meat for the fine : the flown war meafured by the tenth- deale meafure of the Santivarie , and ode was put into a vef77U, and a f erwards the ftawre war put up- on it. After that again, other wile was put upm the flora , and the fioare war mingled with it. After this, they put it tato a miniftring vet U, and then poured ale into it. And the oile which fire they put and the ode which they mingled it with ; and the pile which they pou- red on it , all was a Lag (or half pine) for a tenth deale (of f tovri.) And then they put the frankinenfe upon it, Maimony,treat.of 0,05ing the fcrificcs,chap- ter 13. fe &ion 5. 2 Ver( 2. the fines] that is, one of the Cons, as the words followingdo manifelt;when it is laid, and he fhal take, meaning the Pried. fholl take] or (hallgather-up-With-the band, as the word pro- perly fignifieth. The flowrewasput into a mini - ltring velr 1l, and fanftified therein, (E 1a.66.2 o.) I The Priefi carried it to the Altar, and brought it to the Soutbmeff borne thereof, and removing all thefr.tnlo ycenfa unto the one fide , he woke up a handfuIl of the fore and oile mixed, andput that handfall into a miniftring rep fell and fanllifiedit therein. Then gathering up all the frankuuenf , he put it upon the handfal in the vef el, and let it uponthe Altar, and fatted it ; and pat it out of the miniftring veil, upon the fire. Maimony,, treat, of erring the petit:. chap. 13. felt. 12. burn] re- lolve into fume or vapour,as the woid fignifieth: fo Levit.t.9. and after often. ' the 'memorial ther- of] that is,that handfüll With the incenfe, named a memrria!, becaufe it called tinto Gods remem- brance, (this is fpoken after the manner of turn) his covenant to accept the fervice of faith, which his people offer to hilt byChrill. Hereupon it Is laid o He remember all thy Meat -dugs, Plìd. 20. 4. and,Tby prayers and thine abmet,are come -úp for a Me- morial! before God, Afts 10.4. So Nehemiah prayed, Rememter me, O my God, concerning this; and Wipe not out my /c, ndnef s , that I have done for the borne of mÿ God, &c. and fare me , according to the greatnef of thy mercie , Nehem. 13.14.22. On the contrary, the lnne and jealoufie offrings , had no oile nor incenfe becaufe they wereno offrings of memorial, but filch as brought iniquitie to remembrance; which was not gracious, nor Tweet (Melling before the Lord, Numb. 5.15. Levit. 5. 1 t. ofrefl]the Greeke faith, of tweet fusel; and confcquently ac- ceptable: as the Chaldee explaineth it, an Obla- tion that foal be accepted with favour before the Lord. See Leviticus r. 9. j Verl3. Aaron] to eat the fame, in the San &u- arie Levit.6.16. This is to be underf ood of the Meat- offrings brought alone : butthe meat and drink offrings added to other facrifices,were not to be eaten, but burnt, and poured all upon the Altar; fee the Annotations Oil Levit.z3.13. holy of holies] Hebr. holineffe of holineffer ; that is , molt holy things. By this they are diftinguilhed from other things, which the Hebrew Doftors call therefore, leight hob, and which might be eaten out of the $,m,Rnarie but within the holt i and (in ages following)within Ierufakm.illahm. treat. off' ino, ftarifïeet, ch. 1 o. 1eí}'.5. and ch.11. feít,q, maintenance and livelyhood of Gods Priefts, Num. i 8. g, t o. and being given unto God, were' moll holy things, and figured the graces & good ! workes w herewith we honour Chrift, and relieve his ponce Saints ; which are holy and acceptable facrifices unto the Lord, Phil.4. r 8. Heb. 13. t 6. And being referred to Chrift himtèlfe, as he by I the oblation of his owne body wass'bytour Meat - offring, Pfal. 40. Hebr. io. it figured our cons-' minion with him,and participation of his death and relitrrc &ion, by faith ; whereby hee becom- met h unto us, the breadof God the bread of lifts that giveth us life for ever, Joh.6.32.35. &c. And of him, his whole Church, (which are a Twit Priefi- hood, i, Pet.2.9.) are made partakers. Vert, 4. balpdin] Hebr. of baking (or bacche) of the oven. They kneaded and baked it within the a} Sanftuarie, (though the wheat was ground and rifted without,) asMaimony in the foretaid Trea- tiCe lheweth : which is confirmed by Ezek. 46.20, This is the plate where the Prirfl (hall bode the Trefafl offring , and the Sfime -ring where they (!fall bake the Meat- ring &c. See alto 1 Chron. 23. 28, 29. where the Levites were alfllants to the Prieffs in preparing the Meat- offrings. unleavened] Heb. cakes ofun:eavenings; that is,altogether unleavened; fignifying fineeritie and truth, 1 Cor. 5. 8. fee the notes on Exod. 12. mingled] The cakes were thus ordered : The flotare was mingled with oile , and kneaded with warme water : and baked and broken in pieces, and put into a =Mitring veffill : then frankin- cenfe war put =wit, but no pile poured on it , becaufe tt ú written, mingledwith oile. Of every tenth part (ofan Ephab)they made teneakea: faith Maimony, treat. of offs the facrif, chap. i 3,feft.8,1 o. or unleave- ned] Hebr. and wafers of unleavenings, anointed, &c. Of this, Maimony in the foreeaid place,fàith; And if they were wafers, the flotare mat kneaded with warme water, and thewafers anointed with oile. And it feemes unto me (faith he) that they were anointed after the baking. There was brought a Log (or halle- pinte) of oile, for eicy tenth deak (of flotare) and thee) were anointed and anointed again, till all the oik in the Log teen ended. This anointing with oile, fsgnified the graces of Gods fpirit as before is Chewed, which the children of God lhould have within and without, Co being. both tempered and anointed with the fame : of which the Apoftle faith, The anointing which yee have received of (the Hob one) a- bidetbinyou, Úc. r Joh.2.27. and, He that effablifh- cob us witbyou in Chrift , and bath anobtted ur , is God, 2 Corinth. 1.21. Vert 5. en a panj or, on a plate, or flice , flat and fmoothe. Hereon Iltriniony (treat. of offting peril; chap. 13. fete. 7.) faith, whatdifferetb (Maeba- hash) the Pan , from (Marche(betb) the Frying -pat I 7be Frying pan bath a lap (or edge) and the Pafte that is baked thereon it fog , and ffor that it bath a lip, it run- nethnot, Bat the Pan barb no lip, andthhe Palle that is baked thereon is hard, f that it runs not off. Moreover, the Pan and the Frying -pan were in the Courtyard, and both of them vu f It vrminifdration, and of the hob things: and the 0inen of'the Santluarie was ofmetall.Mairnony Il 4; S