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lz LKVITICUS II. ibid. chap.'2. SeEt.23. They fignified veffels of Chriftian harts as, My heart bath fo ed (orboy- kd a good matter, &c. Pfa1.45.2. See the annota- tions ollthat Praline. 6 ' Verf6.pieces] or parts, They baked it in the fantiu- arie , and cut it in pieces, andput the piecesinto a mini firing ve_ el , and then put upon it aile andfrankiaeenfe, and caried it to the Prieji , and the Prieff tarred is to the altar, and brought it to the feutbweff bone, and did as is before noted on ver.2.And for the man- ner of cutting; he doubled the cake into two, and the two into foure ; and divided it. And all the pieces we e as big as olives : and if they were greater or leffèr, they wouldferve, Maimony, ididem, chap.13. Sea. 2.1o. This cutting in pieces is to be underftood alto of the cakes baked in the oven, verfe4. and in the Frying - pan,verfe 7,8.and fîgoificd the fame thing that the cutting in pieces of the Burnt- offring, Leviticus t.ó.12. 8 Verf..8.he fhaNnffer]that is, the man that brings the gift, (hall prefent or offer it to thePried : lò Sollarehi expoundeth it the owner dived offer it to the Brief! and the Priefl faall bring it tinta the Altar.Or, itfiaNbeoff "ed,to weer, by thee :as, be imputed, Gen.; 5.6. istranflated, it war imputed, Rom.4.3. See alfo the notes on Gen. 2.20. and 16.14. 9 Verf.9.talEup] or, liftup; which the Chaldee tranflateth f orate; the Greeke,take -away. a memoriall] that is,anhandfull of the pieces then. of: fee before, on verfe 6. and z. 'AlMeat- offrings that are offred upon the Altar, he taltetb an handful! thereof, and burnetb it all upon the Altar: and the refi it eaten by the' "'delis. Maimony ibidem, chap.12, Se &.9. Secan Exception, inLev.6.z3. of rel]Greek,offweet finei, The Chaldee rranflateth, an 'fins that frail be received with favour before the Lord. io, Verfio. Holy] Hebr. hofizefe ofholineffis; that is, molholy: fee verf . 1I Verf. era ritb leven] except fomethank-offrings,. which were brought with levelled bread, Levit. 7.13. Leven and balmy are amlawfull to be burnt upon the altar, and they are unlawful every whit of them, Levit.2.11. But be is not guilty, eery the bung them for an off -Mg, or with an wing, and whether heuffr them by themfelz "es , or burn them mixed, he is to be beaten far each f them by themfelves. Maimony in If furei mizbeaei, chap.5.Se &.1. old leven] fee the annotations on Exod.s2.15. Leven figured Sin of all forts, inward and outward, in do /trine and manners, Luk.12. t. Moth.' 6.6.12. 1 Cor. 5.8. honey] which for fweetneffe of raft, is contrary to fowre leven t yet being eaten much, breedeth lothfonmes, and is not good, Prov.z 5. 16.z7.but turneth to choler and bitterneffe.And being put into the fire, it boileth up in froth; wherupon Come of the Hebrews take it to lignifie pride,nnd therefore it was not to e burned in any Fire -of- fring.R.Efias, in RefhithCboemah treat.ofHumilitie, chap.3. Both there forbidden in this oblation, fignified theperfe &ion ofChrift, & of us in him. Among the heathens they ufed henry , in their fa- crifices for the dead : Euripid. in 1phigen. in 7aurir. Baal Hatturim (on this fcripture) noteth, that the evil concupifnnce(the corruption of nature inman,) is like to old-les en ; and this if the reafon why homy it forbidden , becuf the evill eoncnpifence is Tweet unto a mat as hone. And Sol. Iardo! faith, All fweet fruit is called honey. Sometime Leven is ufed to denote griete and of i &ion, as in Pfal.73:z1. my heart war leavened: which may have ufe here , that neither extremitie ofgriefe as Leaven, nor of pleafures, as Honey, be in the Meat-offring of the faints, but a temperature and nsediecritie.See 2 Cor.1 3o4 9. and 127.10. Verf 1 z.In the oblation] the word In or With, is to be underftood as in t he former versé ; or, Of as theGreeke verdon hath. them] leven and honey though they might not corne on the altar, yet came with the firft fruits : Leven is mentioned with the fir f f dos, Levit. z 3. t 7. and with thank - offrings, Lev 7.13. Honey is alto among the lirft fruits; in a Chro 31.5. though there the Hebrew Do&ors understand Dates-which are tweet as ho- ney: which may allo he implied in the prohibiti- on here, verfe 11.So Sol. Ia. ahì here expoundeth it fay ing , lrl furs of honey , as the farfl- fruits ofjrpges and dues. OtherwiCe by them, may be meant the one of them, to weet, Leven: (for Bees honey was not brought for first- fruits : ) as the tlseeves, Mat. 27.44.1 hat is, one of them,Luke z 3.39. íò,ií bù dif- eipies, Ma th z 4.1. that is, one of his dt fcipks, Mark. 13.1 Chszkuni here expoundeth it , ye fled offer them to the Lord fir á wane.. firing but not for an oblation an the altar. for a favour of refi] in Greeke for a fat PH" offacee;- finef tease Lord: which the Chaldee expoundeth , to be accepted infavour. This the Hebrewes unierftand flri &ly,and there- fore fay, for a fazour of refi thou mailt not make them afeenda.hes thou rnlift make them afend (to borne) Of wood. but to mingle them with any oblation,as fin-offring;trefpaffe-offring,meat-of- f ing,&c. was unlawful/ : and who fo did it, was to be beaten..ltaimony in ¡(Jurel mizbeacb, chap.5. Se &.3,4. Verl.13 /halt fall] or /halt feafon. This thePried was to e, rafting fait upon it, when it was brought to the altar, as is noted on verfe 2. Salt is, ofa fieric nature,favoureth all meates,and prefer veth from corruption,by the Iharpneffe thereof: and is therfore applied to the wholtònie "do /trine of theGolpel,reproofes,andwife feafoned words of grace , Matti,.5. t 3. Col.4.6. and here to the fait of the covenant, which on our part is faith in midit of afli &ions : wherefore our unregenerate eftate, "is likened to a childe new borne, and not faced, Ezek.16.4. o'tbe cotenant] which is a ligne of the covenant of thy God: for thy felt, the covenant of grace was .fignified in Chrift, which we by faith apprehend unto incorrupti- on..We are therefore adnionifhcd, Have fit in your felzes, and base peace ate with another: Mark.9.5o. Hereupon a cotenant of fall , is sled for an inviolable, incorruptible, and perpetual! covenant,,Ntlm.18,19. 2 Chr.13.5. Therefore in this facrifice, the Hebrew do &ors held fait fo ne- celfary, that if it were offrcd without fait, it was polluted 12 13I