L&yITICI.IS 11 1, Peace.oiterini;. 13 polluted : Maimony, treat. of holy tbing.r polluted, chap. t r- SeEt. 16. every oblation] not the Meat-offrings onely,but the Barnt- offrings, Eze. 43,24.aud all other ; as Ghrill fait Every one 'Mall b e f a t t e d withfire and every fauifìce (hall be fated with flit, Mark.9.49The Hebrew dotkors fay,It iscom- manded to fall all olings,befor a they afertd on the Al- tar, (Levit.2.13, and thou.haft .nothing which com- metb only Altar without fait, except the wine of the ddake- offriner, and the blood , andthewood. Andit it commanded to fall the jkfb veryfayre, ar one would fait flefh to ref that he turne thepiece and fait it. Thefait which they afou all offrings with, it the Congregations, at theWood alfe it : and no particular man brings fait or woodfor- bityping., from his owne houfe. And they laid ou the fait hethree places ; in the ßk chamber , and on the ; foot- banite (of the altar,) and on the top of the Altar. le the falt chamber they faked the skins of the holy things. Vpon the foot- banitc, they fatted the m tubers (or pieces eftbe faerifice.r) and on the top of the Altar, they fatted the ha ndfidl , and thefranitvteenfe, andthe Meat-gifting,. that were burned,andtbe Burnt -off ings of fawks. mony,irì If/urei Mizbeach, chap.5.Se&t.11.1 z.13. Therefore (faith Baalhatturim) fall is three times mentioned inchit verfe , becaufe they put on fait ,n three placer (forementioned.) The heathens retained a memorial! ofthis fervice,offring with their facri- fices,meale or flowre fatted.Ilomer Ilia.1. 14 VerC14 .Meat- offricogoffrf fruits]This feemeth to be meant of the Peale (or Omer) of barley, whereof he fpeaketh againe in Lev.23.1 o.See the annotations there.So R. Menachem, and SaLlaroli here faith, the fcripture fpeakethof the Meat - offring . of :beano. (in Levit.23.) green- ears- ofcorne] in Hebrew Abib, by which name the firfi month is called, Exod.1 ;.4. for then barley was eared, and begin to be ripe ; as is (hewed on Lev.z 3.1 o. The Greek tranflateth it New fruits. parched] for they dried them with thefire , ici the green -ears, be- waft elfe they would notbe ground in the mill , for that they were nayfI, faith Súl.Iardhi on Lev.z. ground-come] or fmall- broken -corm: ltlebr,Geres, that is,breakmg orgrinding;which the Greek tranllateth corne or graine: The Ghaldee, brolgn- graims: and Sol. larchi expoundeth it, broken whiles it is moyfi. Over (faith he) maned" breaking andgrinding; bro- ken with the mill. ofthe full-care]or,ofthegreen- care; called in Hebrew Carmelwhich, here, and in Levit.z3.14. and in z King,s.42. is ufcd for full- gram -cares of corne; which the Ghaldeeexpoun- deth tender: elfewhere it is the name ofamouñ taro, which was fruitful! with corne 1 Kings 1842. and generally a fruitful! place is called Carmel, Efay 32.15, 16. and 29. 17. The Firfl- fruits chiefly figured Clvifi, by whom all the reft of the revenue isfanftified, 1 Cor.i 5.20. Rom. 1 r.r6. Ioh.12.24. the parching, breaking, grin- ding, &c. figured his fuffering for us,beingbruifed fir ouriniquities, Efa.53,5, Whereby he was offred for a fweet favour unto God.And with himwe are partakers in our meafureRom.8.17.Go1.1.24. VerC15.¡baltpit] Hess. fhakgive (which the Greeke tranflateth'halt poure) wile ; which was ac- cording to other meat-offrings,a log of oilc,& an 15 handfull of frankincenfe; lignifying the graces of God in Ghritl and his members, and the tweet o dour of his oolation for us.See more in the notes on Levit.23.10. touching this manner of fervice. 3iMdiAAMMA AMMdidiM G HA P. III. 1, 7' be Peace: oringa , of the herd; 6, and of tb. flo che; 7, either .Shope, s 2, or Goat. ANd if his oblation be, a facrificc of Peace -offrings : if he offer. it of the herd , whether it be male or female ; he (hall offer it perfeCt,before Iehováh.And he fltalllay his hand, upon the head of his oblation : and hefltail kill it, at the doore of the Tent ofthe Congregation: and Aarons fonnes the Prielts, (hall fprinkle the blood, upon the Altar, round - about. And he fliall 3 offer ofthe facrifice ofthe Peace- oftfrings, a Fire - offring unto Iehovah:the fat that cove- reth the inwards, and all the far that is upon the inwards. And the two kidneyes, and the q fat which ti upon them, which is upon the' flanks : & the caule above the liver,with the kidneyes, he Thal l take-away it. And Aarons 5 fonnes (hall burneit on the Altar , with the Burnt-offring, which io upon the wood, that iron the fire ; it ti a Fire - offring., of a favour of reft,unto Iehovah. And if his oblation , for a facrifice of 6 Peace - offrings unto Iehovah,be of the flock: male or female, he (hall offer it perfect.If he 7 offer a Lamb, fer his oblation: then (hall he offer -it before Iehovah. And he (hall lay his, 8 hand, upon the head of his oblation ; and he (hall kill ir,before the Tent of the congrega- don: and Aarons formes, (hall fprinkle the blood thereof,upon the Altar, round - about. And he fhall offer, of the facrifice of the 9 Peace - offrings,a Fire-gifting unto Iehovah : the fat thereofand the whole rumpe, it (hall he take -off hard by the backbone : and the fat that covereth the inwards, and all the fat that is upon the inwards. And the two kid - 1d neyes, and the far that it upon them , which i is upon the flankes: and the cauleabove the liver, with the kidneyes, he (hall take-away it.And the Prieft (hall buse it, upon the Al- tar : it is the bread of the Fire-airing unto Iehovah. And if his oblation,bea Goat then he fltall offer it,before lehovah. And he (hall lay tris hand, upon the head ofit;and he fhall kill it, before the Tent of the congregation: and Aarons fonnes, (hall fprinkle the blood thereof,upon the Altar,round- about. Bbb And 1 2 1t 12 13