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Arl/ iti0vatnn 9Ai'tllltr/a11 / Peace-Otlerings. L E V I T I C Ll S t 4 And he (hall offer thereof, his oblation ; a Fire- ofring, unto Jehovah: the fatthatco- vereh the inwards, and all the fat, that 15 is uponthe inwards. And the two kidneyes and the fat, that is upon them, which is upon the flankes: and the caule above the liver, 16 with the kidneyes,he (hall take away it. And the Priefl (hall burne them, upon the Altar : it is the bread ofthe Fire- ofring,for a favour ofreft; all the fat *Jehovahs.It fba7be an e- ternal fatute,for yourgenerations,through- out all your dwellings: any fat or any blood, ye (hall not eat. 17 I 111. ifnnatatioss: HIs oblation] hie krban which the Greeke tranflateth his gift unto the Lord : fo krban is by the Evangelill expounded agift, Mar.7. r I. Peace- o0'iugs] or Pay- ofrirtgs: Hebr. a faerifieeofPaymentr, ore pacification, or of rfeliv ens, whereby men paid unto God Confeff on and thankes for their peace and profperitie , and for his performing of mercies,and pacification, and paid their vowes ; as is written,7hy vowes are upon me, 0 God : Imill pay conf efohs unto thee,Pfal.56.13. and Peacerofrings, are upon me; this day. have Ipay edmy vowes, Proverbs 7.14. TheCe facrifices were of ftmdry forts, either for Confefxn (or Thanksgi- vi g.) Lev.7_ I I.1 a. or fora Vow ; or fora Volun- taryofring; Levit.7.16. Here, and uíiially in the law, the word is Shelamim, as of many payments orthanks,du- unto God for his many benefits,as Davidprofeffeth, Pfalme but in Amos 5.22. it is ufed ligularly Sheem. The Greeke often tranflateth it Eirenike, that is, a Pa- cifying (or Peace) offring; but hereand moll com- monly Soterion , a facrifice offalvation, (offred unto God for his falvation ofmen.)TheChaldee Isatis, the facrifceoffántlit:es (or f n7ifications : ) whether becaufe none but clean &Can &ified perfons might eat of it ? Levit 7.19.20. or for fan &ify, ing the name of God by it.S.d.Iambi faith they arecalled Pease-offrings , becaufe they bring peace into the world : as alto becaufe by them there is peace to the Altar, to the Priefls, and to the owners : that is, every of thfe have a part in the Peace -offrings. R.Menachem faith, it is of like meaning as that inEfay.44.28. He ¡hall performs all my pleafure. The myfterie of this facrifice is opened in Hofea 14.2. Tale -away (Lord) all iniqutty, and receive (or give) good: and we will pay, the bullocks of our lips; which the Greeke there tranflateth, the fruits of our lips : and the Apofllelikewifefaith, By bin: (that is, by Ie- fut,) let us offer the faarif ce ofpraije to God continu- ally : that is, the fruit ofthe lippes, cwafefng to his name; Heb.13.15. Thefe Peace- offrings, were alto gi- vco,when men in their troubles prayed unto God for peace and falvation, Iudges 20.26. and 21.4.. 1 Chronicles x1.26. That as the Burnt-of'ing (in Lev. I .)figured our reconciliation to God by the death of Chrift; and the Meat- offirng (in Lev.a.) our fau&ification in hint before God fo this Peace-offring Ggnified both Chrifts oblation of himfelfe , whereby he became our Peace and fal- nation, Ephef. n. r 4.15.16 A&s 13.9.7. Heb.5.9. & 9.28. and our oblation ofpraife,thanksgivìng, and prayer unto God;in the middefl of troubles, tentations,and fprituall combats,which we fight by faith iii this life : fo that we come boldly unto the throne ofgrace, that we may receiz a merry, and finde grace to helpe in time ofneed Heb 4.16. or female]herein it differeth from the Burnt-offring,whichwas to be of the males onely,Lev. i .3.By this diftin&ion of fexes,the Hebrewes gather , that the beat which was neither perfe& Stale nor female,or both male and female, though it had no other blentifh, was not fit for facrifice : Máimony in 'gird Mizbeacb, chap.3.Se &.3. Spiritually we may apply thisto the (late of the Church in Chrift, in whom there is neither malenor female,but all are one in him,Gal. 3. a8.And that God accepteth not only the Ceri- fice ofChrifl,but ours all(' in him, Heb.13.15. perfe£1] in Greeke, without blemifb : See Exod. r2.5. and Lev.l.3. VerC2. /ay] or, impofe his hand, (in Greeke, bis hands;) to teftifie by this frgne his faith in God 'through Chris : fee the notes on Levit.1.4. The difference there and here, the Hebrew do &ors thinke to be this that over the Peace- afrbtg, there mat no eonfeJfioh ( of finnes, ) but **rig words of 1 Praife (unto God) and that bandrmight be laid on ' in any place of the courtyard where he would, in the place where it war killed Mainiony,treat. oft/ring facrifi- ces, ch.3 .Se&. r 4.15. be] that is, the Pried or fonte other Levite Thal kil it: lee Lev.1.5.It might be killed in any place ofthe Court;(Maimony chap.5. Se &.4.) and was not reftrained to the Northfide of theAltar,as the Burnt - offring,Lev. r. r 1. For thefe Peace - offrings the Hebrews call the lighter bah, things; to diftinguifh them front the Holy oflblies, Levit. 2.10. fprinitle] according to the manner obferved on Levit. i .5. For the Burnt - offring, Tre fpaf e- ofring and Peace -ff ing; the fprinkliq of the bloodoftheft three upon the Altar , was ever alike,: . Maimony, treat. of Of ing fac; ifices, c.5.1..6. It fi- gured the fprinkling of Chrifts blood whereby wee ourwords and workes are Can &ified before God, I Pet.1.2. Heb. i 2.14. Vert 3. unto Jehovah] wholly burnt upon the Altar unto the Lord.There were befides,ofevery Peace- offring, the Drell and the right ¡boulder, which were waved and heaved before the Lord, and given the Priefts to eat: wherof fee Lev,7.30. I 32. &c. the other flefh of the Peace-offring , was eaten by the owner that brought it,and his fami- ly and friends, Lev.7.15,r6. the fat]or,tfefnet. This fometime fignifieth the bell of all things(as is (hewed upon Gen.4.4.)and fo teacheth to offer the bell unto the Lord: fornetirne it fignificth un- beliefq dulneffe, and hardueffe of heart, (as fat is without fenfe,) PIal. r 19. 7o.. A&. 28.27. fo the fat confuméd in the fire , fgnified the ta- king away of our corruption by the fpirit of Chrift. And the kidneyes, ( which are the feat of lttfl) not the heart or braises (which are 2 3