LEVIT ICU S. III, arethe featofwilèdomc and underftanding)were likewife burned ; to teach mortification of our members which are on cart h,fornication,unclen- neffe, inordinate affe&ion, &c. Colof.3.5. See the notes on Etfod. z 9. t 3. VerC4 .wbichir]usiderllandagaine, theft: which 4 is upon the flanks,or(as the Greeke and Chaldee in- terpret it) Ion the thighs : fo the Hebrew do &ors expound it as a diftin& fat from the former, and fay it was the fat which is in the roots of the thighes,on the forepart. Maimony, treat of forbidden meats, ch. 7 k &.6. Verf.5.fhall burne it] The order of offring this facrifice was; the Prieft killed it, and fprinkled the blood, and flayed it , and tooke out- the inwards. After- wards hecut in pieces the fefh, and feparated the brefi and the right fhoulder (Levit.7.30.32.) ace/put the inwards with the brefl and [boulder, into the owners hands. And the Prieff put hie band under the owners bands and waved all before the Lord, on the Eall fide. And if it were a Thank,offrmg (Levit.7.12..14.) he took of the bread that leas brought therewith ; o;;e cake often, andlaidit math the brefl, Ambler, andinwards, and waved all upon the turners bands. Fir fl helaid tli: fat upon the owners hands, then the breff; and the thud- der above. And the two 15 -dmyes and the cau.'e of the li- ver, above them. And if there were ,any bread, he laid it above, andfo wooed all. After that, lefatted tbein- ward, andburned allupon theAltar: beet the brefiand the fhouWer, were eaten by the Prieffs; and the remnant of the Peace - offring was eaten by the owners. But the Prieffs might not have the brefi and ¡Boulder,. till the inwards were burned. Lihwife the bread waved with the ?hmk - offring, was evenly thePriefis; and the reff ofthe bread, by the owners. If two brought a peace offring inyartnerfhip; the one of them waved it , by leave oflais fig ow : and zf they here too. one reaz ed fer tlíem all. If theowner of thefacriftce were awoman, (ire reas edit net, but the Priefi. Awoman never waved, fazeoneÿ in the of (ring of _jealaufe , (Numbers 5.) and of a Nazarite, (Num.6.) Maimony,in treat. of offringfacrifchap. 9. Se&.6.7, &c. uppn the Burnt offring] that is, laying it on the altar aster the Burnt- ottiing ; for that alwaies had the firft place. Sol Iarchi here faith; this teachetb us, that the daily Burnt- offring , was before coy other oblation. It fignified, that we are fish to be reconciled unto Gad by the death of Chrilt,apprehended of us by faith,before any ob- lation of ours can he accertable to God. ofreft] .Greeke, effects finell: in the Chaldee , an ofring which 'hall be received with favour, before the Lord. See Levit.i.9. Hereby Gods acceptation of us, and of our fervice, praiers, thankfgiving, &c. in Chrift, was fignified,Heb. t 3. i 5.16. 6 Vert.6.efehe f eke](heepe or goats,as after is ex- plained : but here is no mention of fowles,as was tor the Eurnt.'offring, Leek. s. 14. The Hebrews Gay, Peace- sffintge are brought offlucpc, and ofgoats, andofbeeve,, of males or of Jim sts, nfgre et or offinl: but no f role is brought for Puce- affrings. Small (bealts) are from eight dales old, wit ill a complete, 7eere,. from day to day : and gre at (bealts) of the herd , till theybe full three yeeres old , from day to day; and of the flocke, till tb y be frsi twi yeeres. old , f one day to d y : if they le more then thus, they are too old, and. may not be of- frecLMaineony, treat. ofOffring the facriftce,ehap.t. Se &.t t. Verf 7.a Lamb] or fbeepe ; of the firft yeere,as is noted on Lev. 1, implying alto a fheepe of the fe- cond yeere,which was lawfull to be offred, as is before (hewed. Verfl. be] that is,thePrieft orLevite,fhall kill 8 it, fo in verfe 13. fee Levit.t .5. be/àre]the Greeke tranflateth, at the dooreofthe7ent, (as Mo- les Laid in verf z.) fo after in verle 13. and theft phrafesexplaine one another. Verle 9. whole rumpe] the perfeii (or intire) tall ; 9 which in fome kinde of I eepe is very great and fat ; efpecially in thofe parts of the World , and namely in Syria, as Plink mentioneth, Hilt.b. 8. c.48.Therefore it is herecommanded to be burnt upon the altar , withthe other fat and inwards. Verfe i 1. the bread] or, thefive , meaning the fiefh which the fire on the altar was to eat up and confirme. The Greeke tranflateth it afavour of ftpeet [mull : to in 4erfe 16. And became the.e things were burnt untoGod, thereforeGod cal - liththem albo his bread, Nutn.28.2. Ezek.44.¡.', and the Priefts which burned them,are faid to of- i fey the bread of their God. Levit.2i.6.8.i7. and the; holy things which the Priefis did eat , arc called bythc like name, Levitz s .zz. Verf. t 2.a Goat] this is here handled in a fc &i- 1 z on apart ( not together with the (hccpe, as was in the law of the Msrnt- offring, Leviticus 1. r o.) becauik of fosiie difference in theoblation;as Sol. Iarcbi,ebfervcth , there is in the fat of the fheepe , that which is not in the fat of the goat , for the rumpe of the fheepe Was ff ed with the fat, verle 9. Verfe 17. aey fit] to weer, any fuck fat , and t 7 of-filch bealts as are here fcrefpókeit of, of beeves, lheepe , or goats, as the law -after explaineth it, Leviticu; ^. z3. and a man was notgssilty, fave for the fe three forts of dean heap only : of other tame or wild . bealts, whether cleave or soecleane, the fa: woof ar the ffefh : faith Maimony, in tom. z.treat. of Forbidden meases, chapter 7. Se &ion 1. More- ver there were three fortsof fat, for eating where- of, men delerved to be cut off , (as in Leviticus ¡. 25.) the fat which it upon the inwards, and which it upon the two kdneyes and which it espies the f ankes : beet the rumpe was lawuiuil to be eaten, it was not ea/ed fat, but in the cafe of facrlfìee oney: even as the kidneys and the cattle above the live , are called fat, in the café of faerifire. Th: fat which was covered over milli fiefh, war lawfull: the fat upon the h dneyes waì forbidden not that which war within the kidneys. The fat of the heart, &a war hewfuU. Maimony ibidem Se &.5.7.9. any blood] toweettiifmies,orofbells ab/olutely, as is explained, Lev.7 26. Su: blood f fh:s,Loanfls;and Other filch th ings,was not with- in this prohibition : theoeforeit war lawin!lto eat er to drink the Modof flech fi/bet , loeufis, &c. as mere claw for food :.faith Maimony ibielcm,th:tp. 6. S. i ; See the annotations ors Ge11.9.4.Lev.7.26. &.i7. 14. As eating & drinkinGgnifieth communion, t Cor.si.z4,and 1o.16.í7. and the forbidding to eat, fignifietha forbidding of communion, B b 2 7