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17 LEVITICUS X IX. fiend againfi the Mod] that is,not fiend and fee thy neighbours blood 1¡rilt and thou withdraw thy helpe from hint, either by word or deed. So the Hebrews expiable this Law, Paying; He that pier - fueth his neighbour , to kill him , all If ael are eomntanded to deliver the pun fled, from the hand of the purfaer , yea the egh it bell the lire of thepurfrser. As, if he hash been warted to leave of, and yet he purfueth him, &c. hee may be killed. And if they can deliver him , with the laffè et f'fame of the purl-Hers limbes, at by finking of bin hand, or b: es og hit leg , orflriking out hu eye , let than doe it. Who f can deliver bim , by bereaving the pallier of alimbe and dnh not , but Vieth the parfiter: that man fheddeth blood, and itguildeof death; how- kit, the Magi rates may not put him to death. Win f eoi. deliver , and dub not ; tranfgre(Rtb this Law, That !halt nit fiend againfi thy neighbours blood. And fa hee that feeth his neighbour finking b the Sea ; or thieves , or pine Wilde beafts ramming upon him and can deliver him , either by himfelfe, or by hiring of o- thers to deliver him , and lath not : or that bath heard , that infidels or other winked , have purpofed his eviti , or hid afnare fir his neighbour , and he diglofeth it not un- to bim, and the lire: he that thus drab, breaketb this Lou', Thaufhalt not fiend againfl the blood of thy neigh- bour. Maimony, tom.4. treat. of Mu; der, ch. t .1:6, 7,13,14. It implieth alto, all other Waits where- by a man may keepe himfelfe or others fromfpil- ling innocent blood, as in cafe of Judgment, or the like. So Thargum Ierufakmy expoundeth it, Thoafhalt not keep¢ f lens the blood of thy neighbour , in the time that thou knoweft the truth in judgement. And this Law is joyned with the former of tale -bear- ing,as that which often caufeth blood -fhed : and the Prophet cowpplaineth, In thee are men that carry tales, to [bed blood, Ezek. 22. 9. Vert, 17. not hate thy brother] by brother, is meant here,any -other man : therfore Ghrid blamed the Pharifes Gloffe, Thou fhaltlove thy neighbour and hate thine enemie; and bath laid unto us, Love your etemies,Matth.5.43,44 And this Law followeth the former about blood; becaufe, Whofoever hateth his brother, is a murtherer, t Joh.3.1 5. And becaufe hatred often rifeth of offences, he commandeth to rebuke, and not to hate for filch things : which the Hebrewes expiable thus ; When one man finneth a- gainfi another, he mull not inwardly hate him , and keepe fileuse; as it is fAd of the wicked, And Abfalom fpakc unto his brother Amnon, neither good nor bad, for Ab- Calon; bated Amnon,2 Sani.13.22. but heir comman- ded to make it known unto him, and to fy, why haft thou don thus unto me? Maimony in Degnoth, chap. 6. feEt. 6. in thy heart] the Greek tranflateth, in thy mind(or thought) which is an effeE} of the heart,as -in Luke 1.51. there is mentioned the thought (or imrgieiooionof their hewt. So in Coloff. 1. ai. the Apofile "fpeakethof enemies in their mincle: and, I will write (mg Law) in their be zrt,Jer.31.33. is ex- pounded, in theirmindes, Heb. 10. 16. rebuking thou fhalt rebuke] that is , thou fhak in any wife rebuke, or, fury, pink', fnundlyreprove.The originall figni- fieth,to rebuke with convi&ion or argument ; by words to fh:w what is right, and to refell the contrary : as to reafn, Job 13.3. Ela. t . t 8. to rung I13 vitro, Job 3 z. r reproze,Efaa r ,4. And it is op- pofed both unto hatred nourilhed in filence, as here, and in 2 San,.' 3.22. and unto flattery, Prov. 28.23. The fame Law is given by Chrill, in Luke 17.3. If thy brother finneagainfi thee, rebuke him : and if be repent, forgive bim. This duty David defined, laying, Let the jug fmite me, &e. and let bim rebuke me , Pfalm. 11.1. and it is the wanes, both to nourifh love among the wife, Prov.9.8. and to in- crea(e knowledge among the prudent, Prov. 19 25. and to procure a good éleíng, Prov. 24.25. The Hebr. Do&ors fay, He that feeth his neighbour fin, or walke in a way Mt good ; is commanded to admon fh him to doe better, and to certifie him, that he frrmeth againfi bimfe fè by bis evil' deeds; as it is written , Renting thou fiait rebuk thy neighbour. He ghat rebuke:h his neighbour , whether it be fin things between km and bins or between him andGod: he naafi ï ebuk him be- tweene him and himfef (.dare;) and Peale unto him gently andwith a fofo tongue , and let him knnr, that he fpeaketh not unto "him but for his good, to bring bim to the life of the world to come. If he receive it of hum, it is if not, let him re.'uk him thefecund and third time : and f continually a man is bound to rebuke him, untili the fanner refd him , andfay, I will not hea, e thee. Maimony in Degmotb, chap. 6. feEt. 7. not bean fume fir him] This is the uf`uall and proper mean- ing of the Hebrew words, as after inLevit. 22.9. Numb. r8.32. and theGreeke and Ghaldee ver- faons fo explain it : and Chazkuni confirmeth it by the like : Gnalaju (faith hee)for his fare fake; as (in Pí.44.) fer, (r thy fake are we killed all the dty,tl c. It teacheth, that he who rebuketh not his bro- then for finne , !hall beare finne, (that is, punifh- ment) for his fake, becaulè he leeketh not tó fave a fount from death, as Jam. 5.20. therefore God will require his blood at his hand ; as Ezek. 3. r 8. It mayalfo be englilhed, fifer not finne upon him : that is , leave him not in his finne , unreproÑed. And as a man may heart finne for his brother, by lea- ving him unrebuked; fo for not reproving hint in good fort, and in love, but in bitterneffr",and to his reproach. And'thus the Hebrewes apply 'it, laying, Hethat rebuigeb his neighbour firfl, let him not !!,take unto him bard words, to make bim afhamed ; for it is written, AND Ba A Ra NOT SIN FOR HIM, &c. Hereby a man is forbidden to fhame an Iii ¢elite, how much more, ifit lee in publiée. Oar wife men haze fa.'d he that maketb his neighbours face afhabied publtkely , fha11 have no inheritance in the world to come. Therefore a man muff be warned, that he put not his neighbourto fhame publike/y , le bee final/ or great ; nor call him by a name, whereof be is afhamed, &c. wherebj is meant, in matters that are between a man and his neighbour. But in mat- ters of (the God ef)-beaven, if he convert not in fie. et, they are to make him afhamed publikely, and diziilge his fin, and pat him to reproach openly and defpife and fit him at nought, until be retorne unto well doing : ar all th Pro- phets in Ifracl did (unto flub.) Maimony in Degnoth, chap. 6. Pea. S. VerE 18. not avenge] The Greek tranllateth, Let not thy hand revenge. The Apoflle openeth it thus, Beloved, avenge not your felves , but give place unto wrath : for it is written, Vengeance is mine, I will repay, k k 3 faith, 18