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If 4, LLVITICIIS XIX, faith the Lord, Ron;. 12. 19. Hereupon David Paid to Saul , f be Lord atenge me of thee, but mine band fbal not be upon thee, I Sam.24.12. fo Jerem. r 5.15. And Salomon faith, Say not thou, I will recompevice evil ; wait on the Lord, and he willfaze thee, Prov.2o. 2 z. W hat vengeance is,is (hewed in Jer.5 o.I 5. Tak vengeance on her; aethehashdme, doe unto her. The Hebrewes lay, He that avengeth himfe f nn hisneigh- bour, tranfgref,eth the Law, Levit. 19.18. and al- though he is not to be beaten (by the Magifirate) fyr it, yet it is a very great evil. Avenging it thus ; at when a man would borrow an oxe ofbit neighbour , or the andhe refufeth to lend it him : on the morrow, his neigh- bour bath need to borrow anaxe ofhim and be filth , I will not knd it thee , lecaufe thou rrouldfi not lend me when I mould have borrowed of thee ; this it vengeance. But when he commeth to borrón, he fhould give it him with a ppeefiîf heart , and not reward him , at be bath done to bim l and fo in all lii4 cafes. And fa David with a,good minde, fail (in Pfal.7.5.) If I have rewarded e- till to him that had peace withme; yea I hate releafed my dißre r without taufee. Maim. i,t Degnath, c.7.í:7. nor keep! to weet,injtnie in minde, that is,not bea: e grudge ; or, not obferve the fans ofthypeople : which is ípoken of fetch as would feeme to forgive, but will not forget wrong , or nnkindneffe. The Gr. tranllateth, thou 'halt seat be attgry,(or,beareinveterate difkafure;) the Chaldee, thou fhalt nóí keepe eamitte. So God is laid to take vengeance on his adverfarier,and to kepe (wrath)fir bit enemies, Nahum I. 2. but to his people, not fo, Jer. 3.12. Peal. 103. 9. whole example herein, we are to follów,Mat.5.48. The Hebrewes explaine it by a fimilitude, thus; As if Reuben fay to Simeon, hire me obit houfe; or lend me this oxe, and Simeon will net. After a time, Simeon commetb to Reuben, to borrow or hire of him ; and Rea- 6cup/it Loe Ilendit thee , and brill not doe as thou didff I will not repay thee according to t ly deeds. Hee that dethdux, tranfreffètb this' Lare THOU SMALT NOT Ks E v e ; but be fhould blot the thing out of bit heart , and not keepe it. For all the while that be keepetb the thing, and rentembreth it ; he is in danger to fal unto revenging. Therefore the Law cutteth rtff this keeping (in minds;) until he put the injurie out *this heart, and remember it not at al. Maimony in Degnoth, c.7.18. ChazJt`mi alto explaineth it thus; Thou fhalt not anenge, ittworle; thou limit not keepe,inthought. of thy fe fe] This is the fccond of the two great Commandements, which our Saviour faith,is like unto the brit, Tbou jhalt love the Lord.thy God, with all thine heart, ere. and, rm theft two Commancements hang all the Law and the Prophets, Marth.22.37>'40. For this , Those 'halt not commit ado/lerie, Thou fhalt not Dil ;Thoufnalt not :leak , Tbou fhaltt not learefalfe reirneffe , Thou fhalt not covet ; and if there be any other Commandement , it is briefly comprehended in ;bit word namely, Thouflush lose thy neighbour as thy fire flom. 13.9. To this we may adde the Hebrewes testi- mony,LowE THY NEIGHBOUR As Tnr SE L FE : this is the great univerfall (precept) in the Law. R. Aiai faid unto !rim , I N T HE IMAGE OF GOD MADE HE HIm: thitioanseniverfall (rook) greater than it : that a man fbeneld not fay, f r- as I am defpifed, my' neighbour foal be defpifed with me. R.Thancuma anfwered, ifthoudéfi fa, know whom thm defpifefi; for loe, be that lovetb hit neigh - bour, who is made its the Image of God, loveth the bled God bimflfe, and honoureth him. R. Menachem, on Levitic. 19. Another writeth thus ; Ezery man it commanded to love every one of Ifrael , as his owns body, Lev. 19. 18. Therefore hemuß fpeake in his commenda- tion, and f are his goods, as he wouldfilare bit owne goods, and as he would his owns honour. And be tbat honotreth h mje f , by the donor 4- his neighbour , be hash no inheritance in the world to come. Maimony in Deg - norh, chap. 6. felt. 3. - Verl. 19. my flames] in Grecke, my law. This is here repeated left the ordinances following, which may feeme to be fmall,(hould be negleEted. Or, as this word Statute (or, Decree) is.fóntetime ufed for Gods ordinances in nature bounding and limiting things, PIal. 148.6. Job 26.1o. and 38.33 Prov.8.29. to here hemay intend the fame, that' his naturals ordinances, for the dining kindes of things, fhould not be violated. let thy cattell] or,eaufe sly heal:, of any fort. The Hebrews fay , He that caufetb the male to ingender with the fe- male which it not efthefame kinds, whether it be feasts!, or reilde -beaß or fule, yea though it le of the binder f Wilde beaßs that are in the Sea ; he is to be beaten ['the Magif/rates] by the Law in everyplace whether it be within the land [of Ilrael,] or without the fame, Levit. 19. 19. and whether it be a built or firele of his oweoe, or of his neighbours. K ho fo tranfgreffith and caufetb bit beaft to engender withanother limde , that which it bred of them, it lawful firufe. Andifitbe one kindeofcleane leafe, with another kinde of clean beaß ; it it lawful to be eaten. T n o kindes of heaßs that arcane like another, though they be mixed together , and me hk another ; yet f rafmuch ar they are of two Diodes, it is unlawful to mule them togmdr together : ar a Wolfe, with a Dog; a Roe - backs, with a Goat ; an Horfe, with a Mule, e`e. Bea jis that are bred r f dizers kindes, if their dammes be of one knee, it is lawful to let them gender together; but if they be of two kindes, it ít unlawful. As, a Mule, :shoji damme X an Af/é it is lawful to let himgender with a fhe -Mule, if ber damme le an Af. But if the damme ofthe ib /ule, be a Mare; it is unlawful to let bim gender with a fhe -Mule, whofe damme is an AJJe; and foin all otherlikgcafes. Maimony iniLlifneb,tom.3. in Kilajam(or, treat. of divers !lender) chap. 9. le&. 1,3. &c. The reason of this law may bepartly to conferve the nature of things, as God brit crea- ted them , and bleffed them to increase and mul -. tiply,every one after his kinde,Gen,1.1 r,12.2.í, 24,25. and 6.2o. which order he would Have his people to keepe , and notice vanitie or curiofitie of mind,to alter the shape and nature of the crea- tures , or feeme to make estoe then God created. Therefore Anah (one of thewicked,) is noted as the firft that found out Mules, by the gendring of divers kinds: fee the Annotations on Gen.36.24. And artly it might leadelfrael to the fimplicitie and tixeritieof religion,and to all the parts and doari nes of theLaw and Gofpel,in their diftin& kindes : as Faith is neceffarie, Good worker are ne- ceffery; but to minglethere together in the cause of our jollification beforeGod,is forbidden,Gal. 2.16. 19