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LEVITICUS XIX.' 2.I 6. & 3.9,X0,1 1, t z. The fame is to be minded for the things of this nature, following. See alCo Deut.2z. 9, 1o, I I. where in repeating this Law, the ploughing with an Oxe and an Aft together, is forbidden. The Hébrew Da&ars fay, He that c1s- fetbgendrvtgof tw, kinds, it is at if he thought that the ha!" bkffed Gad had not perfetled rah ufeever is need, fell, bat himf[f mould adde mee creatures ; and helpe in the creation of the World. A id in the »future of feeds, a man altereth the order of the creation ; fir itit ;Written coneriri»gthem, A e r a 2 HI s K t ri o s, (G i. i. rr.) Ad this it that which isfaid (in L.vic. 19.19.) YE SHALL KEEPS MY STATUTES; Rabbiner have foil, th f flatates For bands] are t ,fe by which he bath bounded the World, &c. AI fa thy fa, w.oerefrever a Sr AT LITE h#ken of it Kea Kvegi decree, &e. Ad the intendment is, that amto fhattld net alter the flatistet of the Lordmill high fir he then dash at one that changeth the Kings coin : he that 'changeth the kind:; and matthmixtitresof diners farts in any thing, is as a falftfìer of the Kings come. R. M:- n them on Levit. i 9. fol. TO. with a divers - dietle] The Hebrew Kilajim , is a generall ward fur all mixed things, as the Chaldee trauflateth it, as in beads, féeds,garm tits, and the like. Ana it h Ith the nmie of R firain; or Prohibition, becan:é filch mixtures are forbidden. not few thy field] nor thy vineyard, Daut.22.9. and fo by propor- tion,other the like, as trees, &c. The Hebrews explaine it thus; He that fweth tea, kindes of feeds together, in the land of Iirael, it to be beaten, Levit. i 9. t 9. As be that mixeth Wheat and B irly, or Beane: and Lentil:: together and layeth them on the earth , and covereth them with mold; whether it be with his hand, or with hit foot, or with an inflroement ; he is to be beaten. And it ie unlawful for a man to let divers !(codes of fide grow in his field, but hemoflpull them up; though if he let them grow, he is not beaten. By tradition we have learned, that it is lawful fir an Ìf= r,elite to law divers kinds offeeda, out of the land, (of Iii'ael. None are firbiddenby the name of dive ro- kknne.; but fee b fed: at are meetfor mans meat: bitter hearbs and other 'itch like -, meet for medicine, or like ufr; there he in them , noticed ofditoers-kinder of feeds. Di- uers- kzneles of trees, they are comprehended within this general! rule , THOU SHALT NOT Sow THY' Fr s Lo, &c. Al he that graft tb one tre: in ano- ther, as the genre of an Apple -tree, in a Ponce -citron tree , or a Citron in an A,plearee ; Loe, flub are to be. beaten by the Lew , whether within the land, or within the land ; and f he that planteth an hearbe in a tree, Andit isunlawfiell f r an Ifraelite to let an heathengraffe trees with divers Odes fir him. But it it lawffid to few Peels ofgraine, and feeds of trees together; and lawfall likewife to mixe the feeds of trees, and to fang them to- gether ; for there is no mixture of deuces- [kinder in trees, favegaffiingeody. Though he that fomethdivere- kindes, X to be beaten; yet chafe fruit, are lawful! tó be eaten, &c. for the fanning, only it forbidden. And it is lawfnll to plant a branch of that tree, which bath beéne grafted with divers kinder , and to fwof thefeed ofthatbrarbe, Which was fawn with diver,- kinder. One fled that it mixed with another , if it be one of fureeand twenties (that it, the foetre and twentieth part ,) as one peck: of Wheat, with three and tmentie pecker of Barley, bee it is unlawfull to fin, this mixture ; untill either the FP'heat be left or the Barley more : otherwi fee, he that fometb it , it to be beaten. A field that bath beeene flume and reaped, and the roots remain in the earth ; although they firing up but after fameyeares : they may not [ow-other feed in that field, renal the room be plucked up. In the fir {1 day of Adar, (that he, Februarytheymake Proclamation againfl of feeds e and every man goetb out to his garden and field, and purgeth it of divers - kinder [if theygrord there.] And in thefifteenth day thereof, Ile Magiflraterfend meffmgers forth, and they goe about to fearch. Maimony in Kilajim, cháp.s.fe &.1. &e. and chap.2. fe&. t,12,1 5. The reafon of this Law, is the fame with the former : fee more onDeut.22. 9. nflinfte -mafe] in Hebrew', Shagnatnez,'a word tiled only here, and in Deut.22. t L. where Mofeesafter explaineth ir, oflimun and woollen toge- ther : but the word it felfe is like to be of fome o- ther language, which tiled (as feemeth) to call filch garments by that name. The Chaldee keep - eth the Hebrew word, but the Greeke tranflateth it, I¡fibdelos, which is ultd of things adniteraté, or impurey-mixt. According to which interpreta- tion , it Ihonld be a figure Of corruption and hy- pocrifie. Among the Hebrews,K.Menachem(upon this place)applaudethan expolition ofthisword which he found in the Do &ors of the Kabbala, that it is Satan one of the high Rulers, [he meaneth the Ruler of the power of the aire, fpoken of in Ephef2.2.] which it clad with Shagnatnez, and is able to ¿De hurt, and if y Ì . il-[Satan the Idolater] by tranfj,ofition of letters 11101M [Shagnatnez] and the Gentiles which Ivor not the meaning of the word, called him Saunas : [So the Devil[ is called in the Greek tongue, Rev. 12.9.] But their Canoniffs explaine the thing thus; Nothing is forbidden concerning di- zerr -Indes in garments, but wooll and flax only, Dent. 22.11. And there is a thing like wool[ that groweth on floes in the fait fea ,&c. which it forbidden with {l x, becaufe to the eye -fight it is like fheeper mood. When wool! and flax are mixed together, at when they are to- zedtogether, or ffun together, audit woven into a gar- ment ;this is the divers- kiruha forbidden in the Law. To few a woollen garment withaxen thread, or a flaxen garment with woollen thread, e. is divers - kinder.. Of tbefe divers - Binder, there is noHinted- meafure; though it be but a thread of wool! in a flaxen garment , or a f ox- en thread in a woollen garment ,.it is unlawful[. If the wool! of fheepe and of camels or the like be toted, acid pun together ; and if 'the halfe be fheeper wool!, loe it is all at fheepes moll, and being with fldx,'it is of divers- /Cinder. Bat if the moll part be of wool[, it is law- ful! to mixe it with flax; for it loath all the firmeof ca- mels wool!. Likewife hempe and pie oozed together, if the moll part be hempe, tt is lawful! to weave the threads thereof with the ,breads of wool[ : but if theybe balfe to bat fe, it is unlawful. Mainiony inKilajim, chap. t o. fe &.s. &c. So in Thalmud Bab. in Kilajim, chap. 9. they fay , Nothing is forbidden by the name of divers- kinder (in garments) but wool[ andflax together. not come upon thee] in Greeke, thou fbalt not put upon thee: and fo Mofes explaineth it in Dent. 22. I t. Thou fha/t not meare (or clad thy felfet) And this the Hebrews ÌIj