iEVITICLlS XIX. p&nteation, a elook Levit. r9. 24. and their right it, to beeaten in f eruf.riem fiy the owners of them , at the fe- coral tithe, lit that mould redeem the fruit:, my re- deem them at the feeomdtithe ; and il7x releer themfor hinefrc,hmx_.addethe part ,[asLeek. 27. 32, 3 r.] A vineyard ef the f netb ( yecre) is not hued to that tar, [fore- at.ntioned in Levit. t 9. 9, 1,07 to Lone aeonter,orthe fngle grapes,er riot grapes broken of die. neither doe they f parate out ofit firff.frait: or tithes, or Tee owltitbrt : legt sd tbo frnitr are carried Ito Tern- , talent, or red erred and price carriedup, and eaten in Jerafalent, at the tither. ?be grapes (if-vineyards of tire faurthycere, the fudges ordained,° that they ftoaldbe brooeghtup ro Jerttfalem, a dales journey on evey fide, to decke the fireets ofjerufalem with the fruits; all other fruits might be redeemed, though (they grew) 'awe to the wadr(ofJerufalem.) Who fi had trees plantedof the froth yeere, he theyeere of releafe [which was every feventh yerre, Levit. 25. 4, 6.] when every mans band seat alike (free to gather them:) be muff fit up s fine of clods of earth, whereby they mi:,bt be known: ; that they might not be eaten off, until they were redeemed. And if it sea within the yeerer of the unoircnmcifid- fraits, he mule figner of Potters day, that they might be kept front (eating of) thin ; fir the prohibition ofuncir- ciemoif.d- f uitt, seas weighty, for all ufe of them was for - bid2,o. Maimany in Magnafer_beni, chap. 9. feet. 5, 2, 4, y. and Tbabnud Bab. he Magnafr fimi, chap. e. 25 VerC25.ycj alteat]to weet, as other common meats, freely without redeeming them. And hereupon is that phrafe of making a vineyard mmmon, in Dentro. 6. which was in the fift yerre front the plantation, when they were free to be eaten. to add ] that is, that the tree mayadde, or abundantly yeeld unto you, the revenue (or Increafe)therof; whiles you obey thefe my corn- , mandements ; for upon obedience, fach bleflings are promifedLev 26.3,4.So I bargum Jonathan ex- plaineth it, that thy y may adde untoyoufiom be oven; i. by the bleu ing ofGod.By this law the uncircunt- cited or unclean fruits, God taught his people the contagion of their fins, lince firft man did eat of the forbidden tree : for whichthe earth was carfed,Gen.3.e7.and men have no right to eat of the increafe thereof,(for to them that are defiled & nnbeleeving,nothing is pure,' Tit.i.e 5.)tmtil itbe fanftified by the wordefCod,andprayer,i Tine. 4.5.50 by the fourth yeers fruits,which were ho- ly to the Lord, he taught them fan&intonic and thankfuhieffe; as by their firft- fruits, tithes, &c. which they gave unto the Lord, every yeere; bee taught them to honour him,with their fubftance, & with the lint ofalI their increafe, that fo their Barnes might be filled with plenty, and their preffes burl' -out with new wine, Prov.3.9i' o. 26 Verf. 26. wit; the blood j that is, any Refh that is not fully dead,or,whof blood is not orderly let out,and the RA purged of the blood;as in 'Sam. t 4:33. (where this phrafe is ufed) they raid, Be- holdthe people fin again_ the Lard, in that thy eat with theblosd,&c. Ste the Annotations on Lev.e7. The Hebrews underhand hereby , two things ; Nat se eat ths11 hofbely thirngs, before the blood be jprinkled (on the Alt t:r ;) mr meat of ammo beafls, untiß their foote their life) begone out. Sol. Iambi on Levit. e 9. In T bargum Imathan it is thus explained ;ye _Pall not eat oft& fells ofanyfacrifice, whiles the blood is in the bafn, (unfprinkled.) But Maimony ( She - ehitab, chap. t. feet. 2.) faith, It is unlowfull to eat of a _gable braid fi long as it trembleth t and he that ea. tells thereof, before the fits/ eat is begoneout, tranfgrefJètb again_ a prohibition. And it is cemprifd in this genera rttle,Yn SHALL NOT EAT WITH THE BLOOD. Chazkkani alfo faith, With the bloodi i. withoutflaying it ; andfo it it written, (in i Sam. 14. 34.) andflay them here, andrat, and firs not againfi the Lord, ¡nearing with the blood. The Greeke tranfja tech, ye find not eat upon the mountaines : (reading Harun, nountaaner, for Hadam, the blood: miltaking *Y.for *D. as they doe fundry other times;) mea- ning it againil Idolatry; which,though the thing -1 be true, as Ezek. i S. 6. yet it is not the intend- ntent of this place : and the Chaldee tran(lateth it aright, with the blood. Some of the Hebrews (as Baal hatt:trim on this place ) becaufe in the-next . words is forbidden obferving offortunei,and of times, &c. which were heathenifh cuftontes,think this alfo to be the like, Ind underhand it, of not eating upon, or over blood of a man Maine; That they _Gould not obferve fortunes (or soft I,rhantnent) by eating after the manner ofmurdererr , which eat bread over bin that itPint, that the avengers of blood may rat execute vmgesnce on them. Chazltuni alto citeth the like expofition: but the former, by comparing it with i Sant.' 4. is the belt. not obferve formetes1 or, not conjeihere by ftgnea ofgood or evil -dude ; an hca= thenifh praetife, who marked lignes of good or evil! , as by teeing of heath or birds which they counted lucky or unlucky ; by the falling of à Raffe out of their hands, by humbling when they went out ofdoores, andmany filch like. So that which followeth, not obfiroe timer; is to count one day lucky, another unlucky to take a journey in hand, or begin any worke, and the like. Of theft, fee the Annotations on Deut. IS. o, e. where Mop: more fully layeth dowine this Law, and mentioneth fundry other partctilars of this kinde : calling Ifrael from all falle Prophets Soothfayers, Sorcerers, unto Gods Word, anti untoDinh} alone, the Prophet whom he pronti- feth to raife up unto them. Verf. 27. not rouudjsoteompaf(e', that is, newt round; which the Greeke tranflateth , ye fbal not make a roursdneff of the (taire ofyour bead.This is likely to be a manner ofthe heathens,efpeeially in their mourning, as thefe lawes, compared with Lech. a i. 5. feeme to imply. a corner] or, the corners, (the ungular being put for the pltirall)which are the forehead, temples, and behinde the cares : thefe God would not have rounded, or cut as with a difh,like an halte globe, becaufe Idolaters ufed that fathion;as appeareth alto by ¡er.9.2 b.& 25.23.& 49.32. And the Arabians shed fo to poll their heads,as Herodotut in his hifory,b.3.teftifieth. The Hebrew canons fay , None msy fhave the corner: of their head, at the Idolater; have done, Levit. 19.27. and be (that fo deth) it guilty foe every corner : ehire- 27