110, L E V I T I CUS X I X. {ore he thai fiazeth his truo téntples., though at once it tooleha:entwife. Marmon) in treat. ofldoktrie,ch. I 12. fèft. I. marre] or, corrupt a corner of thy beryl, that is, any of the tome's thereof: which the Grcek tranilateth, the fight (or fkfhian) ofyour beard. Th is Law is again repeated for the Priefts , Lev. 21. 5. where for marring , he uCeth the word fha- vi+i,,¿: and Alaimony(in treat. of Idolatrie, chap. 12. feet. 7.) faith, It war the manner of Idolatrous Prie(!:, to mare rhea beard:; therefore the Law ferbiddet to marre th beard. And he makcth five corners, two on the upper lip,and three beneath; and for mar- ring any one , he was to be beaten, and fer mar- ring all five to be beaten as for five tranigrefftons. But titis is not (as he faith) meant for trimming themwith Sciffors, but for fhaving them off onely, for it mint be Inch cutting as is the marring (or orruptng) of them. Such (having the heathens also tired in ligne of forrow ; as in Efa. r 5.2. it is laid of Moab , on all their heads baldnef e, every beard cut-fff. So inJer.48. 37. 28 Verf. 28. tut malle] Hebr. not give in your fiefh: which the Grecke tranflateth, not m.ok iyyour body. cutting] or incifton ; in Greeke, inciftrons; in the Chaldee , hurt ,or corruption : fo inLevitic.21.5.. Compare allo Dent. 14.1.Jer.48,38. fora foule] meaning, f r a dead fttk, or perlon, as Numb. 6.6. and as in Thagum Imathan , it is here explained; thatis, in Corrow or mourning for a foule depar= ted : which the Chaldee tranflateth, fir the dead; (as Aloft himfelfe explaineth.it, in Dent. 14. 1.) but the Greeke keepcth the .word fade. Among the Latines alto , "Anima , the foule , was tiled for a dead body .Æ : as in Virgilneiv.3. Animamque fepulchro Coadimur.Hcreby God talleth them front the hea- then i(h manners , and would have them not te few - row, as othem which have no hope i Thef.4.13. for a- moug the nations, when their friends died, they amented, and cut themfèlve., and madetbemfelces bald , them, Jer.16.6. By the Hebrew canons, He that did can one gafh f r the dead,wat to be beaten: and whether It were aPrsefl,oran (other .) Ifaelite,tfLe cut one gafh fo; five dead perfins, or five for are dead pen for, he was to be .beaten five times. Maimory, treat. of Idolatrie, chap. 12.feS. 12. the print of. amarke] or, the inviting t fan imprefflon ; which theChaldee tran(la- teth, ingraecn marker ;the Greek,Letters printed (or marked. The Hebrews open it thus; The print of a marre, joken hf in the Law, VOS when one did cut upon his fie fh, and filled the cet place oath flibium , or with ink, or firm other colotu. And this war the tuf orne of the Heathtns, that they marked themflves unto Idolatrie, sic. Maimon y, treat. of Ido!atrie, chap. 12. feft.11. From all there and other like heatheni(h rites, whereby they Ipared not, but unnaturally man- gled their owne bodies, God would keepe his people,whofe badins Mould be the menders ofCbrifr, rad the Temple of the holy lib ft 1 Cor. 6. 15, , g. who therefore (hould beare in their bodie no o- ther then the mmkes of the Lord lefur, Ga1.6.17. See the notes on Deut.14. 1,2. 9 Nerf, 29. to be anwhore] or, to commit fornication : This word is tiled for cardan whorcdome , and fpirituall,which is Idolatrie,as Ex.34.15.and to this latet,the Chaldee feemeth to refer ìt,faying, P.rophanenot thy daughter, to6aufe"bertoerre: where- by Idolatry is ufually meant. What an whore was iu ICrael, is noted on Levit.2I.7. the land] that is,the people of the land, following her evil! ex- ample. wiclgednef] or, wickedthought:: inChal- dee, counfell (or ppurpofe of finer : but Thargum lo- nathnz expoundeth it, whoredome. See the notes on Leviticus t8. r7. Vert 30. Sabbaths] in Chaldee , Sabbath ¿Jigs; as before in vert. 3. fo after in Levit. 26.2. reverence] or,feare my SanIluarie; unto which they were to come on the Sabbaths, Ezek.46. 3. which Sanftuarie was now the Tabernacle , afterwards the Temple. This fiare was for the pretence of God therein : whereupon Iacob fared, and fad How fèarfnhl is this place I this it no other, but the bereft ofGod, &c. Gen. 28.16, x 7. And Salomon faith, lake heed to tby foot, when thou goef into the bottle' or Gad, Ecdel 5. 1. And in Tbergum lonathan this Law is explained thus ; T fha/l goe to the dvtrfe of my Sanfluarie in flare. Front hence the Jewes had many rites,for comming into the Sanftuary, and behaving themCelves in it;which tblaimony in tom. 3. in Beth babchirab, (or treat. of the Temple) ch. 7. (heweth thus; It iscommanded to reverence the Sanllu- arie, Levi tic. 19. 3o: and thou reverencef not the S mean vie it fife , but him who commandeth the reve- rence thereof. Andwhat is this reverence of it ? A man may not-come into the moumaine of the hotrfe (of God) with his flare, or with hie fees on his feet, or in his world ng garment , or with dui on hisfeet , or with bags of money about him. And 'need not fpeake, bow it it unlawfrrll to fpit in any part of the mountain of the Houle ; but he muf wrap up his excrements in bit band - lgerchiefe, And he may not make the Masan of the !outs a the ow -fare , togoe in at ene chore and out at another, to fborten his way: but muft gee' round about, and not come in there, five for the thing that is commanded. And all that west into the Meant eftbe bottle , went in by the way of the right halal , and turned and want on by the way of the left : except be unto whomfòmetb sg bad befallen, for which he turned toward, the left band. The efere they m15ed him, what it befallen thee , that thou turnef towards the left hand? (If he laid,) becaufe l am a mourner : (they anfwered,) Hee that dweiletb in this Houfe, comfort thee. (If he Paid,) Becatufe I have the Niddui [that is, the le(fer excommunication] uponme : (they anfwered,) Hee that dwelled., in this Houle' , give into thine heart that thou mail hearken unto the words of thy neighbours. Whofoezer had ac- compli bit feervice, and went his way ; did not gm one with his back to the Temple, but went backward by lit- tle and little , and went Pfily fide -lon till he war out of the court - yard; oaf did the mot that kept the watch, and their courfes , and the Levites , &e. all this was fer reverence of the Sandfuarie. And whafevee ambled into the Court yard , went foft/y unto the place whither it war lawful! far bim.to some ; and he was to confider that he flood before the Lord; at he hmh faid, Mine eyes and min heart fhall be there, all (Jaya, (2 Chronic.7.16.) And he was toga withdread , andwith feare and trem b/istg. And it MN unlawfuól for any man to fit in all the Corot yard : neither was there any feat in the Court yard, fave 30 /ln .a..4,.,.. . 1. .,..,m