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izo Pl.ltlifhrlTents for ,(, E y IT I C u s X X. l'undry tranfgrefsions. 36 2 Vcrf.36. ¡RI ïtones] Hebr. flonesof juf ke; which the Chaldee well explaineth,trùe weights: and the Greeke, *II weights. So flones are often ufed for weights, Dent. 25.13. Prov. r r.i. and 16.11. and 20. 10623. where double and deccitftdl weights are (hewed to be an abhoniii-iation to the Lord. The reafon of this name is for that they ufed weights offtone,rather then of other things.They mall no weights either ofiron, or of lead, or of other like metal! becauf they Will canker and wax too light; but they make them of the clean flory- rocke, orof laf , or the like. Maimony, treat. ofTheft, chap. 8. fe &.4. Ephab] put for all meafures, as the Greek and Chaldee here tranflate:though the Ephah was one certaine meafure, like our Bufhell; containing ten Omers: fee the Annotations on Exod,16.36. Hin] Hebr. Hon of'uilice : the Hin was a mea- fure ofliquid things, (,as theEphah was for dry) and it contained as much as feventie two Hennes egges : fee the noteson Exod. 30.24. And under theft two names, all other meafures are compre- hended,which God requireth to be jufl and true, condemning all falfhood and deceit: as Ezek.45. I 0,11,12. Amos 8.5,-8. In Ìfrael,the Magiftrates . looked unto theft , as in the Hebrew canons it is ffid , The bulges are bound to appoint Officers in every Citie, and in -every Shire., that they may gce about into Shops, and loop that their ballanees and meafures le juif, and determine the Hinted- meafure of them. And with whomfoever they finde any weight or meafure too light or Port , or hallows that gee awry ; they have authori- tie to fmite him, and to mullí him , ar the Iudges ¡hallfee meet, ere. Maimony, treat. ofTbef, ch. 2. fe &.20. Theft ordinances, as they taught men juftice in all their civil] affaires, fo efpeciálly in fpirituall that all things pertaining to religion, be faith- fully and equallyweighed in the ballance of the heart; by the meafùres and weights of the Lords San &uarie: that is, by his lawes, and words of truth, contained in the holy Scriptures, A&. 17. 11. i Thef5.21.2 Tim.3. 16,17. compared with Hof. I2.7. As alto, that all perlons be tried and judged, according to their workes, by the word of God, Mat.7. 1,2,3. Joh.7. 24. compared with Job 31.6. Dan 5. 27. PCil.58.2,3. caccausr aacc eas r c. :Sacs CHAP. XX. I, Lames for theputrifhment of hint that givetb of his fled to Molech ; 6, of him that goeth to Wizards ; him that curfeth his parents ; I o, ofadttlterers; 11,14, 17, 19, of incefluous perfirm; r 3, of them that lye with mankinde , 15, or with beafls; 18, or with a woman in her feparation. 7, 22, 26., Holinef and obedience it re- quired : 23, the manners of the Heathens to be avoided: 2 5,dpence to be put between beafls c /cane and unclean. z7,Wizardsmuff be flonedto death. AN D Jehovah fpake unto Mofes, fay - ing; And thou (halt fay, unto the tons of Ifrael; Every man of the fons of Ifrael, or of the II ranger that fojourneth in Ifrael, that giveth of his feed, unto M olech; he (hall furely be put to death: the people of the land, (hall Roue him with Roues. And I, will let my face, againft that man ; and will cut him off,from among his people : becaufe he bath given,of his feed unto Molech; that hee might defile my Sanluarie; and to pro. phane,the name of my holineffe. And if the people of the land , hiding fhall hide their eyes from that man, when hegiveth of his feed unto Molech ; that they put him not to death : Then I, will fet my face,againft that man, and againft his family : and will cutoff him, and all that goe-a-whoring after him, to goe -a- whoring after Molech , from a- mong their people. And the foule, that tur- neth unto (them that have) familiar fpirits, and unto wizards; to goe-a-whoring after them : I will alto fet my face , again(} that foule; and will cut him off, from among his people. And ye (hall fanCtifie your felves; and be holy : for I am Jehovah, your God. And yet (hall keepe, my (tatures.; and doe them : I am Jehovah, that fanótifieth you. For every man, that curfeth his father, or his mother, (hall be furelyput to death: he bath curled , his father or his mother, his bloods(hall be upon him. And the man,that committeth- adulterie with a manswife;that committeth- adulterie, with his neighbours wife : the adulterer,andthe adultereffe,fhall furely be put to death. And the man, that lyeth with his fathers wife, bath uncovered his fathers nakedneffe : both of them (hall be furely put to death, their bloodsfhallbe upon them. And the man,that lyeth with his daughter- in- law;both of them (hal be furely put to death : they have wrought confufion, their bloods /hall be upon them. And the maiì, that lieth with a male, like copulation with a woman; they have done abhominati on, both of them they (hall be furely put to death, their bloods Jhall be upon them. And the mxn that taketh a wife,and her mo. ther, it iss wickedneffe : they (hall hume him and them, with fire :'that there be no wic- kedneffe, among you. And the man that gi- veth his copulation with a bean ; hee (hall furely he put to death : and ye (hall kill the beat. And the woman that approacheth unto any beaft, to lie downe.thereto ; thou (halt even kil the woman and the beaft: they (hall furely be put to death,theirbloods/bag be Upon them. And the man that taketh his fitter, his fathers daughter, or his mothers daughter, and teeth her nakedneffe, and (he fee 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Io II 12 13 14 15 16 17 / 1 = 1 1 r A l r a I . . . .. . .