Puraiíhménts. LEVIT I C U S. XX 12t fee his nakedne(fe,it is impierie;and they (hal be cut off, in the eyes of the (Danes of their people; he hathuncovered ,his fillers naked- IS nes,he shall beare his iniquity.And the man, that lyeth with a womanhaving-herficknes, and uncovereth her nakednes, difcovereth her fountaine : and lhe,uncovereth the fouii- taine of her bloods : even both of them (hail 9 be cut off from among their people. And thou (halt not uncover the nakednes of thy mothers filler, or of thy fathers fifter:for he difcovereth his neere - kinne,they f uallbeare Zo their iniquity. And the man, that lyeth with his aunt ; he bath uncovered, his uncles na. kednes : they (hall beare their fin, they (hall 2 r dye childles. And the man , that raked] his brothers wife,it is uncleannes:he bath unco. vered his brothers nakednes, they litallbee 22 childles. And ye fhall keepe all my ftatutes, and all my judgements, anddoe them : that the land fpueyou not out;which I bring you 23 thither, to dwell therein. And ye (hall not walke, in the flatutes of the nation ; which I fend out, from before you : for all theft things, have they done;and I am yrked with 24 them. And ihave faid unto you; you, (hail inherit their land ; and I , will give it unto you , to inherit it ; a land that flowethwith milke,and honey I,am Jehovah your God; which have feparated you,fromthe peoples. 25 And ye fhall feparate, betweenethe cleane bead and the uncleane,and betweene the un- cleane fowle, andthecleane: and yet (hall not make your fouler abominable , by bead or by fowle;or by any thing thatcreepeth sin the, ground; which I have feparated unto s6 you,for unclean. And ye (hall be holy un- to me, for I Jehovah, am holy : and have fe- parated you, from the peoples, to be mine. 27 And man or Woman, when there is in them a familiar-fpirit, or (that is) awizard, they (hall furely be put to death : they (hall (lone them with ftones, their bloods (hall be upon them. (Annotations. 2 EVery man] or Any man whofoever, Hebr. man man ; Levit. 17.3. Targum Ionathan expiai- neth it;yeng man or old man; the Greekehath, Vary. Here Godappoititeth punifhments for the trauf- gre(fion of fach Lawes , as were given in the two former chapters. that f journeth] or, that it a franger: inGreeke,profe lyres. of bit-fled.] that is, any of his children. Molech] an Idoli to which the heathens offered theirchildren ; whereof fee Lev, t $. z i . be pall fire y he put to death] or,he (bat be pue to dye the d,ath : Heb.efying he ( hall be made to dye .So after inverfe9.to,11,12.8tc. thepeo- ple of the land} the Chaldee expounds it , the people of the bottle of fione him] his hune being proved before the ludges by witneffes, the hands of the w itneffes were fielt to be upon him,and af- terward the hands of all the people,Deut. i 7.6,7. Foure manes of deathswerein Ilìaél for nialefa- lors,Staning, $urning, Kilingwith the fword, and ffrangling : And the Hebrewes reckon eighteen evil[ doers which were to be (toned, (and that was the foreit death; ) fundry of them are mentioned in this chapter : of all the reff, fee the notes on Exo. z 1.12. The manner offtoning is faid to be thus; when the malefattot came within feure cubits of the place ofexecution, they ifript hint out of his clothes, but covered his nakedneffe before ; and a woman was not floned naked but in one linen garment. The place of honing was high; unto whichthe malefactor with his witneffes went up: his hands beingtyed : One of thewitnefEs Itroke hint behinde upón hisloyns;if that kild him not, the other witneffes threw a great [tone upon his heart ; if he dyed not with it , alt Ifs-ad threw stone; upon him. Talmud Bab. in Sanhedrin, chap. 6. and Maimony in Sanhedrin, chapter, 15. fe- lion i. Verf. And I will fet] Heb.willgive; that is, will oppofe and fet firmly: for which in verfe ;.Mofes ufeth the wordfet.This is meanyifthe fine were not knowne, or could not be provedby witneffes ftiftìciently before men,that God himlèlfe would out niche firmer which the Chaldee and Greeke doe interprét'defiroy,or make to perifb.So Chazkuni expoundeth it , I willfet myfrce , when he tranfref fetb without witnefr and evident praofe. The He- brewes reckon fixe andthirtie which for their fins are threatned by the lain to be cut sand they are thefe, i. Hee that lyeth witbhis mother ; s. or with bitfathers wife ; 3. or with his daughter -in -law ; 4. or with mankinde ; 5. or with a beaf 6. and the woman that yeth donee to a heal( ; 7. he that lyeth with a wo- manand her daughter; 8. or with another mans w fe ; 9. or with bit fifer; ro .or with his fathersfifer; 1 i.er with hit mot ers fller 12. or with bar wise, fifer ; 13. or with the wife of bis father; brother ; 14. of web the wife of his mashers brother ; i 5. or with a woman that bath fur ficktuffe 316.T he blafphemer ;17. the Idol -fer- ver ; i 8. he that giveth ofhisf ed io Molech; 19, he that followeth him that hash a familiar fpirit; 20. he that prophaneth the Sabbath; 21. the itneleane perfon that eateth the holy thing; 22. the tmdeane paint that eommeth into the Santluarie. 23. Hee that eateth fat ; 24. or blood; 25. or that eateth that whiebrems'netb of the facrifues, when it is apolluted thing; 26. or that eateth uncleane meats; 27. Hee that flayed, facrifces without the faneivarie; 28,and he that of 5th them with- out ; 29. He that earth Leaven at the Paf èuser 33o. he that eat eth any thing on Atonement day; 3 i. or that war- keth on that day; 32. He that maketh ata Oife, like the hw- bBileoftheSantluary; 33. ormalg,thanincenfilikethe holy ineenfe; 3+. or, that anointeth mans fiefh with the holy tile of the Saniluay ; 35. He that abfe tech not the Paffisoer; 36. or that obferveth not the Lawof ciream- cifion. For thefe they are guilty to bean óf, if they trdnf- gref prefumptuoufly, ifignorantly, they null bring a frrr- L 11 fins, 3