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LEVIT I CUS XX. Ifiring, &c. 7bslmud Bab. in Cherithutb. chap. t. All there are expreffed in Mofes Law, and yet he that gathered thefe in the Thalmud,'( as Maima- ny in his Annotations upon the Lame place obfer- veth ) reckoneth but doegecerals, and kaveth the par- tiaelars. For where be faith , He ;bat lyeth with a wo- man and ber daughter ; be implieth alfa , a woman with her pine: fo a woman and berfons daughter, a woman and her daughters daughter: and his mother , and his mothers mother, and bar fathers mother , and his daughs- ten, and hit fano daughtr , and his daughters daughter. And under tbe name .of the Idol ferzer, is implied he that pouretb out a drink-pffering, or that burneth isnmfe, or that baweth damn, or that fac?iftceth , and fuel, like. So he f eaketb of bits shat bath a Familiar ffiirit, andnot oftbeWizard[who is in the fame eftate,Lev. 20.6.] Of there forementioned , tome are to dye by the hand of the magillrate,fonle are to bebea- ten,bttt not put to death;as elfewhere is observed. defile my Santhuary] that is, the Tabernacle, (Exod.25.8.)or Tentple:whi .. h was defiled,when God was facrificed unto other where,or by other wayes then he commanded, (Levit.17.4,5.) or when they facrificed to idols, & yet would come into the Sanauarie to ferve God alfo;wheras the Temple ofGod,hath no agreement with Idolr,2 Cor. 6.1 6. And thus the Prophet reproveth them, for that they burned incmf to Baal , and walked after other gods; andyet came and flood before him in the houlewhereupon his namewas called,Ier.7.9: i o. and to prophase]that is,as theGreek explai- neth it, andibat he mightyrophane. Ofprophaning Gods name, fee Levit.18.2 s . 4 Verf.4.tbe people of the land] which the Chaldee expoundeth the people of the hula of Ifrael: and fo the Greeke faith, the hemeha ne of the land hi- ding fhal! hide]that is,Thal any wayes hide;the Greeke explaineth it,witb winking(hall winkat;that is,neg left, or not regard to pptmifh That word Paul u- feth, inAft:i7.30. the times oftbisignorance, God winked at. face]the Chaldee expoundeth it, mine 5 anger: and lò face often fignifieth, Pfal.21.19. and 34.17.Lam.4.i6. Seethe notes on Gen. 32.20. bis familie] inGreeke, his kìnred; and fo the word familie fignifieth in Gen.24.38 the Chal- dee tranflateth it,his helpers ; that is, filch as tooke part with him ;as the next words do declare. that gee -a whoring after him] that is, commit idola- trieas the Chaldee explaineth it , tbai erre: fo in verse 6. the Greeke tranflateth, all that confine unto him. This judgement God executed upon the Iewes;for this idolatrie,and their other fins:as he fignified by his Prophet,that he would give their city Iernfslentvuo the band of the Chakleanr, who ihould let lire upon it, and laterne it with the bottles, upon whole roofs they had burnt incenfe Sono Baal, &c. Becaufe they, their Kings, their Princes, their Priefls , and their Prophèts, and the men of Judah, and the inhabitants of Ierufalem, had fit their abbominati- main thehoufe which war called by his Name, to de- file it ; and built the high places of Baal , to caufi their fennel and their daughters ea paffe through, (the fire ) unto Meech, &c. therefore it fhould be delizered into the band of King of Babylon ; by the fmord and bythefamine, and bytbepeilenee. Ier.32.28,29.32. 34,35,36 Ver1:6.the fuele]that is,as theChaldee expoun- 6 loth, the man. that turneth unto] or, looketh after in Greek filloweth: meaning that confuneth with them, asDeut.i8.ii. familiarfpirits] Targum Ionathan expoundeth it, them that ae fe of familiar fpirits.Of thefe,and the wizards following (whom the Greeke calleth Inchanters,) fee the an- notations on Leviticus 19.31. and Deuterono mie /8.I i . fit my face] Hebr. giee my face : inChaldee, giventble anger againfi that man, and defbroy him. This judgment was executed upon K. Saul, who dyed , for asking counfell ofone that bad a familiar fpirit. s 3.1 Sam.28, Verf7. Aral] This may be a reafon ofthe for - 7 mer,7berefareyefbiall fantlife your Pus ; by abltai- ning from all evill, and doing good. be holy] or, be faints :for I am Jehovah, to weet, that fanaif- ethyou,as verf.8.or,for /am holy, as the Greeke ad- deth, and as Mofes wrote before,in Lev. i 9.2. Verf9. For nog man] or, any man: Hebr. man 9 man, meaning any whofoever, as verla. And this is inferred upon the former precept,be holy: Far o- therwife judgements abide you. curfetb] or revikth; fpeakejh evil!, as the Greeke tranflateth; which the holy Gheftapproveth in Ails 23.5. See the notes on Exodus 2r .17. or] He- brew, and, which theGreeke tranflateth or; and fo its Matthew 15.4. For death was his due, if he curled either of them and they are diftingui- thed, to make, him guilty for tbe one without the other, as Chazkuni here explaineth it,and as Jarchi ad- deth,though it be after his parents death. Whofo curfeth his faller, or hismother ; bi.r Lampfhall be put- out, in obfeare darken, prov.2o.20. birbloods (hall be upon him] that is de.rsb (hall be upon his owne head;for he path canted it by his finse. So the Greeke tranflateth, be /ball be guilty : and the Chaleee, be is guilty (orwortby,) to be billed; foal- ter often inthis chap. The manner of his death, was finning; as is noted, upon Exod.21. i 0:and as Motes after fheweth for the rebellious tonne, Dent.21.21.And it is obfrved as a generali rule, by the Hebrew doâors. Every place where it is faid in the Law, theyfha/l be put to death, THEitlBLOODS V e o tt T H E N , is is meant, byf oning. Ma. many in Ifurei biab,,c.1.f..6.and Sal.Iarchi un Lev.20.9. Vert. i o. that committetb adultery] the Greeke ad- deth in the fecond place, or that eenimits-adultery with his neighbours wif.It is expounded inDeut.22. 22. a woman married tá an husband. eye the deatb]themanner of their death,is not let down, either here or in Deuter 22.22. nnleffe by that which is before and after,(for other unlawful co- pulations) we fay it is meant /toning to death : as the man that lyeth with a beaft, v. i to befto- ned,becaufe the women for like bcaftlineffe is to be ftoned,verfe 16.The Pharifees which brought unto Chrill a woman taken inadnherie, Paid, Maas commanded tbat flub fhould be f oned, Ioh.8.4,5. but whether that were this very cafe , is to be con - fidered. Alto to lye with a betrothed woman, the IO