LEVITICLIS. XX. 12; II I2 the puni4tmeatwas fonneg, as for humbling hit neighbours r¢f Deut.zz.24. Howbeit the latter Pharifees,fay, the adulterers death was Strangling: Mabnony in Sanhedrin, chap.' 5. fe &.t 3. And in another place, he openeth this and the other like lawes more fully, thus. Who fo preftmptnonyycvm- mitteth anyof all the unlawful copulation fpokenof in the law, is guiltyof cutting ai , Levit. r 8.29. and if they deeit ignorantly, they are' bring the Sin- offing appointed. And there be fame -of the Nakednef fits [that is, the unlawfal copalitions] which define death by the Iudges ; more then the cutting-off, , wlaieh ír meet for them all. Of t1;o4 which are to be put to death by the ludo es , fame are to at e by ftaning, and tome by burning , and f me 4 f ranglmg. And theft are they that areput to deathbyHoning: He that yethwith hit mother , or with hia fathers wie, or with his fines wife, which is ealledbit daughter -in-law ; he that yet' with man nde ; or with a beat ; and the woman that yeah Annie to a beef. And theft are burnt to death ; He that lyeth with his wives daughter, whiles his wife liveth ; or with her daughters daughter ;or with her fors daughter ; or with his wives mother ; or with her mothers mother; or with her fibers mother. He that lyeth with bir daughter ; or with his daughters daughter, or with hisfiersdaugh- ter. Thou haft no emlawfull copulation punifbed with Strangling, but f r lying with a mans wife onely, Levit. 20. l o. And the death which the Law f eaketb of abfa- lutely , [that is , without naming what kinde of death it (hall be,] itfrangling. And if fhe be a Friel s daughter,fhe is burned, Levit.z t .9.atd that lay with her,is frangkd: and iffbebeabetrothedmaid, they are both of them Toned, Denter.a2.24. and wherefever the Law faith, T heir bloods upon them ; that if by fa^ Hoeg, For all other unlawful! copulations , there is cut - sing- offonely; and not death by the Magiftrate. There- fore if there bewitnefs and evidence, the budgesare to beat them : for all that deferve cutting-of f, are to be boa- ten. Muimonyinlfureibiahchap .i.feet.t:7. Thus by their own grant,this cafe is fingular: and there is no other reafon of the adulterers (frangling,then the commanding of their death ablòlutely. A- mong the heathens alfo, adulterie was puni(hed with death , as the King of Balrylon rolled 2edeki b and Ahab in the fine becaufe they committed adultery with their neighbours wises, &e. Iercnt a 29.22.23. This find isa fire that corfumetbsoekfruttmn, and will root out all a mans increaft ; 106'31.12. He rbat doth it,deftroyethhis wane f ule, Prov.6.32. Verla t. their bloods upon them] that is, they (hall be (toned : in Greeke, both of them are guilty; and theChaldee faith, wert&tobekilled. So in the re(t that follow. Verfr2.wrougtt] or, doneconfufzon, which the Greeketranllateth,bave don- impieufy. Vert t 3. like copulation with a woman] Hebr. with the lying: (or copulations) ofa woman : fee Le- vit.18.z2. Vert; 14. wiclgdnef] or, a wicked purpofe: in Chaldee cozenfell of jmzes : in Greeke , an unlawful! atï.See Levit.18.17. Verf l7.impietie] or, reproach, igneminie, as the Greeke and Chaldee doe eradiate it. cut off] in Greeke, ekftryed before the fixates of their /imne: 13 14 17 that is, foone and openly ; to weet by the hand of God : and to be beaten by the Magiltrate, as the Hebrewes fay.See the notes on verle to. his inignitie]that is,thepunilhment due thereunto:as Gen.t915 Verf. t S. having her ficknefè] her menftruabinfir- mitie,for which the was feparated as uncleane,even from her husband : therefore the Greeke trantla- tethit put-apart ; and the Chaldee, undeane. See the annotations on Levit.t2.2. and 15.19.-24. the fountain] or, well,figuratively fo called, becaufe of the if fte, as in Levit.1z.7. The Greeke here in the firft place , keepeth the metaphore, he hat) uncovered her foumaine the Chaldee faith, her i zominie : in the fecond place, the Greeke tranfla- teth fl a bath uncovered the iffue of her blood, where the Chaldee faith , tbenncleaemef of her blood The Holy Ghoft alfo explaineth it ló, for where it is Paid, in Marke 5.29. the fountaine of fsee bho was dried up : an other Evangelift faith, her iffueofblood f arched, Luke 8.44. By the Hebrew doftors, the wombe wherein the childe is formed, is called she Fowl tain.Maimony he Iffurei blab, chap.5.feót.3. There- fore alto they exempt virgins from this pollution; as is noted on Levitt 5.19. cut -off to the Greek and Chaldee,defryed; to weed by the hand of God , for prefumptuous doing againft this Law : Lev.' 5.31. and by the Magiftrates, ( if it were known; ) the was beaten. Malmo,, in Iffurei biah,ch. í.C22. And from the Law for wafting her in Levit.15. they teach , that the woman which bath her ficlsre ff or hash an iffue , or bath borne a- ebilde, if fewaf, not ber fef in water ; whofo yeth with any one Phan , though it be after manyyeeres , is guilty of among -o f- Mai»ony ¡bidesn ehap.4efe &.3. But thofe legal wathings,figured our better clean- fingg, by the blood ofChrif,Efa.4.4.1 Ioh.t.y. VerC2o.hie aunt ] which the Chaldee expoun- deth his unks ( or fathers-brothers) wife : fee Le- v it.18.t4. childleffi] meaning either that God will give them no children , or fcsone take them away if he doe give them. For, by the He- brew canons,the Magi(trates might not put them to dead', but beat them onely for this line. See the notes on verle t o. Verle25. fha/bechildlefe] the Greeke tranfla- teth, finall dye rhi!dlefè; as verfe 2o.SoI. Iarchi here- upon noteth ; Childleff, meattetb , if he have children hefhall bury them; if he hate nochildren, he foal{ dye without chid en : theref re the feripture differed), fig- in; (in verfe 29.) obey (hall dye cbild'efie; ana (in verle as.) they frail be childlef. They f all die chi/de- leffe, if he hive any at the time oftranfgreffion,lsefhall have none at hit death, fir he fhall bury them mhier he liven : theyHaag be childlefe , fir if he have none ;data he tranfgref feth, he (hall be all his dai :s, at he now is. Verf 2 z. And] or, T hereforeye (ball krepe. fpue]or, vomityou not out which the Greeke and Chaldee turne, loathe, or abhorreg o. Sce Levitt 8. 25.26.28. Verfe 23. nation] in Greeks, nations, inChaldee, peoples. amyrkd] or,a sgritted with, and con - fegnently do abhorre them , as theGreeke tranfla- teth it : and the Chaldee my Word abhorreththem. L11 2 Thus 18 20 2I a 23