. `Lawesforthe LEVITICUS XXI. 24 2 26 27 I 2 3 4 5 Prietts i}olinefle. Thus allo God was affe&ed with Ifrael and com- plained, Facileyeeres I was yrltd with that generation, P1a1.9 5.1o. Verl24. mike and honey] that is , all good and comfortable blctlìngs, which were allo figures of heavenly graces : fee the notes on Exod.3.8, fepa aced] in Greeke difparted (or disbounekd) you fiomall the nations. Gods lawcs are as a wall and hedge to keepe his people from the datutes and manners of the wicked. So Solomon laid , 7Nu d ditfeparat a them to thy fel far an i» Hesitance ; from all people, ofshe earth : I King.8.53. Verl 25. feparate between the eleane beaff] that is, put differencc,by eating the eleane and refraining . from the unclean : according to the Law in Lev. I t. which thing is here fpoken of upon their re, paration from the peoples, becaufe their abfti- nence from uncleane beads, figured their abdain- ing from the communion of unclean peoples; as Alt.co.12 -28. and asis(hewedon Lev. rr. The Hebrewes fay, this is mentioned after the unlaw- full copulations aforefaid,becaufe who fo defileth himfelfe with them, degencrateth and is as it were transformed into the nature of uncleane beads, &c. R. M taclxm on Lev.fol. i 5 r. fir unclean] that is, that you fhould count them un- cleane,and abdaine from thcm.The Greeks trap flateth,in uneleanne ff Verf..26. from the peoples] in Greeke, front all the nations ; as in verfe 24. to be mine] or , to be unto me: which the Chaldee interpreteth , topc, before me. VerCz7.familisrffririt]or fpiritofdivinatin: fee Levit.i 9.31. their bloods upon them] in Greeke, they are guilt je: in Chaldee, wordy to beltilled. Sec before on verf 9. MAAAMMAAAAAMAIAAAMA CHAP. XXI." I, Lames concerning the Prief s mourning for the dead: 6, Of their holinef, 7, andmariage. 9, The Prieffs daughter that playetb the mbore,ir to be burnt. to,Lawes concerning the high Prieffsmourning, 13, andhio ma- riage. 16, The Priefis that have blemìfher, muff not mi sifter in the Saniluarie. DAD Nd Jehovah Caid , unto Mofes ; Say unto the Priefts,the Tonnes of Aaron : and fayunto them;For a foule he (hall not defile himfelfe, among his peoples. But, for his neere -kinne Iliat is nigh unto him : for his mother,and for his father,and for his fon,and for his daughter,and for his brother. And for his lifter a virgin, that is nigh unto him ; which hath not beene,to any man : for her,he fhall defile himfelf. He (hall not defile himfelf. beinga chief -man amôg his peoples: to prophane him Celle. They (hall not make baldne(fe,upontheirhead;and the corner of their beard, they (hall not fhave:and in their flefh , they (hall not cut any cutting. They 6 fhallbe holy, unto their God ; and fhallnot prophane, the name of their God : for the Fire- ofrings of Jehovah , the bread of their God, they doe offer, and they (hall be holi nefle. They (hall not take a wife, that is an 7 whore, or prophane ; neither (hall they take a woman, put-away from her husband,: for he is holy, 'into his God. And thou !halt 8 fandtifie him; forheoffreth,the bread ofthy God : he (hall be holy unto thee; for I Jeho- vah which fandtifie you, am holy. And the 9 daughter of any Prieft, if fhe prophane her felfe,to commit- whordome:fh prophaneth her father: flie (hallbe- burnt,with fire. And the Price that is great among his so brethren , upon whofe head , the oile ofa- noynting was poured , and bath filled his hand,to put on the garments:fhall not make - bare his head nor rent his garments. Nei- II ther (hal he goe-in,to any foules of the dead: for his father or for his mother, he fhall not defile himfelfe.Neither fliall he goe -out 12 of the Sandtuarie ; nor prophane,the Sandtu- arie ofhis God : for the crowne, the anoin- tingoile of his God, is upon him,! am Jeho- vah. And he, (hall -takea wife in hervirgini. 13 ties. A widowor one put - away,or prophane, or an whore;thefe (hall he not take: but a vir- gine of his peoples,(hall he take to wife. And he (hall not prophane his feed , among his peoples : for I Jehovah, doe fan&ifie him. And Jehovah fpake, unto Mofes, laying. Speake unto Aaron, fay ing : Any man ofthy feed , in their generations , in whom there (!hall be a blemi(h ; he (Ball not approch,ro offer the bread of his God. For any man, that bath in him a blemifh, (hall not ap- proach : a man blinde,or lame,or Aar - nofed, or that hath any thing fuperfluous. Ora man, 19 in whomthere (hal be,thebreaking-ofa foot, or the breaking of a hand. Or that if crook backt, or bath a lmal -(pot , or a confufion in his eye : or fcurfe,or fcab ; or bath is floues broken. No man that bath a blemifh in him ofthe feed ofAaron the Prieft , fliall come nigh,to offer the Fire- offrings ofJehovah : a lilemifli is in him; he (hall not come-nigh,to offer the bread ofhis God. He (ball eat , the bread of his God ; ofthe holy of holies & of the holies. But he (hall not goe -in unto the Veil,nor come-nigh unto the Altar,becaufe a blemifh is in him: & he (hall not prophane my Sandtuaries;for I Jehovah, doe fandtifie them.And Mofes fpake it, unto Aaron, and unto his Eons : and unto all the Eons of Ifrael. mina- 14 ij 16 i7 18 20 al 22 23 24 iOINNEc.r /Awl