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LEVITICLIS. XXI, I 1 Annotations. D Here heginneth ( after the Hebrewes account) the one and thirtieth fe&ion or Le&ure of the Law.See Gen.6.9. I T He Prieffs]After the generali rules of bolines for all the people, here followeth a fpeciall law for the holines of the Priefts: their office was to make atonement for the people,and to fan&ifie them; therefore mutt they have a care to fan&ifie themfèlves. And as when God forbiddeth his people to feeke unto fish as have familiar fpirits, &c. he telleth them of a Prophet, whom he would raife up unto them, by whom they might know his will; Dent.' 8. i o,; t.15.íò it is obferved here by the Hebrewes, (as Baalhaeeurim, and Chazkrl- ni,) that immediately after the Lawagainit fami- liar fpirits,and wizards, Levit. zo.27. this Law is given for the Priefts; that the people might have no occafion to feeke unto the former, but might come untothe Priefts,and they fhould inquire for them by Vrint and Thummim. the formes of Aaron] Targumlonathanaddeth, the males; and Sol.Iarchi faith, tbefeennes and not the daughters of Aaron; becaufe the lawes following concerned not thewomen.Soin theHebrew canons it is Paid, Aaron: daughters are not forewarned polbuirmAy the dead ; but the Priefis the formes of Aaron. Likewife the prophan ( Priefis) might defile themfelves; fir thisis but for thefmnee-òf Aaron that mayexecuteshe Priefts office. A young Priefi it to be warned by the elder (Priefls.) not to defile himfe f . &e. and his father is to train him up in holnref e. Maimonÿ tom.4. treat. of Mourning, chap.3. lè&. i 1,12. fir afoule] toweet,of the dead as isexprelfedinverfesi.elle- where calleda dead föule, Numbersb.6.meaning a dead bodie: for properly at death the foule de- parteth, Gen.35.i8. and the dead defiled, not till his fink be departed, faith Maimony tom.3. in Tu- math meth, chap.i.fe &.15. wherefore the Chal- dee heretranflatethfor the dad; and Targum Jo- nathan , fir the filme of man that it dead. But the Greeke retaineth the Hebrew phrafc, for faiths. So before in Levit.19.28. he (hall not] that. is, 'any Prieft fhall not defilehimfelfe: in Greeke , they frail not be defiled This pollution might be by the funeral! of the dead;for who fo touched any dead body, or came into a tent (or horde) where any dead body lay, or touched a grave; he was unclean feven daies, Numbers 19.14.16. fo by bearing the dead he was unclean, by proportion from the Law, in Levit. i i .z 5.And by the Hebrewcanons, if a man came within forme cubits ( that is, fixe foot) of the dead,he was uncleane. Maimony,treat. of Mourning, chap. 3.fe&. 13. amonghio peo- ples] in Greeke, among their nation : that is,as Chaz- kuni explaineth it among all Ifrael, for they are his peoples.So peoples are ufed tor the tribes of Uì ael,in Dent33 3Iudg.5.i4.A&.4.xy. 2 Verf..z. hit here-kin] thofe of his confanguini- ty: fee this word in Lev. r 8.6. Sol.Iarchi hereun- derflandeth thePriefts wife by it;as one forwhom he might defile himfelfe. See the notes on verfe 3. This law is for the inferiour Priefts : but the high Prieft might not defile himiClfe for theiè, verle io,1i. Verl3. not beau to any man]wiiich the Greeke explaineth , not gis¿ento (or not befiowedon) a man ; meaning, which bdebhad no husband. For Such as had husbands,were to be buried andmourned for by them, as Abraham mourned for Sarah, Gene. 23.2. Thefe fixe, Father, and - Mother, andSorme, and Daughter , and Brother, and Sii l er that hathbad no husband, are againe mentioned in Ezek.44.2 5. &c. that for them the Priefts might be defiled,and after their cleanfing,& dayes appointed,to bring. their Sin- offring. And it feemeth they were to do the like for their wives,becaufe Ezekiel the Prieft was commanded as an extraordinary cafe, not to noourne for hh wifewhen the , Ezek.24.5 6. 17,18. So the Hebrew canons fay, EverrPriefl that it defiled for the dead, except for theft fixe dead which are expreffèdin the Law , or for hit wf: if it be provedbywitnefjes, he is to be beaten: Leviticus 2 I. I. And whether het touch the dead, or came into the tent or beare him, and whether it bee the dead perfon hhnf f , or airy otherunl.amteffe about him : andfoif aPriefl toucha grave he it to be beaten. And every Prieft that comme,!,ithin foure cubit, of the dead, it to be ehaftifed withfiripes : Maimuny treat. of Mour- ning, chap. r.fe&.i,z.13. he fhall defile him - felfe] in Greek, they fhall be defiled,nteaniug all and every of the Priefts. This is underilood not as a permiffion , but a dutie , for them to bury and Mourne forthefé their neere kin. The Hebrewes fay; Very weighty it the charge ofmourning, for even the Priefiis driven to beunceane, for his neere tnne, muff bufie himfi f about them , and mourn for them, Leviticus 2r .2. It is a rommandemeni ; fa that if bee_ wotldno be defiled, they are to cattle him-to bee defiled againfi bis will. So for his wife, ( but this is not but by the dolirine of the Scribes,) becaufi fan bath no beire but him. &c. And he is to be defiled for hit maried wife oriel), but not for a betrothedwife. Likewife for o- thers , whichare not to be mourned fir , as flub at are put to death by the Synedrion (or Magifirates,) and fuchatare Apoftate from the ¡veesof the Church, and untimely births, anctfuch at wittingly 1,11 themfelves; the Priefi is not to defile himfeFeeforthem. And how long is he commanded to defile himfelfefor his here- lfindred Vntill the cover of the graze be clofd upan them: fir af ter that, they are at all ether dead gerfiut, that era Prieff be defiled, he is to ltcPeaten. Maimotp, treat. -of Mourning, chap 2.fe&.6,7,8. Verl.4. being a chiefe -man] or, for a chiefe -man, that is, for any other of his houfe, oros,t of his houfe,fave for thole before fpecified. So Chazku- ni citeth this asa common expofition of this place ; A common Prieff fhall not defile himfelfefor a chief man among his peoples; be be the high Prieft among his people. Although I permit thee to defile thyfelfe for thy neere-krone, thou(halt nit defile thy fife fir the high Prieft who is net of thy neere- knarre. The Hebrew Baal, fignifieth a Lord, Mafler, or chief man,Iudg. 9.5r Efa.6o.8. and fo the Chaldee tranflateth it here Rabba; that is, a mafier,or cirief- inan:(but the Greek expoundeth itSuddeny,as if it were written LI1 3 BVaal.) 4