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26 LEVIT ICUS xxi. Bohai.) Baal alto fignifieth an husband, Exod.2 I. 3.22. which interpretation fome keeps in this place. 5 Verf 5.not make] or , not fhave , ( as the Greeke tr.:nflateth:)Hebr.nosba/dba.dnef,meaningany way,either by lhaving,or pulling off the hayre,or otherwit : and the Greeke addeth for the dead, which is here intendcd,as is expreffed in Deu.14. I . And that not the Gentiles onely,but the Ifrae- ! lites alfo were wont to make themfelves bald, in mourning for the dead , appeareth by Ier.16.6. Ezek.7.18.Amos 8.i o.Alfo the idolatrous prielts f the Gentiles are reported to use these ceremo- nies for their dead as in the apocriphall writing, Baruch 6.31.32, it is Paid, And the Pries!: fit in their Temples , having their clothes rent , and their heads and beards /Paten , and nothing upon their heads : they roare and o y before theirgods, at min doe at the f aft when ene is dead, the corner] that is,anj of the eerners;this was the manner of idolaters, apd is forbiddennet the Priefls onely,but all Ifraclitest fee the annotations on Levit. 19.27. cut any eutting] or, make any incifm : a thing forbid- den the people allo, Levit.19.28. Dement 4.1. So God would have them in their mourning for the dead, not to be immoderate, (as men which bave no hope, s Thcf4.13.) nor to imitate the heathenish cultomes, which were idolatrous: fee the notes on Levir.19.28.and Deut.r 4.1. 6 Verse 6. Fire-ofrings ] in Greeke, sacrifices , in Chaldee afings, which were burnt in fire unto God. As all the people were forbidden the fore- Aid ftrperditions,becaufe they were holy, &Gods peraliar-trcafure, above all peoples, Deuter.14.2. fo the Prietas in fpcciall,becaufe they were to be ho- lier then other men,ín relpeftof their miniltrati- on unto God. Therefore the high Pried , who came yet neerer untoGod,is forbidden to mourn for such , as common Priests might mourn for, Levit.2l.10,11. the brcad]or,the foad:which the Greeke interpreteth the gifts, the Chaldee, the ofing. See Levit.3.11. fhallbe holinef/è] that is, men ofbslinefle: which theGreeke and Chaldee tranflatc 6óly -ones. Verf.7.a with that is an wbsre]This is the fecond law concerning the Priests holineffc; that as they should not defile themfelves by the dead : fo nei- ther by the livitsg.The whore, (called in Hebrew, Zonab) is by the Hebrewes Paid to be fhc that is not a daughter of If ael , or a eoughter of Ifrael, that bath lien with a man unto whom it is not tawfell for her to be maried;[fuch as are forbidden in Levit. i S.]or that bath lien with a propbane man , though fie may be mari- edunto him. Whofatver bath lien with a man that bath made her a whore, whether by conftraint or willingly, whether prefumptuoußy or ignorantly , after he bath tor covered her nakednef ; fie is unlarofull by the name of an whore, [for a Pried to marie her:] Any woman of whom ber husband bath beene jealous, and the thing war bidden, andfhebath not drunkeof the bitter waters, (Numb.5.) it it unitwfull fora Priefl to marls he becaufe fhe isa fsfpetied whore.. Maimmy in H/i¡erei Nab, chap.18.fets.6.12. or profane] Idebr. and prophane, or , propbaned: whereby fee. meth not to be meant a common harlot, or one that bath defiled her body , for that was forbid- den before under the name of an whore: but as a Priests daughter by her whordome is Paid to pro - phane her father, children might againe be prophaned by their fathers and made unfit for to be marled unto Pn et's. And thus the Hebrewes expound this here,faying ; Who is free that is pr.- phone ? She that is borne of me that is forbidden the Priefls. And fo ezety ove of the women which are for- biddenthe Priefls, iffbebe mariedto a Prief flepro- phanetb herfelfe. Maimony in Ifrurei blab , chap.19, rafts. And Sol. larch here expoundeth profane, one that is borne of filch as are unlawful! far the Prieff r ; a the daughter of a widow by the high Priehl, ( Levit. 21.14.) or the daughter of a divorced woman by a common Prieft, (Levit.2 r .7.) &c. put -away ] or, raft outas theGreek allò tranflateth it,that is, divorced and not for the caufeofadultery;which thing was permitted 'unto men under Mofes law, for the hardneffe of their hearts ; Deut.24.1,a. &c. Matth.19.8. What Priest foever marled with any of theee three, was to be beaten by the Magi - firatras is after (hewed, on verse 15. According to the equine of this Law, the Apoltle requireth that the wives of the Minifters of the Church, be grave, not ßanderers , fober , faithfell in all things, I Tim.3.1,1. Verl8. Andthou] or,'berefare thou fhalt'fatili- 8 fie him: fpeaking to Ifrael,who were,to repute the Priests holy,& not Coffer them to usury with doch as might defile thenm:nor any other way to be un- cleane,when they minillred before the Lord the bread]in Greek,thegifu, in Chaldee, the erring, as before in verse 6. poly unto thee] thou (halt reverently efteente him as an holy perlòn, fan&i- fled unto Gods fervice. The Hebrewes fay, Iris commanded to feparate the Priers, and to fanilifie them, and to prepare themfar the oblation, Levit.21.8. And every man of If ael, muff give much honour to the Priest, and let them be jo ft , for every thing that is in the San - ïluarie: os open the lawg ,(t, and to blef frfl and to receive a feemely portion f rfl. Maimony in Clei bamikcf; chap.4.fe&.1.12. Verse 9. of any Priefl] Hebr. ofa man a Priefl. Which word man, fonretimefignifieth anyone ;as Gen.a3.6. and 24.16. Levitz /47. fometimea man ofdignitie,as Pfa.49.3.andthat may alto be refpe&ed here. to commit wharedome]or by com- mitting it, to weet,under her husband ; as the He- brew canons explaine it;faying 7lure are ten which are to be burnt, namely the Priests daughter that ram - mitteth whored:me under her husband ; and he that ly- eth with his daughter, 6c. Maimony in Sanbed'in, chap.I 5.feét.1 I. The man that lay with aler,they fay was to be dratTied ; as againe they fay; 7¢ere is no unlorrfull copulation pzatifbed withslrangling, but the lying with a mans wf only: andif fie be a Prufis daughter,she is burnt, and be that lay with ber, is ftran- gkd. Maimory in Iffrtrei blob, chap. r. feít.6. See the annotations on Lev it.2o.1 O. prophanethber father] the Greeke verfìon faith, Iheprofanethher fa- thers name : the Chaldee, her fathers bolinefJe. And Iarchi explaineth it, she prophamtb and cmnchmeth bit 9