LEVITiCLIS XXI. 127 © II his honour fr tb :t men well fay of ben, Cup fed W bee that begat this ( worn m, ) Cu, ell as be that brought her up. Ver. r o. great among his brethren] or , greater then bitbrethren: that is, theHigh Prieft, who becaufe he more fpecially figured Chrilt (called our Arch (or High) priell and great Higb prieft, Heb.3. r. and 4.140 therefore hee was to haue more fèpeciali care of his fan &itie, both in avoiding pollution bijthe dead,and in his mariageAnd this Lawcon- cerned not the highPried onely , but the fecond Prielf(or Priefts of the fecond order)mentioned in 2 King.25.28. and z ;.4. which miniftred in the place of the highPried if by any accident he were polluted, (as is noted on Levit. i 6.33.) and' thePrieft alfothat was anointed for the warre, Dcut.2o.2. becaufe thefe all were greater then their brethren. See the notes following on v. t 3. oileofaeointing]an holy oile,wherewith on- ly the high Meth & Kings in Ifrael were anoin- ted,and ordained to their office : fee Exod.3 o. s5 33. and bathfilled his band]with the facrifices, to or then, as the Chaldee paraphrafc here ex- plaineth it ; which the Greeke calleth perftTing, orconfeeration.SeeExod.29.9. Both thcfe were to be done to the high Pried : but if there were no a- nomoing ale, shay ordained bins with the high Prief!r garments onely; faith Mailmen) in Clei baoildafb, ch.4.feet.rz. and he was bound to thefe lawes, as well as if he had beano anointed with ogle. the garments] the eight ornaments wherewith the high Pried was tó be decked : fee Exod.28. not make bare] or, mare -fee, which the Greeke tranflateth , not put the miter if his bead; but the Chaldee faith, not et his lock) grow, to weer, not woe then 3o.dayes, aslarchi explaineth it:meaning that hee lhould not behave himfelfe as a mourner for the dead. See the annotations, on Lev.to.6. From which place,the Hebrewes gather,that one of the rites which mourners for thedead were to ufe,was not to poll their heads: Maimony trear.of Mourning, chap.5.fe &.1 2:, rent his garments] which was an other figneof forrow, fee Lev. f 0.6. andGen.37.34 Vert. r r. goo in] namely into any tent, lfoufe or place where any deadis,whereby he fbould be de- filed, Numb.' 9.I4. any joules of the dead] in Greeke, any dead foule; meaning a dead corpfe ; as before in verCI. bi tfader, &e.] which was lawfull for any common Prieft,verf.2.but not for the high Pried. The Hebrewes explaine it thus ; The high Prieft may not be defiled for his here- kirme, at for his father or bit mother, &e. neither may he some to any tent where the dead it, ewe bit neere- kindred. Loe thou art taught (in l.evit.2 t.ta.) tloot be is boundneither legte in, nor to be defiled. So that ifbetomb, orearry (adeadperfu) bee is to be beaten once; if heemme into a tent, and tarry there wider one dye by him, &e. be it to be beaten twit ; for contusing in, andfer behsgdefiled, If he be defiledbefore, ándafter- ward come into the tent , he is to be beaten even f Fcone- mhtg in. Maim or) treat. of Mourrting,ch.3.fe &.6.7. Haw be it,thefe lawes have exceptions in cafes of necellitie; as the Hebrew canons alfo thew thus. APrie JI th a lighted" on a dead body in the may loe be i to defile himfe fe; though it be the high Prfef1, bee is bound to de file himfef for him ; and to bury him. At if one of Ifrael be thrown (dead) in the may, and he bath tone to buryhim. Provided, that the Prieft be bimfelfe alone , and no other with him ; and that be call there in the stay , and none die anfrer bim. But if when be call, others doe anfwer bien this is not a' dead , which bee is eommanded ( to bury ) but he muff call others to doe it. Ifa Prieft and a Nazarite walke together in the way, and light upon a dead; the Nazarite mieffgoe abort (to bury him,) fir bit holinef it not perpetual!; and the Prieft may not defile himfeelfe , though he be buta com- mon prier t. If there be the high Prieft, and a common prieft, then the common prieffis to defile bimfelfee and mlufoever is before his fellow indignity , is to bee after him it ?obtains. And if thefecond chief priefi with the pricfl that is anointed for the war , (Deut.ao.2.) doe light upon a dead: he that was anointed for the warre, muff be defiled, and not the Sagan [or fecond ehiefe prieff.] Maimony ibidem, ch.3.fe&.8,9. Visto this Law , that the high Pried might not defile him - felf for his parents or children;the words in Mo- fes bleffingof the tribe ofLtvi,feeme to have rete- fence; Who faitbof bit father andof hie motber , I refpet'f him not ; and his brethren bee äcknowledgetb not; and bit firmer , he knowetb not, &c. Deut.33.9. Compare alto Lev.t 0.2.7. Vert. t z. remit of the Sanfiteary] to weet , in the time when he fhould ferve there. And this Law was not for the high Pried only , but for all priefts,who if any of their friends there died, or tidings of the death of any came unto their cares, might not therefore depart and leave off their miniftration, upon paüx of death,Lev. t o.7. SS the Hebrew explain it; Aprieff that goetb out of the Sanauary in the time of fervice one/y, is guilty of death, whether bebe tbe high priefIor a commonpriefl,Lcv.to.7. So tbat which is faidofthe high Prieff,(in Lev.2I. t 2.) AND H6 Sua I. LtNOT Gos OUT,&c.it not but for the time of frvice only that he fó:11 not leave his fir vice and goe out. Iris be fo, why is Ibis war- ning repeated for the high Prieft 7 Becaufe a common prieft , which it in the Sanfluarie , in hisferviee, and he heareth of the death ofone fr whom be is bound to mottrne ; though be may not gre out of she Sanftuary yet he for- verb not; besaufe be is forromftell, and if be fern whenbe x forrowfell , by the law he prophanetb hit frviee, wbe- thtr it be about thefacrifice of a partietelar perfon , or the faerificeof the congregation.- But the high Prieft fir- verb when be is forrowfed ; for it is faid , Neither fled! bee gae -out of the Sanffuary, nor prophane the San - ituary ; at if be fhould fy bee fh,11 continue andform the f rviee that he it imphycd in and 'it it not propha- ned. But though the high Prieft fcrveth when bee is forromfull yet it it un/awfirll fir him toe rte of the holy things ; at it is written (in Lev.i o.19.) Had l eaten the Sin-0,ring today, fhouldit have berne goodin the eyes of the L O R D I So neither bath he a portion to eat at evening, Maimony in Blab haìilikd¿fil. chap.2: fe &ion.5,6.8 for p.ophane the Saiiflharie]the Greekeexponndeth it, nor propbane the fenffified name of his God. the erowne, the maiming vile] This may be nnderftood of two things,of thegot, den 12