?8 13 14 15 aEVITICUS XXI. den plate,which is called Nezer,a Crowne, Exodus 29 6.and of the Anointing oile;hoth which were upon him.Or the later explaineth the former,and the Oile is called Nezer,a Crowne or Separation; be- came by it he was feparated from other men, and other Priests. Thus the Greeke tranflateth it, the boy oile the anointing ofbis God,is upon him. V. 3. a wife in her virginities] that is, a w/h that is a virgin, as the Greeke tranflateth it. 7' bree wo- men are unlawful for all Ptitfls, the divorced, the whore ,. and the propbane : and the high Pries it forbid- den fmre , the threeforenamed, and the widow. Whether it be the high Priefl which is anoimed witb the anoin- ting vile , or ordainedin the (prieflly) garment t; and whether it to thepriest that fervetb, or the great Priefi that fervetb in hit- pia: ; [ in ftead of the high Prielt when her is polluted called the fecond Prielt, I King x, z8. ] and likewise the Pries anointed fir the ware, (Deut.zo.2.) they all are commanded to mart' virgins, and forbidders to mart' widower. Maimo- nyin Iffureibiab, chap.t7.fe&.I. The high Prielt was a figure of Chrift, Heb.3.I . his wife which was to be a virgin was a figure of the Church, which is to be chaft,pure,holy,as the Apoftle wri- tetlt to the Church ofCorinth , I base afoufedyou to one husband , that I may ?relent you a chaff virgin u Christ : 2 Cor. I I.2.See alfo Rev.14.4 V.i 4.a widow] whether fhebe a widow after betro- thing or after mariage , floe is forbidden him. Maimony) in lffurei Biah,' chap.17.fefk.II. a virgin of bit peoples] that is, either of the tribe of Levi,or uf a- ny other tribe of Ifrael;as Iehojada the Prieft,ma- ricd lehofhabeath the daughter ofKing Iehoram- of the tribe oflndah z Chron.22.I I. So inEze -. `iel 44..2 z. it is raid of the Prieffs , theyfhal take maidens of the feed of the 1204 of Ifrad. And in the Hebrew canons , P, jolts and Levites and ¡f'aehites, may lawfully goe in (that, is marry) one with another; and that which io borne,- goethafter the tna'e : [that is, if the father bee a Prielt or Levite, the.childe is a Prielt or Levite, if the father be a common Ifrac- lite,the child is a common Ifi'aelite,though'born of a Priests daughter.] Maimony in Iffureibiab, ch.19.fe &.15. Verf 15. notprophave hisfeed] which he should do,by maryingwith any cf chose forbidden him, that his Tonnes after hint might not execute the priefts ollice, becaufe they were borne of an un- lawfnll mother. Aprieft that goetb in to a divorced woman, or an whore; and an highprie¡t tbat goeth in to them, or unto a widow; thofi are mad profane ( wo- men ) fir ever: and if bee beget forme of her, that wh.eh is borne is propbane. Maimeny in Iffarei biab, ch. / 9.le &.3. Therefore the magistrates punished the priefts,that maryed and lay with any unlaw- ful! woman. Every pries that marieth any of the time »amen, (in verf7.) and /yetb with her, is to be beaten. An high priefl that goeth into a widow, it to be beaten. Ifan high priest many a widow, and lye with her , be it to be beaten iwif; once for tranfrejng this, HIt SHALL NOT TAXI AWIDovv ;andonce fir this, Ha SHALL NOT PM OP HAN B. And whether he be an high priefl, or a common Priefl,that slimier(' any of tbofe (forbidders women ) if he ye not with her ; he is not bestirs. And in every place where he be to be beaten , fise is to be beaten. Every priefl that goetbin to an heathen woman, is to be beaten , afóran whore. A woman that bath beenea widow , and bath Item divorced, and bath berne made propbane, and bath been an whore , and an high riefe goeth in after - ward unto her: he it to be beatenfoure times, for ying with her once. Like judgement ti far a common grief}, if hegoe into one divorced, which was made prophane, and after that an whore ; be it to be beaten thrice , fir ly- ing with her woe. But if tbis order be changed, heato be beaten but once. Maimony in If isrei biab, chap. r7. felt. z. &c. Verf..17. of toy feed] that is, as the Chaldee in- terpreteth, of toy tau. in tbei r generations]that is, they or any of their pofteritie, in the ages fol- lowing. a blemifh] inHebrew Mum, in Gr. Momos, in Chaldee Mama; which fignifieth, any thing to be blamed,for deformitie,want or Glperflui- tie ; any imperfe&ion of hody,inthe whole or in any part. roofer the bread] that is, as the Gr. faith,tbegftts, in Chaldee, doe offring,orfacrifice. The reason hereofwas,that the Priefts were both in their perlons and works , to figure out Chrift his person and worke; who was holy barm!ef, undefiled, feparatedfrom finers ; and a Lambe without bleuigis,avdwithoxtflot.Heb.7.26. ithout I Pet.1. r 9. Verf.18. blind] either in whole or in part, pur- blind, dimfighted, or that had any binnifh in his fìght,eye,cyelid,or the like.The Hebrew do &ors reckon nineteene blentifhes , that might be in the eye of alsrieft; andseven in the eyelid.Maimeny in Biath hamiILda(b, chap.8.fe&.ry. lame] or hal- obig ; onone,or bòth legs ; having any imperfe&i- on in his gate, or feet ; and in the feet,there might bç twentie blemifhes, Maimeory ibidem. f at- npfed,, its Greeke i' fhort- nofèd, or having the note cut-off. It itnplyeth all manner deformity in the note , wherein there might be (as the Hebrewes fay). nine bkmifhes. that bath any thing fuper- fluout] or, that isexcefve, either in the whole ha die, or any member over long: fo in Levitz 2,2 3. for the facrifices. The Greek tranflateth it,hattng the Bare cur off. V. 9-.the breaking of a f ot] that is, *a brokenfoot; he that !hall be br.hgn-footed, or broken banded. In the hands, the Hebrewes fay there might bee (even bleniilhes. Verf 2o.crookt backt ] that hath a bunch or hil- locke on his backe or any other place,as 7hargum Ierufalemy referreth it to the eyebrowes,that hang over the eyes; and fo it agteeth with themwhich follow. But the Greekefavoureth the former in- terpretation. bath a fmallotjor,a thinfilme: this by the Hebrews, is referred to Imperfe &ion in the eye By others to the fmall or thin ftarure of the body,as to be adwrafì,or overflmder.The He- brew Dack,is generally that whichIsfinal or thin. He that bath a whitefmall f of , within the blacke, (of the eye) is the Dack fpoken of in the Law : faith Mai - mogyin Biath hamiltdafb, ch.y.fe&.5. The Greeke tranflateth it Epbeloa: and Eplrlia is nothingelfebut a certaine ruggednefe. and hardrepi of an eviU colour; faith Cornet, Ce fur,l.6.cb.5. aconfafrcn] or fuf- fnf on, Iy 18 Iß 20