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L1:VITICIIS. XÁ(, fitfien, whereby the white and blacke is ntixcd confilfcdly together, Teballul (theConfitfion) lo- lien ofin the Law, it when the rvbite of the eye is drawn, and fame of it gotten into the bla:ke until the black is found mingled wkb the white : faith Maimony ibidem. - Pate] or, dy- fcaule, maunge called in He- brew Garab, (whereupon the Latines borrow the name Porto, ) the Greeke tranllatethit Prim a, gria:and it may be on any partof the body, as the Hebrewes obferve: Maimoy in Biath bamikdafh, ch.7.1,o. This is againe mentioned in Lev. 22. 2 z.and in Deat.28.27. as a plague incurable. Lab] or tettar ; as the Greeke calleth it Leichen, to which the Chaldee verfionagrceth; for Chaziz, and the Arabik Chaziza,is that which the Greek call Leichen : it is mentioned onely here, and in 1.0/.22.22. Maimony (in Biathhamikd.c.7rea. to, calleth it an Egyptian feab (or tettar) which itbard and frtle : and that it the Ialleplieth (the Scab) ffiken of in the Law.It may a1Co be on any part of the bo- dy of man or beaff. fans broken] or a cod (or flan) bruited: the Greeke tranflateth , which bath but one ffone. Thefe twelve particulars are named, all other of like nature being implied. The He brewes fay, There are in all , an hundredandfortie bic" mifhes: that doe difable the Priefs: eight in the bead; two in the nuke; nine intbe cares; five in the browes; [eeven in the eye -lids ; nineteen in the yes ; nine in the nofi; nine in the mouth; three in the belly; three in the back; liven in the bands ; faxtane in the mem- bers of generation ; twentie in the feet ; eight in all (or a- ny past of) the holy, eight in the skin of the fie fb; and f - ven in the f rength of the body, and the breath. Maimo- ny iBiatb hamikdafh, ch.8.fe&t. 17, ablemifh in him] This generali is added to the former par" .ticulars,to teach that any other blemilhes though unnamed,dil difable a Pried front facrificing.All b.'emifbes wbatfoever, whether they be in hint from the beginning of his creation, or grow upon him afierivard, whether they be tranfitorie (blew fbes that may be re- mosed,) or not tranftorie; he isdifabledby them, till they be done away. A fixed blemifh, as a broken foot or hand, or atranfttorieblemith,, asfrtrfeorfeab. And not the blemifhes only which are written in the law, doe difable the prieffs ; but all blew flies to be ferne in the ho- dyeas it is written, W tt o softy e It hash A B L a- M I s H IN HI IA ,out of any place; and thole that are writtenin the Law , are for an example. Maimony in Biath hamikdafh,ch,6.fè&.3.4. Further to thew this, they fay, An old man that is necke unto Trem- bling and fhakzng at bee fiends ; a ficke man, when he trembletb through fekeueff and feebleneffè of fretvgtb; (are as élemifhed.) If a Pri<ff fervetb when he plinks of fweat; or when he bath afinking breath out of bbs mouth; loe be prephanetb his fervice, as doe all other that have b/emifhes. Maimony ibid. eh.7.fè&. Bychele God figured the perfe&ionthat lhould be in Chrilt, Heb.9.14. and taught allo, what graces are requifite in his minifters, I Tim.3.2.3. 7.Tit.t.7,8,9.and in the whole Church, which is unto hint a royal! prie/thood, an holy nation, I Pet. 2.9. which Chrilt Itat(a fanitified and hleanfed, :bat he aught prefnt it unto h imfelfe glorious a Church not baying fpat or wrinkle, or any fiat: thing : but that it fhould be bolt', and without b!em,Eph.5.26,27. Só the Saints are laid to be without blemifh, before the throne ofGod,Rev.t4.5. the firc- 01iings]inGr.1 thefacrif:ces , in Chaldee the offerings. If any pried I that have ablcn tifh,do lave in the fan/Ïuarie, he pro- phaneth the ferviee, emir' to be beaten: Maimony in Binh hamikdó /h, chap.6.fe&x. ablemifh] in Grecke becauf a blemifh is in him. Sol. Iarchi ex- plaineth itthus, whiles his blem it on him , he a re- jelled : but if hit blem:fh he done away be itfit (or ap- proveable.) Befides the blemilhes forenamed, Itch Pried; as hadtranfgrcffed in their ntiniftration& ferved before idols, were no more to ferve in the fanatuarie,but were reputed as blemifhed.Therc- fore K. Iolas put down the priefs of places, that they came not up to the Altar of the Lord : a King. 23.9. and for fuch this Law is given in Ezek.44. to.--f 3. The Levites that are gone awayfarre from me, when Ifrael wert'afray away from me after their I- dofs, they fhall ezenbeare their iniquitie, &e. Andthy fha/lnot come here unto me , to de the offiiceof aPriefi unto me , nor to come mere to any of my holy things in the moll holy place : but they fhall beare their fhame, and their abominations which they have committed. And in the Hebrew canons it is Laid , Every Prieff that bath ferved Idols, whether prefrtmptnaoy or igno- rantly, although he return¢ with full repentance; yet may he never miniffer in the faniluarie. And whether be bath been a prieft to the Idols, or but zoorflapped it, &c. he it difallowable for ever. If be tranf ref and doe offer (in the fant`fuarie) bit oflring is not of a forces finellhog favour although he was in ignorance when he miuiffred, or when he wotfhiped. Who fa tranfrefferb and ma- ketk an houfe without the Sanbluary, toaflerbistffvtg therein untoGod , that it not at an Idols houfi. Not - withfiandiug , every ruff that-miniflreth iet fach an houfe, maynever moreminifer in the fafistary. Mai- many,I4. the bread] in Greeke the gifts , in Chaldee, the offcing. Who f found allowable by his genealogic, but had a blemifh found uponhim : he fate in the mood chamber anddtd cleave wood f r to lay on the altar , and had a portion in the holy things witty the men of his [others bottle, and did eat ofthem. Maim. f, t 2. So for the prielts that fell to Idolatrie,God appointed that they fhould be mini in his fanEtuary, Bifhops at the gates of the / male : that they Should_ flay the Bunt offering, and thefacrtfice for the people, ere. but oau come neer to any ofhis Aly things in the molt holy place, eli d Ezek.44.I t .13,14. Vert 22. He [hall cate] Herein the blemifhed priefis had a priviledge abcve the uucleane,which might not Bate of the holy thing,Lcv.22.3.6. Verf.23. unto the zcile] of the holy place, whi- ther the priefts went in alwaies, aciomphfbing the fervices, Heb.9 6. unto the Altar] that which was in the courtyard, Exod.4o.2 9. Anypr i_ f that had ablemifh might not some into the Sea/filmy , from the Altar andforward, Lev.21.23. and ifhetranfref- fed and went in , he was to be beaten, altboes,h lie fin ed not. Atadifheferved in the Safluay, it nag tmlaa- full ; and be p zipbaned the fervioe, and was to be beaten alp for the fervice. Maimony in Snub haM;4/14, chapth.fcEt.I. natprophanem, fm(lu.rrico] the 129 22 23