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4 130 The cleannefíe L E vI T I c u s X X! I. of the Prielts. Greeke expoundeth it, not prophane the body name ofbio God. doe faneiifse them.] This Chazkuni referreth to the veile of the altar foremenioned, smto which none that had blemifb might come. 24 Ver.24. all the fmsoflfael]becatrfeasitconcer- ned the Priefts, to take heed they finned not in their minitiration : fo the people Were to fanoiifie them, v.8, and to looke that no difallowable per - fon ferved in the Sani}uarie. Therefore the He- brewes doe record, that the great Synedrionufedto fat in the chamber of he.wen ffone [ by the Santbearie,] and the principali of their worke continually was to fit and judge concerning the Priefthood; and to examine the priefts for their genealogies, andfar their blemt. Every prieft that was found difallowable for his genea- boogie; he put on blacke cloathes, and wrapped himflfe over with black, and went out of the court. And who- foever wasfaund perfeEd and lanfedl5 he put on =bites, and went in and minifired with hie brethren the priefis. Wbo fo war fùund lawful' fir hisgenealogie, but bad a blemifh found upon him he [weir: the wood chamber, andhenrdwood &e. Maispony in siatb hamikdafb, ch.6.fe &. r r .12. Mkt e re. ç,`/,e Pola n;e rLe ç`;+ ee ,e `sI 5a.£' rE nc5,`nLi;tetïnc C H A P. XXII. t, The Profs in their uneieamnes, muff abflaine from the holy things. 6, How they fhall be cleanfd. r o, Who of the priefts houfe may eate of the Holy things. 14, What they muff pay that ease of them unlawfully. 17, The facrifices muff be without blemifh. 26, The age (f the facrifsce. 29, The Law of eating the faerifsee ofConfeßan. ANd Jehovah fpake, unto Mofes, fay- 2 ing. Speake unto Aaron, and unto his fonnes;and let them be feparated, from the holy things ofthe fonnes oflfrael; that they prophane not, the name of my ho- lineffe, in the things which they fanâifie un- 3 to me, I am Jehovah. Say unto them; Throughout your generations every man which fhall come nigh of all your feed ; un- tothe holy. things', which the fons of Ifrael fanctifie unto Jehovah; and his uncleanneffe, upon him : that foule (hall even be cut-off, 4 from my prefence,I am, Jehovah.Any man, of the feed of Aaron , which is leprous, or hath an iffue ; he fliall not ease, of the holy - things, untill he be clean : and he that tou- cheth any thing that it uncleane by a foule; or a man, whole feed of copulation goeth S from him. Or aman, thattoucheth, any creeping -thing , whereby he is made.un- cleane : or a man, by whom he is made -un- cleane ; according to any uncleannesof him. 6 The foule , which hath touchedit ; even he !hall be uncleane , untiil the evening : and he fhall not eate, of the holy-things ; un- Ieffe he bathe his fie(h, with water. And when the Sun is gone downe,then he Thall be clean : and afterward he (hall eate of the holy - things ; for it is his bread. And a car - kaffe,and a torne thing, he Thal! not care , to make him(elfe uncleane therewith: I, on Je- hovah. And they fhall keepe my charge ; that they beare not thine for it ; and dye therefore,if they prophane it : IJehovah, do Tan&ifiethem. And any ftranger , fhall not 10 Bate of the holy thing : a foreriner of the Priel}s,and an hired perron , fhall not cate of the holy.thing.But a prieft,if he buy a foule, I1 with the purchafe of his moray hc,fhall cate ofit and he that is borne in his houle ; they (hall Bate of his bread. And a priefts daugh. ter r if fhe be nearied to a man that is a Oran- ges: The, (hall not Bate of the heave - offring of the holy- things. But a priefts daughter, if flic be awidowor put-away, and flit have no feed ; and is returned unto her fathers houfe,as in her youth; fhe (hall eat, of her fa. thers bread : but any ftraeger, (hall not cats thereof. And a man, if he cate of the holy - thing, in ignorance : then he Thall adde the fift part thereof, unto it ; and he fhall give unto the prieft, the holy- thing. And they 15 fhall not profane, the holy- things, of the fonnes oflfrael: which they heave-up, unto Jehovah. Or caufe them to beare, theini. t6 quity oftrefpaffe;when they eat,their holy - things: for I Jehovah,doefanitifiethem. And Jehovah fpake, unto Mofes, Paying. Speake unto Aaron, and unto his fonnes;and unto all the fons of Ifrael ; & fay unto them: Any man, of the houle of Ifrael , or of the ftranger in Ifrael; that will offer his oblati- on,'accardine. to all their vowes , and to all their voluntarie- offrings; which they will offer unto Jehovah, for a burnt - offring. For your favourable- acceptation: a perfeit male ; of the beeves, of theflleepe, or ofthe goats. An whichhath a blemifll in it, ye zo thall not offer : for it (hall not be, to favou- rable- acceptation, for you. And the man, that will offer a facrifice of Peace.offrings, unto Jehovah; tofeparatea vow , or for a voluntarie offring ; of the herd, or of the flock:it Thal be perfeet,for favourable-accep- tation ; there (hall not be init, any blemhh. Blinde, or broken, or maimed, or having a 22 wen ; or fcurffe; or fcabbe; ye (hall not offer thefe unto Jehovah:nor give ofthem,a Fire- airing, upon the Altar, unto Jehovah. And bull or lambe, that bath any member fuper- fluons, 7 8 9 I2 13 14 17 1Y 19 2I 23