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Gleanefacrifices. L E V I T I C U S. XXII, 131 fluous, or lacking : thou mayeft make ir, a voluntary - offering; but for avow, it fliali 24 not bee favourably-accepted. And that which rs bruited, or crufhzd, or broken, or cut; yee (hall not offer, unto Jehovah : 25 and in your land , ye (hall not doe it. And from the hand of a I }rangers fonne ; ye Chaff not offer, the bread of your God , of any of there : becaufe their corruption is in them; a blemifh is in them; they (hall not be favou- rably-accepted,for you. 26 And Iehovah fpake tinto Mofes, laying. 27 A bull, or a fheep,or a goat, when it (hall be brought forth; then it (hall bee,feven dayes, under his damme : and from the eight day, and thence forth ; it (hall be favourably-ac- cepted, for an oblation of a Fire-affring,un- 28 to Jehovah. And cow, oríneepe:ir and the young thereof, ye (hall not kill, in one day. 29 And when ye wil lacrifice a Cacti lice ofcon- feflion,untojehovah : yefhail facrifice, for 3o your favourable acceptation.In that day,fhal it be eaten; ye (hall not leaverhereof,untill 31 the morning : I,am Iehovah. And ye (hall keepe,my commandements ; and doe them: 32 I,am Jehovah. And ye (hall not prophane, the name ofmy holinefCe; and I will be fan - dtified, among the fops of Ifrael : I Iehovah, 33 doe fanEtifie you. That brought you out fromthe land of Egypt ; to be upon you,for a God : I am Jehovah. i 3 Annotations. LEt them he fparated] in Greeke , Let them talc? heedofthe holy things , meaning, that they de- file them not.So that as the former chapter (hew- ed the purity and perfe&ion that should be in the perlons that drew neer unto the Lord:this teach - eth what puritie and perfe&ion ought to be in the things offred , or to be offred unto him. The Hebrew Nazar here ufed,fignifieth a religious f ?a- rationin refpa& of holinetfe; as is noted on Lev. 15.31. ofmybolinef] tranflated in Greeke, my holy name: which is profaned, when the holy things in the fantuarie are defiled, being offred or eaten by perfons uncleane , and forbidden of God. See after, inverft5,3a - the things] this addition is lupplyed alto in the Greek,Wbat- fever things they fanCfifte unto me. And this is ad- ded, asSol.Iarchí here faith, taimplly alfo the bob thingsoftbe Priefis themfelven Verf.3. yourgeneratins] either now, or at any tittle hereafter. Atli come nigh] namely, to Bate, as is exprelfed in ver.4.So Iarchi làith, this com- ming nigh it not meant but of eating. yourfeed ] that is, your children : lo verf4. heft things] Hebrew holineffo, meaning things of baling, and particularly holy meats; which though the ble- mifhed prießsmight eat of Lev. zt.z z.yet the un- clean might not. Lev.7.zo.2I. See the notes on Lev.7.1o. And by the holy things , are meant not only the Sacrifices, but fir, l fiuits,and all the heave- ?fangs of the holy things , which the fns of Ifrael of fredimto the Lord, Numb.r8,8.9. --19 as it is there laid, every one that is cleave in thy iwufe , fhaf eate of it, Numb.s8,13. See after on verfe 9. unclean - neg upon him] before he is wath4 from the fame; fee the annotations on Lev.7. ,o. cutrff fom my pre fence] in Greeke, deffroyed from me : in Chal- dee, ekfsroyedfrom beforeme. Itmeaneth death by the hand of God,as v.9. Verf.¢. Any man] Hebrew Man man : that is, 4 Wlwfeever : Targunr Ionothan faith young man or old man. And this concerneth women alto, the daughters of Aaron, who were to este of tome of the holy things ; but fo as they were clean when they did eate.Nnmb. t 8,t 9.1 i.See after, in vert. II.' z. leprous] whereof fee Levit. r 3. an if ee] whereof tee Levi 5 .2. &c. by a foule] the Greeke tranflateth, anyxndeamteff ofa fettle ; wher- by the dead is meant, as Lev.' 9.28.and 21.1. and what uncleannes that was,fee in Num. a 9. i r feed of copulation] or, effuf:onof feed , whereof fee Lev.' 5,16. Verf.5.ereeping thing]which when it is dead,de- S fileth him that toucheth it, Lev.11. ;1. &c. made undeane] fo much as would make a man un- cleane; and that was of creeping things the quan- title ofa lentik (o r little peale) as Iarchi here no- tech. See Lev.' 1.31. a man] to weet, an un- clean man,as a Leper,he that hath an itfue,or the like, by touching of whom , men were made uti- cleane.Lev.13.45 and 15.5. &c. Or a dead man : and thereto Sol. Iarchi here referreth it, and of a deadman, fo much as an oliza would defile. Vert: 6.7 he foule] that is, the man, as the Chal- dee expounds it : and Targum Ionothan addetti, the man a priefl. until! the evening] until' the end of that day, and beginning ofa new, See the notes on Lev.i5.24.32. baths] or, wafhhit fief e,that is,hir body,as the Gr. tranflateth : fee Lev. 15.5.13. It figured repentance for fins,as Ibaptifi you with water unto repentance, Mat.3. r I .and IànIi- fication by the bloodand Sirit of Chrilt, are wafhed, je are fanihfied, ye are jellified in the nameof the Lord left, and by the Spirit of our God, i Cor.6. e 1. And this Can &i mony,thongh common to the whole Church, Lev, t t . did fpeclally pertaine to the prie(ts and minitters, whom Chrift (who is likened to a refiners fire , and to fullers fipe) should purifie by his grace, as it is Paid, He (hall purifie the firmer ofLevi, and purge them as gold and flzer : that they may offer unto the Lord , an offring in rogh ieoufnef/e, Malac.;.z,3. Verf.. and afterward] it Greeke, and then be fhal! (or may) eat, to weet, when his ltnne is gone downe: before then though he were waffled, he- might not Bate. Seethe notes on Lev. s 1.3z.. bis bread] his food, allowed him of God for his livelihood: Numb. O. I I. 19. Wh,nfoerer eateth of the heave- offitigs, bleffèth with a Pep g for the food; and after that, he blefféth him that fanlfifcth them 6 7