LEVITICUS XXII. them with the famfifcatian of Aaron , (Numb. i 8.8.) andcommamded them to eateoftheheaze- offringr. Mai- mony in Trumotb,ch.i 5.fc£t.z z. Verf..8. a carcaffe and a tome thing] what there were, is before (hewed, on Lev.' 7.15. and 22.3r. They were tinlawfull to be eaten ofany Ifraelite, efpecially of the Priefts, a here and Ezek. 44.3 r and figured the fanikitie of their communion ; as is noted on Lev. i 7. and further appeareth by E- zek.4.13i14. 9 Vcrf.9. my charge] or, ob Pere myobfervation, that is , which I aimmandedto be kept : in Chaldee, the obfervation f my word Here it isfpecially to bee underftood, as Iarchi alto faith, ofeating theheave- offring, andfuncleannes (body. frme] that is, the punifhment offinne : So in Lev,' 9. i y.Numb. 4 8.3 z.and 9.13. fir it] that is, for the holy thing forefpokenof. and dye] to weet, by the hand of God; as Targuas Ionathan explaineth it, by (taming fire. For by men, fuch were beaten on- ly,as the Hebrew canons fñew, faying: Anun- clea a prieff is forbidden to este of the heave - offering, whether it be unclean or clemx, Levit.i2.4. Every uncleane grief/ ) that eateth of the heave -oo frvg which it clean., be is guilty of death by the hand of ( the God of) heaven, Levit.22.9. and therefore he is be beaten. But if he ease of the heave- affring which it unkane, though it be frliidden, he isnot tobe'beaten, beeaufe is is not holy. The uncleane may not ease of the heave - t °nag, mein their Sun be fit , and three fiarres appeare after the Sumte is gone donne, Levit.22.7. Maimony inTrsrmoth, ch.y.le&.I. &c. The like judgement is for the ftranger , that is, whofoever is not a prieft,or of the prieftsfamily ; for if he este of the holy things prefumptuoufly, he is in danger of death. Theffrsnger that eatetbof the heave-offering prefumptuoufty whether he be und sane or deane, whether be Bate of the heave -o,Íing that is clean or uneleane he isguilyofileath,by the handof (the God of) beaten; as i %itwritoen, AND DI e°TNBR E FORE, It. THEY PROFANE IT: andbeistobebeaten, for eating thereof Andifhe Bate in igvorance,he is to add¢ the fill part thereofunto it, (Lev.22.I4.) Maimony, ibidem,ch.6.fè&.6. Io Verf.. to. anyftranger ] that is, whofoeverisnot of the priefts tamilie.The Hebrew canons fay,The heave -tiring, and the heave-off ring of the tithes, are to be eaten l'y the Priefts, whether old oryong, male or fe- male, by them , and theirCananitifh fervants, and their . cattell: Lev.22.i t. The firanger it forbidden to Bate of the beave- offring, Lev.z2.1o. Maimony in Tm- moth,ch 6.feet.t.5. forreiner] or fojourner, in Hebrew Tafiab , in Greeke Parotkoos , which is a ftrangcr- inhabitant; one that dwelleth in the houfe continually, but is not of the honk : and fo differeth from the Slaze,which is one of the hou- fhold ; and from the Hireling,which is noise of the houfhold,neithcr abideth therfn continually but for a terme.Tbe f rreiner,is he that is hired for ever: the Hireling , it he that is hired for yeeres. And an He- brew fervant, loth is as a forreiner and an hireling, (Lev.z5.39,4o.) And a prief s daughter maried to aflranger loe, fhe io as a firanger : audit isfarbidden ANY STRANGER (Lev.22.10.) whether itbe himfelfe or his wife. Maimony in Truntotb, ch.6.C5. By the forreiner or fjourner in this place feemeth to be meant not only an Ifraelite fojourning;but alfo an heather, man,uncircumcifed; who leaving his open Idolatrie,& yeelding to the Morali law, though not to the ordinances, as circumcifion & the likc;might dwell among theIfiaelites, Deut. 14.25. See the annotations on Exod. o 2.43.45. 48. And from hence the Hebrewes gather, that an nncircumcifed priefi, though he had no other un- cleannes, might not Bate of the holy things. It is unlawfull for an uncircnmcifed priefl to ease of the Beane -ging, by the (entente of the Lam; for loe the forreiner and the Hireling is fjolen of coneerning the Heave -oo fring, Levit.2z.ro. and the Forreiner and Hireling is fpalien of omeen:ing the Paffeover, Exod. 12.45.. What is the Forreiner and Hireling fpokmof in the Paffòzer 1 It is an uncireumcifd perfn, to whom it is forbidden : fo the Forreiner and Hireling foken of in the Heave- offring, the uncircumcifid per - fon it forbidden it ; and if he Bate, be is to be beaten by tbe Law. Maimony inTerumotb,ch.7.fe &.io. And in another place, they fay, All the oblations whether they be the moflhof things or the lighter holy, none may cateofthem but dean perfens only, that are dreum- cifed. Though hisfunne le feet, if he hate not brought his atonement, be may not eateof the holy things. Mai - monytn Magnafehhakarbanotb,ch.I o.fet'}.9. ahired perfin] any outlander, or any Ifraelite; as before is (hewed. toot late] neither drinke of, nor anoint himfelfe with any of the holy things appointed unto the Priefts. For, the heave- o(j"rings weregiven , fir meat , fir drink, andforanointing, be- caufe anointing is as drinking, Pfal.1o9.s8.anddrin/l ingis comprehended under eating: they are locate that which oafish to be eaten , and chink that which ufeth to be drunk, and to anoint with that which is ufedfor un/lioi, not wine or the like, but they anoint withoile that isclease, &o. Maim.itsTruwoth.ch. t ifs. So for this prohibition they fay, Whether he ease that which is wont to be eaten , or drinke that which is wont to be drinke, or anoint him with the thing that is tiled for un/iion , (it is unlawful!) for it is faidT u i Y SHALL NOT PROp HANG THE Hotin THINGS, Lev.22.15. Mainrony ibidem. ch.so. fe&&.2. Verf t I. buy a fink] that is, aperfon,toweet, of the heathens;as before is noted;and as So1.Iarchi here explaineth it , aCananitifhfervant. Such by comming to be of the Priefts famille might Bate, though lfraelites might not este. Aud,as the He- brewes fay , An uncir umcifed Prieft , and all that were unclean, although they themfèher might not ease of the heave tiring, yet their wives and their firvants might ease. Maim.inTrnmoth. c.7.0 r 2. with the purchafe of bismany] Hebrew, the pnrchafe (or bought) of his filver; which the Greeketranflateth bought (or purchafed) with frlver. So that though he bought them not himfelfe,ifthey were bought into his houfe by a wife whom he maried;or were bought by his fervants , they might Bate. Maim. in Trum.ch.y.f.r 8. he that is borne inhis bottle] or, the thildof his boufe; that is , the bosueborrefer- vans ; fuch as were the children of his (lase. See the II