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LBVITICUS XX[í, the notes on Gen. 15.3 .and 7 I z.Thofe (laves be- Mg in the Priefts houlhold, if they were cleane, might eat o ffomeof the heave- offrings that were given for the Prie(ts .l(velihood. See Numb. t 8. 11.13. 12 Vcr1 I z. a ffravgcr ]] fuch as were not of the priefts flock:tor otherIiaelites are counted stran- gers in this cafe. So a franger is here expounded by Iarchi,a Levite, or an Ifraelite. aftee laave- offring] which the Chaldee expoundeth the fpara- ted thing ; theGreeke, the frff frufu: it meaneth The fan 3ified tbings of the fns of Ifrael, Num.-18.8, I1 -19. Therealo. hereof was , becaufe by her mariage thee went out of her fathers houfe, into her husbands : as on the contrary, a common IC- raeliteffe by mariage with a Pried, became of his houle, andmight eate. The Hebrewes fay, Two things are contained in this prohibition , that if the a priefls daughter be defiled , and made au whore or pro - fane (as Lev. z 1.7.) it is unlawful' for her to ease of the besveroffringt for ever, according to the judgement tfevoy propbane per fan: fir the propbane ú as the firm- gee in all re#eEls. And if (he ve .msried to an If-teiite, _Pe may never cate of she Wavebeefl andofalx I-L:tve- fbaulder(Levit.7.34.)altbough fhebe divorced, or (her husband) dye : [whereof the next verfe fpeaketh ] Maim.inT rwnab,ch.6.fe&.7. 13 VerC t feed]nofen,faitls the Chaldee verfon. This is under[tood all'o,either if the had no child, or if her children be all dead;as is after (hewed. as in her youth] fo that though the bath bróught forth no leed,yet if the be with childfhe may not ease of the holy things. Maim. in z. of her fathers bread] The Hebrew do&crs fay , We have heard this expounded, ofthe bread , and not all the bread : floe resurnetb to (rate of) the heave - offrings, but not of the wave-brefl , and heave fhoulder. Maimony iaTrumoth, ch.6.fe&.9. Hereupon alto they inferre, An Ifaeliteffé which bath had feed by a Priefl,theeateth for hercbilds fike, be it male; though it be feeds feedunto the moo ds end; fir it is fain AND SNB HAuc No SHED. At the feed of an Ifraelite f om a Prie fls daughter difableth her from (eating: ) fa the feed ofa Prieff from an Ifraditefe, in- ab!etb bee to eat. An Ifraeliter daughter, that is ma- siedtoaPriefi, and be dye, and floe have a Jane by him: if fhe be marled after to an lfaelite, (he may not eat of the Heave-off rings. If the Ifraelise dye, and fbs have a (rune by him ; the may not ease , becaufe of that her fin bytlteIfaelite; if that finite of hers by the Ifaelitedye fbemy eats, far her ft,fifnt fake. Apriefls daughter that is m tried to an Ifae fire , and foe have a fame by him ; if be again' m pried to a Prieff , 'be m ty eat of theheave- off,inls. lie dye, and fbe knee afonbybim, floe eate. If her fin dye which fhe bad by the priefl, floe may not est becaufe of her fin which fhe had by the Ifraelite. IF her fin dye which (b: bad by the I/iaelite, thereturmth to ber fasbeeshoulee, arin loft youth, and eatetb of the Have -opiss1s, not of the brefl or fhoul- der. An If aelites daughter that it m ailed to an If ac- liteftrfi, andhavea fin by him, and after iomvied to tPrieff , eatetb of the helve -of ing. If be dye, and fbe hose a (On by him; fhe meth for bee ltff fonsfake.; farloe he enabletb her to eat, as ba fathr). inabled bee to emote. 133 Maimony ibidem, ch.6.fe &.1 2,1.3.17,18, 19. Ver. t q.. a man] that is,any avenger forementi- oned;which belongeth not to the Priefis famille. Targumlonathan expoundeth it , man oflfrael. in ignorance] or, through unadvifed errottr. But if hee doe it prefumptuoufly, hoe is guilty of death, by the hand of God, verf.9. of beating by the hand of the Magifirate. adde the fifi]The firanger that eatetb f the beave-ofll ings in irorance ; payerb the principals and the fifí (part. ) Though be b eeweth irte bee the brave- ofjring and that it is for - bidden him, but knowet'h-not whether he is guilty of death fir it or no : loe this it ignorance and be payeth the principall and the fifrpart. Whether he eate, or drinks, oranoynthimflfe with it; and whether be ease the beat e -offing that is clean , or that it ureleere ,in ignorance ; he mull paythe principal!, and the fift.Whafo- everpayeth the principall and the fift ; payee h to the ow- ners , and the hi part to any Priefl that he will. And he never payeth, but according to the price' that it woo worth at the time when be did eate it : whether it he cheaper at the time whenb a payeth for it, or dearer Mai - ntonyinTrumotb,,z,16.25. See a11ó the annotations on Lev.5.15,5 6. Verf:15. not prfane]hy fhffring the holy things to beeaten oflirangers : as before. which they beaus -up] that is,offer;or (as the Greeke and Chal- dee expound it , ) feparate unto (or before ) the Lord. Verl 16. Or taufe them to Beare] or, And thry all not tanfo them te heart : which may be under- flood of the Prielts,that they (hould not by their n egligence,caufe or futfer the people to beare the punifhmcnt of their trefpaffe; and this the Greek tavoureth, Paying, And bring upon them iniquity. Or it maybe referred to the people, that they (hould n ot cattle them (elves to heart iniquity (that is, the pu- nifhment) of trefpafiè for eating the holy things. The Chaldec tranflateth , And they receive upon theca iniquities andfirms , when they eat in uncleannef their bof- things. Whereupon Tome of the He- brewes (as SoLIarchihere obferveth)underfland this word them, of the Prilts themfelves. Thee Lames for cleannes corporali in all fuch as panca- ked of Gods holy things, led then. and us to rpi- rituall cleannes in our communion with Chri(t and his graces:that we (hould'have our hearts pu- rified by faith, A &.15.9. and fprinkled from anevill eonfcience, and our bodies wafhed with pure mater, Hebrewes 10.22. that cleanling our (elves front all filebineff of the fiefh and fpirit, we may perfe& our hilineffe in thefiare God, 2 Cor.7.I. For, if we walk in the light , se God it in the light , we haze fèllosufhip me with another, and the blood of leftsr Chrifthis fume , eleanfeth to from all Rune, I Iohn I. 7. But if wee Bate and drinke of his holy things unworthily, we Bate and'drinke judgment to our felves : I Cor.11. 2 9. Ver. t 8. all the flutes] in Greeke , all the congre- gation oflfrael. Theft lawes following, doe con- cerne things which were to be offred unto God ; in what condition and (fate they ought tone, be- fore they came upon his altar: therefore the fpeech is dire&ed both unto Priefts and people. M m m Any 14 IS 16 18 -s..