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134 LEV1TIClIS XXII. Any' man] Hebrew man man that is, whofoe ver. Targum ionathrn faith, JOrn man or oldman. or of Heb.andofthefranger; which the Gr. tranflateeh oref the profel aes joined unto them in If- rad: which were heathens converted to the faith of Gods people. So differing from the a lien, in veri:25. hiooblzsionjiiiGrceke,gifos, by which name the facrifices are often called:Mat.5.23,24 and 8.4.and 23,18,19. Heb.8.4.and 11.4. according to all theirvotru] in Greeke, according to all their profflan (orpromifi.) So in Ierem :44.2. 5 Pnves are in Greeke called aprofefmn, or confPion : and yowes Were made with proniifes , and payed with eonfellions; as David laid , Thy wares arc nponmeO God : Iwit pay conéffons moo thee, Pfalme 56.13. and to al] in Greeke, or according to all their choife: fo voluntaric gifts are called, becaufe they conte from the choile and will of the giver. What they differ f16 vawer is (hewed on Le.7.1.6. 19 Verfe 19. For your favourable-acceptation] to weet,you (hall offer it; Co that it may be accepta- ble and pleating tinto God for you : as v. 2o. Lev. 2.3.11. The Greeke tranflateth it Acceptable : See the notes onLevit.;.3. Sol. Iarchi here explai- ncth it , Bring the thing that is meet to make you ac- eeptabk before me, that it may be nntoyote forfavoura- hie-acceptation. aperfe6tmale] in Greeke, on- blemifhedmales : filch were all the burnt fritars to be fee Levit.1.3.1 o. or of the goats] but the fowles he mentioneth not, becaufe the Law made no difference in them of male or female; and as larchi here faith, the fowle war not rejeíiedfor a blem, but for wantof a him. See the annotation on .t 4. 20 Verf2o.eofavorable acceptation] that is,favaura- blie- accepted, asMofes fpeaketh atter, inverí25. and fo the Greeke tranflareth, acceptable far you. This is opened by the prophet thus: Ifyeeoffer the blind for facrifice, is it not coil? and ifyee tier the lame and fiche , is it not evil! ? Off ea it now unto thy govern-or, spill bebeplesfd with thee or accept tly perficn, faith the L on n of hors ? And,ye brought that which wan torn , and the lame and the fcke : thus yee broueht an ofring: fhouldI accept of'yeur hand , faith the Lout)? But surfed be the deceiver, which bath in his f(oeke a [perfc&] male,: and zoweth andfacrifì- eeth unto the Lord a corrupt thing: fir I ant a great Kingfaitb the Loxaof hops and my name is dread - fuUamongtheheathen. Mal 1.8.13,14. There per - felt and unblemifhed facrifices which were to be offred untoGod, figured the perfe &ion ofChritt who gave himfelfe afacrifice for us, and whom we apply to our (elves and make ours by faith, t Pet.t.i9,2b,21. Gal.2.t6.2o. Alfo the facri- fices of our humble and cont rite hearts, &of our bodies, and of our praises and thankfgivings ; which throughChritt and his Spirit, are made holy and acceptable unto God, Pral.51.18,19 Rom.] z.1:Heb.13.15. 21 Ver.21.ofpeacc- ofringr] or,ofpayments: in Greek of falvation, in Ghaldee, of faní'ifmation. See the notes.on Lev.3.1. to (iparate] or,in feparating (in Greeke diftinguifhvtg) avow: which may be underftood both of making a figular vow, ànd,of accontplifhing ir, for both muff be unblemifhed. So in Numb.' 5.3.8. See alfoLev,27.i. The He- brewes fly , It is commanded that all ablations be pet-feli andclxdf, Levit.2 2.a t . and wltof ezer fanllifì- eth a loaf which bath a blemifh far the top of the altar, tranfgrefèth again( a prohibition, and is to be beatm for his fànllifyingofit;ariluWritten, (Lev.22.20.) ANY W H I C H hath A BLEMISH I' N IT Y S. ti .s L L NOT OFFER. We have heen- taught that this is a warning, for him that fanilifetb blemijhed things. Who( thinketh that it xlawful! to fan£lifiea blemifedthing fir the altar and fanelifretb it: itdr holy, and he it not beaten. He that killeth a b.'emifhed thing by the nanee of ge ofring , is to be bea- ten: for it it written,. (LeYIt.22.22. )' Y E SHALL NOT OFF4R THESE UNTO THE Lo tin: wee. haze beene taught that this is a warning again( being it.Maitp.tom.3. in Ifureimizbeach,c.i.f.,. átc ofthe herd] or, in the herd, fo after in the rack, that is,offheepe or goats.For in fuch chiefly,ble- mifhes were to bee looked unto , rather then in fowles. See the notes on Lev. t.t 4. perfell]af ter, it is laid without blemifh : blemifhes, refpefted the outward parts:perfe£tion, the inward alfv.If when the facrifice was killed, it werefound tome ;it woe to be varied nit to the place of burning. And fa if it were feand to want any of the members within, though ie wire not Write, at if it had but one kidney , or if the fpieenwere wafted away tacit war unlawfulfor the al- tar, and wan to he burnt : not for that it was blemofhed, fir the want of things within, was no biem ; but hecaufc they might not offer that which wanted any thing., at it it written On Nnm.28.31.) PERFECT SHALL THEY BE UNTO You.And al over - pltn wan am a want ; therefore if it bad three kiln yes, or two fleures, it mar unlawful. Maimony in Ifirrei mizbeach: chap.2.fe&.t t. any blemifb]eny de- formity in any lint. whereof the Hebrewes nuns - berfifty, betides other things, which did difable them for facrifice;whereoffee the notes on Exod. 12.5.Hencealfa they gather , He that maketbable- mifh upon the holy things , of to make an eye binde, or cut efafoot, it to he beaten/ at(Levit.2.2,2i.)THERE SHALL NOT BE IN IT ANY BLEMISH: wee have hone taught that this it a warning not tomag anyblemifh in it. Maimeny in If arei Mizbeacb. chap. L.tcetion 7. Verf.22.Blinde] either wholly, or in part; ifit fie not with both eyes, or with cue of them, and bat with a cleare fight, t'e. Maimony Biath haenikdafh, ch.5.fe&.7. awn] or a wart,as the Greek ex- poundeth it. fcttrfeor foals] of there fee Levit. 21.20. not offer tbefe] or any other like blend- flied. By ofring the Hebrewes here underfand 1plivg,and rankling ofthe blood on the altar: and by the words following nor give r f them, a fire- fling , they underhand prohibition againft tin- ning the fat of fuch: for every of which aliions prefumptuoufly done, a man was to be beaten.So that if one firfi fan£ltfieda blemfhed leaf(, and then killed it, and frink'ed the blood thereof, and turned on the altar the fat thvretf, be if to be beaten with film beatings. Maim. in Ifurei`mizb. c.1.f.4. nor give of them ] not of than , but of others bought with the 22