LfìVITICuS,XXI!. the price of them , theymight. The Hebrew ca- ' nons lay; He that fan£1itrth for the altar a blemi(hed thing,thongh he it to be beaten, yet the thing is faxtiifi- ed; and be fhai redeeme it according to the valuation of the prieft , audit fball goe out among the unholy things : andwith the price thereof be (ball bringan oblation And the ike_ Law it fir the fanl fled heat , whereunto a bk- mifh befallcth ( after it is faneiood) And it. it cam- manded to redeeme the holy things on rob eb a blenifh falleth , and they are to goe oot among the common things, and to be eaten; a.Deut.12.15. whir', wee have heard expounded, of the holy things difabled ( fie facrifice) which are redeemed. And all fuel, holy things which are difabled , when they are redeemed; it is law - fiell to ku them in the Butchers fhambkr, and to fell than there, and weigh out their fiefh at other common mcates: ex:ept the fir, borne , and the tithe. Maim. in I triad Mizb.chap.i.fe&.to.t2. This redeeming of blemilhedholy things , is to be undcrllood with alien itation to fixed or perpetual! blemifhes onely,not for tranlitorie. The old beoft and the ftcke, and that bath foulenefièon it, are excepted ; fir though they be not fit to be oied, they are not redeemed, but let live awl feed, till fine ether fixed blemifb come upon them, and then they are redeemed. So a fandilled beat , on which a tranfitorie blemifb it come (ar faba or the like,) ¡ it it not fed, neither redeemed. Ibidem chapter 2. feaion 6. 23' Verf.23. fuperfumu] or, overlong; and as Iarchi exponndeth it , a member greater then that fellow : fee Levit.2 t. t 8. lacking] or too fbort : any mem- ber flambe up: not lacking wholly, (for fo it was unlawful I) but lacking in the length or bìgne:ffe : the Greeke trantateth it crrttailed. mayef make] or (halt ma% voluntary offring] which fonte underhand of the peace-offeings , the mot inferiour; therefore God permitteth fuch imper- fe£tions in this, but not in the vowedlàcrifice, (which was next unto this,) nor in any other. How it differed from a vow, is(hewedonLeviti- cots j.t6. The Greeke verton faith, Thou fhait matetlemfaine (beats) for thy fife: the Hebrew doors underhand there net for fàcrifice on the altar, (on which no blemìfhed beat might be of- ¡ fred at all,)bnt for the maintenance of the fan &u-. arie the prices of them were taken as a voluntary gift. It it tanlawfull to faniiifie perfebT ( beats) to the reparation (or maintenance) of the fant!fttarie; fir it it written , Andbull orfheepe , that bath any (member) fuperftuoter or lacking, thou (halt make it a voluntary ( ffring.) We have beene taught that ton it a vobenta y (ffiug ) far the maintenance of else Sanfívtarie, &e. for they m.ay off r no blemifhtd thing upon the Altar : For it it ( rid , Ir , it thou maief manea voluntary offing, fr the maintenance of the hoof¢, but thou mtief not snake profit7 (beats) avoluntay eingfor the main - t mince of the Houfe, &c. Mainz. torn. 3. in Erachin (or treat-. of Eflimate and devout things) chap.5.C6. 24 Vérf2 .4.broeifed]in any part of the body , and particularly in the tones thereof, of which fonte doe underhand this and fo the Greeke Thladia Iignifieth that which hath thehones bra ifed,or is gels. inyottr land] that is,any in the land of hr.tel ;oppofed to the alien,in the verfe following. I3` not doe it] that is, not offer, or make it a faeri- fice;nor Puffer it to bee done by any in your land: thereforethe Greeke tranilateth,it foal! not be done, (or facrifieed.) Or, we may reade it, not malrg loch ; and Co the Hebrewes underhand it to be a prohi- bitió againlf cutting the members of generation, or gelding of man, beat or bird. Maim:nyinIffu- reibiab,chap.t6.f.9. See the notes on Deut.23.t. Verf25.firangers forint[ or, femeofan alien, that 25 is , a Gentle or Payntm, not of the feedor of the Church of Ifrael : fee Genefis 17. 12. andExod. 12.43. The Chaldee tranflateth it, fame ofthe peo- ples : the Greeke, Allogene.r, aftranger , or of another j1 tebe : Inch were the Samaritait s to the Iewes.Luk. t 7.16.18. And there differed from (rangers pro= felytes, mentioned before in verfe 18. the bread] i n Greeke, thegiftr ; in Chaldee, the oblation, as in Leviticus.2 I.6, of any of ihefe] to weet, there blemifhed beats, before prohibited. So the Hebrewes fay , Not the oblations of Ifrael truly, but even the oblations of the heathens , if they offs bletnifhed things ( he that off eth them) it to be beaten, Levit. z 2. 25. Maimony in IffureiMizb. chap.'.feft.6, their corruption is in them] this may be underlfood of the ffrangers themfelves, whofe infidelitie is their corruption, and as a blemith upon their fa- crifice e fo it may be tranflated, their corroptaonlet them, is abtemyh in them. The Greeke tranflateth, their corruptions are in them a blemifb in them. Of the offring of heathens facrifices,the Hebrewes write thus; An heathen that bringeth Peace -off ings , the after them fir burnt-fine for the heathens heart is towards heaven. Ifhe vowpeaee-offrings, and give them to Ifrael, upon condition to make-atonement by them fir Ifrael; the Ifraeliter eat them , with the peace-off inv. f Ifrael; and fo if he give them to the Prieji , tlx Prier eateth them. An Ifraelite which it an -Apo- fate to idolatrie, or a prophaner of the Sabbath pub- ; they receive of him no ofering.at all. Though it be a burru-offring, filch m they recete Pam an hea- then, they receive it not from this Apofata. But if he be an Apafate to other tranfrefftnr, they receive of him all facrifces; to the end treat he may fume by re- pentance. The Burnt- offrings of the heathens, they bring not with them meat or dri log- tffrings ; but their meat and drinke ffriogs are of the Congre.;atims. Neither doe they impofe hands on them; fir chore it no impofmg of bands but by If aelnes , by men , not by women. Maitmmyin Magnafehhakerbanotlo, chap.3. fe &.3.5. and Thalmud Bab. inMenacboth, chap. 6. and in Cholin chap. t. Sol. Iarchi al fo upon this fcripture faith : And from the hand of a firarge s fnne, that t , a Gentile which /ball bring an oblation by the band of the Prier, to or it unto (the God af) hea= ven , ye Pall not offer unto him a blemifhed thing. For although blemifte things were not forbidden the firms of Noe to offer, except limb a larked a 6m; this war in ufo in the high places in the fields : but :Ion the Al. tar that it in the Eabenrade , you frail . ache fitch, but a perfe£i (oblation) fball you recette of them. Touching the facrifices of the heathens, confider that edi& of King Dario', who of h ïs ovine goods gave facrifices for the Priers to offer in Ierrefa- lent to the G O D of heaven, and pray fir the lif of Al mm 2 the