rii in 461,.101I,I LEVITICUS XXlI1, the king, and ofbia f tu, Ezri.6.8,9 10. Sec al fo the L annotations On ev.1 7.5.- Verf.27. under his dam] Hebrew under bti mo- itliei. All the (even daics he is faid to bee Itcldng ai;ac. Tvn'I lave', m12ó( time is not come, are ai ßbú f thbt'lrcÏvrüwe: andyonv pigeon rvbof timé ir piyrl, afë'aid ar bJemifhed; but they that (fee them are ami be.nni a.'thoegh the oblation iv di(allowed , and not ve,eptablo. 7blaiiseny ive Iffurei MiÌbevch. ch.3, i" -8.9. Sec the annotations on E rod. 2 2. 3o. and Levit. 11, t 4. The H,bretvcs lay,the trahi why it fhould be film dryer under the dsm,n-arthat the S abbot b might paffeveerit. Pa.Mcnachcm on Lev. 22. 2g : VcrC28. Cim Jibe Hebrew word is the Lune that was in verte 27.and may imply the male as well as the female,' that neither of them Might be killedwith their yong in one day : but the Greeke and Chaldee verfons, apply thefe things to the female. The Hebrewes l a y, The poo- 1 bib» ion mnee,stin. IT AND T u t YON G T H s R s O s, is Office conceiving the female for it maybe certainly k,vwne that it is her jangling: and if it bevertainel,y 4ntvnc, that this (beafi) was the father opt, they (keno kill diem both in one day: tut ifhekill , them, be is not hewn; fr'the thing is eoubtfiell whe- ther it be offoree'concerning the mals or not. Maimoty tom. 2.. in Sbeehirai', chap. r2. le &.i t. orfheepe] or goat, or any Beane beaft which was lawful to bee eaten for common meat; This prohibition hath not place but concerning Beane beafts only: & it is of force even for mixtures of diverfe kinds: asifa Roc 'engender withaGoat,oraGoatwith a Roc, it is tnilawtìdlto kill it and the yongin one day: Maiming inShecbitaheh . t2.fe&.8. it and theyong] Hebrew, and the fin. Tite Hebrew al Co fieaketli as of the male,bim andhisfan, but the Greeke and Chaldee tranilate her and her fen. 'ao _ill] either fir fscrifrce to God , or fir common food. lise Hcbrcv,'es doe fo explaine it, fay ing; lie that lhileth it and the ymg tbeo eof in one day, the ftefb is läntfielltobeeaten, but the killer is'to'be beaten. Levit. 22.28. And he is not beaten but for the killing of the latter: thee'feeif b: kill the Otte of the tiro and his (chow come and kill the other, hisfil/oec ú to be !mein. 1.Tbe prohibition concerning it and the youg thereof is Offerte at all timer and in al places, for common heafa, and for fsntiified, n bethe.' they be holy things that are to'be eaten, or' not to be edict,. 7'ierefore if the [efl kill its the court (or the fan£ivay ) and the eend with- ' out, or the f i; Ji without and the f roudwithin the mort : ,rlx7ber dory te both common , a' bath holy or one com- anonandthc oiberboly, he that killed: the later, is to be le'tett, afar killing Tr AND Tae YONG THERE- or. The prohibition is not leinfr the kills ¡p, only, as it it fail YE SHALE Nor KtLE, &e. He that l,ii'ceh avow, and killed: tiro of her yang, is to l eaten with twobeatings : if he kll ber (two ) y0ng- M'es , andaf erwardH,lleth ber , he is beaten bau oncc.If he kill her, and her y'ong, and heryogliagsyong, bee linen :mice. If two met ce cive two bcafls, the me tl c el'nome o and the other the yong, and they come fir iuármnn : he that receized the fit fl, kz11e.'b ftf and the other null flay till the morrow. Maim. in Shethi- b.ch.l2.i:1,2,3.12,r3. Compare herewith the Law in Deut.22.6. tvliere the bird with her youg or eggs may not bee taken together. It (hewed Gods mercie to the creattires in that he ivotíld not have the dam and the youg killed in a day:fo Tarr,: Ionathan parapliràfeth on this Law thus, My people the font of' Ifrael as en-father is mercifull in braver , fo beye mercifidl on earth : a cow or an ewe, it and the yottg thereof, ye fhall not flay in mte day: Maze day] of this the Hebrewes lay, the daygoetb af- ter the night , ar , if he kill the f rfl in the beginning of 'the fourth night, he may not kill thefecond, lathe be- gitmingnfthefiftnight. ,Á4d]ò, fbe kill thefeff, in the wed of the fourth day ,'befireeiening, he may Jelin fec cd in the beginning of the' fife night : But if he kg the f if in the evening Of tlk fift night be may not kill the fern ad till the fixt night.' Maimrmy in Sbeehitab, ch. t2.fc&.t7. Verf :29.ofcotffon] or, ofthanksgiving; which was a kind. ofpeace-offiing,feeLev.y.t 2. Ver.3 0.i/will the morteing] If it were kept longer then the time appoinfd ofGod,it became pollu- ted,lcas to be comñmed with fire, and might not be eaten , upon paine of Gods wrath upon them for filch iniquitie, Lev.7. t S.See the annotations thereat alto on Exod, r 2.10. Verf. 31. f am Jehovah] Targum Ionathan ex- plaineth it thus , ¡tin the Lord, who willgivesgood ieward to vixen that keepe my precepts and my lamer. Verf32.not prophane]Gods name is prophaned, or polluted,by the wHMI &prelìimptuons breach of any one of all his cotpmandements, as the He- brew Do&ors teach from this and other like pla- ces: The the notes on Exod.2o.7. Levit.18,2t. and 19.12. doe faniïifieyon] God the Cole au- thor ofour fan &ification doth this in Chrifl, by his Spirit, t Corinth. I, 2. and 6.t t. the out- ward means whereof is his word,and ordinances of the fame, Iohn t 7.r7. EpheC5.26.' And there legali ordinances, which flood inmeats and drinks, and divers amafbings and carnall rites impofed mi them untill the time of reformation , fazilifcd nano the puri- fyingofthe f4fh, Hebrewes 9.00.13. but the blood of Chrifl , who through the ere, hall Spirit ofred him - felfe without blemifh unto God, is it which purgeth our confcieitce f/sm dead worker, toferze the living God: Hebrewes 9.14 and to. to. and by one of- fing, he bath pert-et-led for ever, than which are fautii- fied.Heb, t o. t 4. ,rt .z..41`. e e'R)CS,7w.n g r coed- eon' ßc°3 C H A r. XXIII. 29 36 31 32 1, Tbefeat s of the lord. 3, The Sabbath. 4,The Pafpover, andunlevened- cakes. 9, Thefbeafe offirfl- fi'unt. 15, The fafiof Portee . 22, Gleanings tote left- fir thepodre. 23, The feafl of'Trumpets. 26, The day of Atonement. 33, T he frail of labernacler. Nd Iehovah fpake unto Moles, lay- ing. Speak unto the formes of Ifra- cl , and fay unto their. ; The fo- lemne-feafts of Jehovah, thofe which ye 2