Solemne L S V I T I C U S. XXIII. f:afts. 137 ye (hall proclaime, convocations of holines : 3 thefe aremy folemne- fealts. Six dayes,(hail workebe done ; but in the feventh day, /hall be a Sabbath offabbatifme,a convocation of' holineffe; ye (hall not doe,any worke:it !ball be a Sabbath, to Jehovah ; in all your dwel- lings. 4 Thefe are the folemne-feafts of Jehovah ; convocations, of holineffe : thofe which ye (hall proclaime, in their appointed_feafon. 5 In the firft moneth, in the fourteenth day of the month, betweene the two.-evenings : 6 Jhall be the Paffeover,to Jehovah.And in the fifteenth day,ofthe fame moneth,Jhallbe the feaft ofunlevenedcakes ,untoJehovah:feven 7 daies,yefhall eat unlevened- eakes.In the firft day ye Thall have, aconvocation of holines : 8 ye (hall not doe any fervile- worke. But ye (hall offer a Fire- offring,unroJehovah,feven daies : in the day,Jhall be a convoca- tion of holines ; ye (hall not doe,any fervile worke. g - And Jehovah fpake unto Mofes faying. a Speake unto the Tonnes of Ifrael , and fay unto them;When ye be come into the land, which I give unto you,and Thal reap,the har- veft thereof : then ye (hall bring a Iheafe,the fir(} -fruit of your-harveft, unto the Priett. And he flail wavethe fheaf,before Jehovah, f oryourfavourable- acceptation-on the mor. row after thefabbath , the Prieft fhal l wave it. And yee (hall offer , in the day that you wave ehe fheafe : an he -lambe perfeét,of his firft yeare;for a Burnt-offring,unto Jehovah. 13 And the heat- offring thereof, flail be two tenth deales; of fine flowre mingled with oile ;a Fire- oJring to Jehovah , a favour of reft: andthe drink-offering thereof fhall be 14 wine,the fourth part ofan Hin. And ye (hall not eat bread, or parched -cane or greene- eares;untill this felf fame day; until! ye have brought, the oblation ofyour God : it _than be a ftatute fbr ever ; throughoutyour gene - rations,in all your dwellings. 15 And ye (hall number unto you, from the morrow after the fabbath;from the day that ye brought the (heafe of the wave-offing : t6 fevenfabbaths,they ( halbe complere.Vntill on the morrow, after the feventh Sabbath ; ye (hall number,fifty da -yes: and ye (hall of- 17 fer a new Meat_offring, unto Jehovah. Out of your habitations, ye (hall bring bread far a wave- affring; two loaves, of two tenth- deales ; they (hall be of fine.flowre; they (hail be baken with leaven: they are the firft- 18 fruits,unto Jehovah. And ye (hall offer with II Ii the bread,feven he- lambs,perfed,ofthe fir(} yere;and one bullock,a yonglingofthe herd and two rams : they (hall be a burne_offring, unto Jehovah & their meat- offring,& their drink - offrings ; a Fire- offring of a favour of refl,untoJehovah. And ye !hall offer, one goat -buck ofthe goats,for a fin- offring : and two he- lambs,of the firft yere,for a fàcrifce of Peace- offrings. And the Prieft fhal wave - them, with the bread of the firft- fruits far a wave- offring;before Jehovah; with the two lambs:holines Thal they be untoJehovah,for the Prieff. Andye Thal proclaime,in this felf- fame day,a convocation of holines f ha! ìr be unto you,ye (hall not do,any fervile worke: Odd a nature for ever; in all your dwel- lings,throughout your generations. And when you reap the harveft of your land ; thoulhalt not wholly - rid,the corner of thy field,when thou reapeft ;neither (halt thou gleane, the gleaning of thy harveft : thou !halt leave them, for the poore and for the !ranger ; JamJehovahyour God. And Jehovah fpake unto Mofes, laying. 23 Speak unto the fons of Ifrael faying : In the a4 feventh moneth, in the firft day of the mo- neth, ye (hai have a Sabbatifine;a memorial of blowing oftrumpets,a convocation of ho- lines.Ye fhall not do,any fervile worke : but 25" ye !hall offer Fire-offing untoJehovah. And Jehovah fpake unto Mofes, faying. 2`6 Alto in the tenth day of this fevéth moneth, 27 it !hall be a day of Atonements; a convocati- on ofholines,thal it be unto you;and ye (hall affliet,your foules:& (hall offer a fire.oring unto Jehovah.And ye fball not do any work in that fame day:for it is aday of atoneméts; to make atonement for you, before Jehovah your God.For every foule, that (hall not be affliéted,in the feventh day:he (hall even be cut-oft, from.his peoples. And every foule that (hall do anywork, in this felf fame day : I will even defiroy that foule , from among his people. Ye fhallnot doe,any worke : it (hall beea ftatute for ever , throughout your generations,in all your dwellings. Itfhall be unto you, Sabbath of Sabbatifine ; and ye !hall afflict your fouls:in the ninth day of the month , in theevening ;from evening unto evening;ye (hall ref your Sabbath. And Jehovah fpake unto Mofes, faying. Speake unto the fons oflfrael,faying: In the fifteenth day,ofthis feventh moneth !hall be the feaft of Boothes , feven dayes, untoJe- hovah. In the firft day , !hall bea convo- 35 cation of holines : ye (hall not doe, any fer- Mmm 3 vile 59 20 2I 22 28 29 30 31 23 33 34