/0,---,1111., 411 V/ s/i/9p I e .1 r../ii /r Solemre-feàfts. L E V I T I cu S XXIII. +6 ; Vile wotke. Seven daies,ye ?hall offer aFire- effring, unto Jehovah: in the eight day, a convocation of holineffe ft all be unto yob', i and ye (hall offer a Fire- effri'ng unto Jeho- vah. it is a folemne-affembly ; yée (hall not 37 do,anyfervile worke. The le ,,zre the folemne feafts of Iehovah; thole which ye thall pro- chime, convocations of holineffe to offer a Fire- offring,unto Iehovah ; a Burnt.offring, and a Meat- offring,a facrifice, and drink-of- 38 frings,the thing of a day in his day. Betide, the Sábbathes of Iehovah : and betide your gifts, and betde all your vowes, and betide all your voluntary- efrings ; which ye (hall 39 give, unto Iehovah. Alfo , in the fifteenth day, of the feventh moneth ; when ye have gathered in , the revenue of the land ; ye (hall feftivally-keep the feaft oflehovah,fe- ven daies:in the fir(t day ,Thal be afabbacifine .. 40 . and in the eight day , a fabbatifine. And ye (hall take unto you,in the firft day ; the fruit ofgoodly trees,boughes of Palme trees,and branches of thick trees,and willowes of the brooke : and ye (hall rejoyce, before leho- 41 vah your God , feven daies. And ye (hall feftivally keep ir,a feaft unto Iehovah;feven dales, in the yeere : it(hall be a ftature far e- ver,throughout your generations ; in the fe- venrh moneth, flail ye feftivally-keepe it. 42 Ye that! dwell in Boothes , feven dales a e- very home-borne in Mid , (hall dwell in 43 Boothes.That,your generations may know; that I made the fons of Ifrael to dwell, in boothes;when I brought themout,fromthe 44 land of Egypt;I am Iehovah your God.And Mofes declared , the folemne- feafts of Ie- hovah ; unto the forts of Ifrael. A,v ntatlans. a SOlemne falls] the Hebrew Mognrd, 's general- ly a fit time ', or feafin, Gen.t.14. t Sam.13.8. but applyed here and often, to the filernm fiafls in Ifrael,which were appointed ofGod,at their fet- times in the yeere. The Greekehere and in many other places tranflateth it,Heorte,a Feafl:fonitime Paneguris, a Genera(baffimbly, both which words Paul ufethin Co1.2.26. Heb.12.z3. The Lord having given lawes before concering the fan&i - tyof his Church; Both now give order for the times and manner ofpublike profeffing and exer- cifing holy duties appertaining tofan&ification: &;of[hewing thanjcfulnes&joy,ferformerhene- fits;with expe&ati5 ofgreatcr to conic by Chrift. full prordaime] or,fball call. convocation; afhbinge] that is, boy convocations, or meetings : to be Inert for nouri(hnicnt of faith and godlinelle:' all which now have their accomplifhment in Chrift,Col.z.i6.i7. V.3 jhall worke le due] in Gr. they fhalt dostorks; that is,all thy woe ks that thou haft to do, as Ex.2o, 9. ofSabbatifine ]t hat is,frefling:inGr.arefl,fee the Motes on Ex. t 6.z 3.Thus the weekly Sabbaths, are the firft of the Lords folemne feafts;and called his holy dale ',which fhould be of us, called adelight and honourable, Efay 58.13 See Exod.ao.8,9,,o. any worke] for other featts the prohibition is any fir-vile wecke ,ver.7,,36. But for the Sabbath day,and the day of Atonement,v.28.3o. he forbi ddeth all manner of worke.: the ref( was to be greater ;tor on other feaft daies,theyf might doe fuck worke as pertained to the drelfing of meat and drink,Exod.t z.t 6. but on the Sabbath, and day of Atonement , they might not doe any fuch, Ex.16.2 3 .Lev. r .29. See after on v.7. The Hebrewes fay , 7heceafing from warkeon thefezentb day, is cammanded, Exod.3 4.2 1. and who fo loth worke therein , difanulleth a eemmandement, and tranfgref fob again( a prohibition, Exod.20. t o. Andif be doe worksrilinglly and prefumptuoujly, /nit guilty emoting off: and iftberehe witneffsandproofefit, be is to be finned And be doe it ignorantly, be ill bound to bring the Sinreffring appointed (aftrod.Lev.4.) Maim.tom, t. treat.of the Sabbatb.c.,Xi. to Iebaaah]to his honour,and fervice:not to any work,word,or pleafure of our owne, Efay 5 8. í 3.Therefore alto moe facrifices were to be offered on theSabbath, then on other dales, Num.z8.3.9,to. The Chal- dee tranllateth , before the Lord. your dwellings] the other feat'swere efpecially to be kept before the San&urie ofthe Lord, whither all the men of Ifrael, were to alfemble, Ex.z3.t 4.1 7.Deut.16.5. 6: 1 .but theSabbaths were to be fan &ified in all places where they dwelt,in the Synagogues with- in every citie, A &.t 5.21. V.4. convocations of holinell] the Gr.tranllatetlt, Feafis to the Lord, called holy, that is, holy by calling or proclamation. Hereupon the Hehr.fay At we are commanded to honour the Sabbatb,and delight therein, fi all gooddayes, [that is, féfllvities,] at it is mitten (in Efay 58.13.) Tug HoL,E (day) OF Till LOR D, HONOV R A B L E: and ofallgooddaies it is (aid, a CONVOC AT ION OF HOLING 4..Mainony'tom I .ül Iom.tob.ch.6.fe&. r 6, V.5'fill moneth] called Alib, and Nifan, which was made the firft,upon their commingout of E- gypt : fee Exod.i 2.2. and 13.3.4.So inTargum Ionathan it is here laid, In themoneth of Nifan, in the 14. day,& e. the two ezenmgr] that is,in the afternoon: as is opened on Exod.7z.6.50 ai! the forenoon of the fourteenth day ofAbib(the day wheron they killed the Pafchal lambes,)was law- ful] to worke in: at noone they left off,and began their red, The Hebrew canons fay , It is unlate- full to doe tear* on the evenings of the feffivall dayes, from the (time of the) evening facrifice and forward; even as on the evenings of the Sabbaths, And who fo dish worke in them "boll neon fie a figne of blef- fing. And be is to be rebuked, and made to leave If by feet: though be it not for it to lee (coursed, or excommunicated: except in the evening of the Pafr over, after mid- day, for who JO doll; warktherem, of ter mid-day, it to tee fcourged, or excommunicated (with 3 4 5